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vim(一): 小技巧

程序员文章站 2024-04-03 10:40:40

1) 如何yank字符然后再查找 ( / Ctrl - R 0 ) The most recently yanked text will be stored in the 0 and registers (if no register was explicitly specified e.g. by xy ). Then you can paste the text of any that register in the last line (eith

1) 如何yank字符然后再查找 (/Ctrl-R 0

The most recently yanked text will be stored in the 0 and " registers (if no register was explicitly specified e.g. by "xy).

Then you can paste the text of any that register in the last line (either in search mode / or in last line command mode : ) with Ctrl-RX, where X is the register you want to paste.

For example:

/Ctrl-R 0

Will paste the contents of the register 0 in the forward search command pattern.

2) 如何使用不同的寄存器(注意寄存器的调用是以 [“] 开始的)

首先是 :reg 可以查看当前所有的寄存器的状态

把内容放到某一个寄存器 “1 yy

调出寄存器里的内容 “1 p