2024-04-02 22:06:10
2019.4.22登记 课堂笔记 2019.4.8 在windows环境下,用python写出第一个程序“hello world” 1 print("Hello World!!!") 课堂笔记 2019.4.12 在windows环境下,用python写出第一个用户交互程序“input” 1 dea ......
课堂笔记 2019.4.8
在windows环境下,用python写出第一个程序“hello world”
1 print("hello world!!!")
课堂笔记 2019.4.12
1 death_age=120 2 3 print("game star") 4 print("") 5 print("") 6 7 name=input("input your name:") 8 age=input("input your age:") 9 10 11 print(name,"still able to live",death_age-int(age),"years")
python程序<数字比大小>: 用户输入3个数字,输出最大的数字和最小的数字
1 #my idea 2 3 ''' 4 no1=int(input("please input first number:")) 5 no2=int(input("please input scend number:")) 6 no3=int(input("please input third number:")) 7 8 if no1>no2>no3: 9 print("max no is no1:",no1,"min no is no3:",no3) 10 elif no1>no3>no2: 11 print("max no is no1:",no1,"min no is no2:",no2) 12 elif no2>no1>no3: 13 print("max no is no2:",no2,"min no is no3:",no3) 14 elif no2>no3>no1: 15 print("max no is no2:",no2,"min no is no1:",no1) 16 elif no3>no1>no2: 17 print("max no is no3:",no3,"min no is no2:",no2) 18 elif no3>no2>no1: 19 print("max no is no3:",no3,"min no is no1:",no1) 20 ''' 21 22 23 #teather's idea. only maxno,no minno 24 25 ''' 26 no1=int(input("please input first number:")) 27 no2=int(input("please input scend number:")) 28 no3=int(input("please input third number:")) 29 30 no=0 31 32 if no1>no2: 33 no=no1 34 if no>no3: 35 print("max no is:",no) 36 else: 37 print("max no is:",no3) 38 else: 39 no=no2 40 if no>no3: 41 print("max no is:",no) 42 else: 43 print("max no is:",no3) 44 ''' 45 46 #bettet idea 47 48 no1=int(input("please input first number:")) 49 no2=int(input("please input scend number:")) 50 no3=int(input("please input third number:")) 51 52 max_no=0 53 min_no=0 54 55 if no1>no2: 56 max_no=no1 57 if max_no<no3: 58 min_no=no2 59 print("max no is:",no3,"min no is:",min_no) 60 else: 61 if no2<no3: 62 min_no=no2 63 print("max no is:",max_no,"min no is:",min_no) 64 else: 65 min_no=no3 66 print("max no is:",max_no,"min no is:",min_no) 67 else: 68 max_no=no2 69 if max_no<no3: 70 min_no=no1 71 print("max no is:",no3,"min no is:",min_no) 72 else: 73 if no1<no3: 74 min_no=no1 75 print("max no is:",max_no,"min no is:",min_no) 76 else: 77 min_no=no3 78 print("max no is:",max_no,"min no is:",min_no)
赋值运算符:word="hello"(赋值字符串) , word=23(赋值数字)
逻辑运算符:not , and , or (and和or有短路原则,如果条件1结果已知,后续代码不再执行)
1 #打印1=10 2 no = 1 3 4 while no<=10: 5 print(no) 6 no+=1
1 #猜年轻 2 3 ''' 用if语句判断 4 goal_age=76 5 6 guess_age=int(input("please guess age(1-100):")) 7 8 # print(guess_age,goal_age) 9 10 if(guess_age==goal_age): 11 print("you got it") 12 else: 13 print("sorry,you are wrong") 14 ''' 15 16 #利用while实现一直输入 17 ''' 18 暂时无法实现2个问题: 19 1.从输错了数字开始算起的区间(比如输入两个数字(34,89)后,无法提醒在(34-89)之间的数字猜测) 20 2019.4.22号已自行解决 21 2.由用户自己选择放弃猜测退出程序 22 23 ''' 24 goal_age=76 25 26 guess_age=int(input("please guess age(1-100):")) 27 guess_maxage=100 28 guess_minage=1 29 30 # print(guess_age,goal_age) 31 32 while guess_age!=goal_age: 33 34 if guess_age<goal_age: #判断输入的数字是否正确 35 print() 36 if guess_age>guess_minage: #用来取输入后的最小值 37 guess_minage=guess_age 38 print("your input number is:",guess_age) 39 print("that's too small... please guess ",guess_minage,"- ",guess_maxage,"!!") 40 elif guess_age>goal_age: 41 print() 42 if guess_age<guess_maxage: #用来取输入后的最大值 43 guess_maxage=guess_age 44 print("your input number is:",guess_age) 45 print("that's too big... please guess ",guess_minage," -",guess_maxage,"!!") 46 else: #想用来让用户自行选择放弃,暂时无想法 47 break #同上 48 guess_age=int(input("you can input 'give up' go to out or guess again:")) 49 50 print("you got it")
1 #输入1-100之间的偶数 2 3 no=1 4 5 while no<=100: 6 if no%2==0: 7 print(no) 8 no+=1
3.语法1:break 用来跳出本循环,continue用来结束本次循环。
语法2:print(“abc”,end=“”) “abc”后面不换行,继续显示打印的内容。
语法3:while ... else... 非break中止的程序,都会执行else后的程序 。
1 ''' 2 个人思路: 3 九九乘法表。 a=1 while a <= 9: b=1 while b<=a:print((b,”*”,a,b*a),end(“,”)) b+=1 a+=1 4 ''' 5 6 high =1 7 8 while high<=9: 9 wieth=1 10 while wieth<=high: 11 print(wieth,"*",high,"=",wieth*high,end="\t") # '\n'是换行,'\t'是tab 12 wieth+=1 13 print() 14 high+=1
上一篇: Python 面向对象 成员的访问约束
下一篇: Tomcat服务器使用(一)