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基于细胞自动机Cellular Automata(CA)的区域生长

程序员文章站 2022-03-21 08:02:02
本来没想研究这个,但NvidiaNPP的《NVIDIA 2D Image And Signal Performance Primitives》这个模块的NPP Image Processing部分的Filtering Functions中的computer vision部分有连通域标记以及分水岭分割现成的函数,其中官网介绍这个分水岭分割是基于论文《Effiffifficient 2D and 3D Watershed on Graphics Processing Unit: Block-Asynchron....

本来没想研究这个,但Nvidia NPP的《NVIDIA 2D Image And Signal Performance Primitives》这个模块的NPP Image Processing部分的Filtering Functions中的computer vision部分有连通域标记以及分水岭分割现成的函数。但是当我google这个函数的内容时,却发现根本没普通人使用,只弹出nvidia官网对这个函数的介绍:

基于细胞自动机Cellular Automata(CA)的区域生长如果有很多人使用过NPP的这个函数,怎么可能就2条结果。我内心有点忐忑是不是这部分内容并不好用。

其中官网介绍这个分水岭分割是基于论文《Effiffifficient 2D and 3D Watershed on Graphics Processing Unit: Block-Asynchronous Approches Based on Cellular automata》然后我就查关于CA的内容,然后看到了有CA的区域生长,对于粘连目标,选每个目标的中心为种子点,分别区域生长是不是就把这个粘连目标分割开了。想这样做。

代码:https://github.com/KiriteeGak/region-growing-by-cellular-automata 其参考的论文是Vezhnevets, Vladimir, and Vadim Konouchine. "GrowCut: Interactive multi-label ND image segmentation by cellular automata." proc. of Graphicon. Vol. 1. 2005. 我的理解如下:

class RegionGrowing(object):
    def region_growing(self, image_array, file_path, cutoff_threshold, iterations):
        size = np.shape(image_array)
        image_array_map = {(r, c): pixel for r, each_row in enumerate(image_array) for c, pixel in
        seeds_map = {(r, c): 1 for (r, c) in self._seed_points(file_path)}
        for it in range(0, iterations):
            _update_seeds_map = seeds_map.copy()
            for pixel_coord, strength in seeds_map.iteritems():
                _temp_weights_neighbors_pixel = self._neighborhood_weighting(pixel_coord, image_array_map,
                                                                             seeds_map, cutoff_threshold, size)
                _update_seeds_map = self._update_weights(_temp_weights_neighbors_pixel, _update_seeds_map)
            seeds_map = _update_seeds_map
        self._save_image(self._make_binary_image(np.shape(image_array), seeds_map))

    def _seed_points(file_path):
        fid = open(file_path, 'rb')
        return [list(map(lambda x: int(x.replace(' ', '')), line.strip().split(','))) for line in fid]

    def _update_weights(_temp_weights_neighbors_pixel, _update_seeds_map):
        for pixel_address, strength in _temp_weights_neighbors_pixel.iteritems():
            if pixel_address not in _update_seeds_map:
                _update_seeds_map[pixel_address] = strength
            elif pixel_address in _update_seeds_map and _update_seeds_map[pixel_address] < strength:
                _update_seeds_map[pixel_address] = strength
        return _update_seeds_map

    def _neighborhood_weighting(self, coord, image_map, seeds_map, threshold, canvas_size):
        [[r, c], [max_r, max_c]] = [coord, canvas_size]
        _temp_weights = {}
        for i in range(-1, 2, 1):
            for j in range(-1, 2, 1):
                pixel_key = (r, c)
                if [i, j] != [0, 0] and 0 <= r + i < max_r and 0 <= c + j < max_c:
                    if pixel_key in seeds_map:
                        trans_strength = self._calculate_strength(image_map[pixel_key],
                                                                  image_map[(r + i, c + j)],
                                                                  seeds_map[pixel_key], threshold)
                        trans_strength = self._calculate_strength(image_map[pixel_key],
                                                                  image_map[(r + i, c + j)], 0,
                    if trans_strength != 0:
                        _temp_weights[(r + i, c + j)] = trans_strength
        return _temp_weights

    def _calculate_strength(dat1, dat2, strength, threshold):
        if dat1 != 0 or dat2 != 0:
            strength_trans = strength * (1 - (abs(dat1 - dat2) / max(dat1, dat2)))
            if strength_trans >= threshold:
                return strength_trans
        return 0


基于细胞自动机Cellular Automata(CA)的区域生长可以看到需要迭代很多次轮廓才是完全的。是不是因此网上给出的python代码才选了不止一个种子点,而是5个然后迭代几十次就够了!!!因为单一种子点耗时太长是吗。



基于细胞自动机Cellular Automata(CA)的区域生长


基于细胞自动机Cellular Automata(CA)的区域生长

基于细胞自动机Cellular Automata(CA)的区域生长

基于细胞自动机Cellular Automata(CA)的区域生长可以看到不适合我的应用,因为我的目标大小不一。







