thinkphp 3.2.3
开发域名: (自定义的域名,外网不可访问)
/** * 配置账号信息 */ class wxpayconfig { //=======【基本信息设置】===================================== // /** * todo: 修改这里配置为您自己申请的商户信息 * 微信公众号信息配置 * * appid:绑定支付的appid(必须配置,开户邮件中可查看) * * mchid:商户号(必须配置,开户邮件中可查看) * * key:商户支付密钥,参考开户邮件设置(必须配置,登录商户平台自行设置) * 设置地址: * * appsecret:公众帐号secert(仅jsapi支付的时候需要配置, 登录公众平台,进入开发者中心可设置), * 获取地址: * @var string */ const appid = ''; const mchid = ''; const key = ''; const appsecret = ''; //=======【证书路径设置】===================================== /** * todo:设置商户证书路径 * 证书路径,注意应该填写绝对路径(仅退款、撤销订单时需要,可登录商户平台下载, * api证书下载地址:,下载之前需要安装商户操作证书) * @var path */ const sslcert_path = '../cert/apiclient_cert.pem'; const sslkey_path = '../cert/apiclient_key.pem'; //=======【curl代理设置】=================================== /** * todo:这里设置代理机器,只有需要代理的时候才设置,不需要代理,请设置为0.0.0.0和0 * 本例程通过curl使用http post方法,此处可修改代理服务器, * 默认curl_proxy_host=和curl_proxy_port=0,此时不开启代理(如有需要才设置) * @var unknown_type */ const curl_proxy_host = "";//""; const curl_proxy_port = 0;//8080; //=======【上报信息配置】=================================== /** * todo:接口调用上报等级,默认紧错误上报(注意:上报超时间为【1s】,上报无论成败【永不抛出异常】, * 不会影响接口调用流程),开启上报之后,方便微信监控请求调用的质量,建议至少 * 开启错误上报。 * 上报等级,0.关闭上报; 1.仅错误出错上报; 2.全量上报 * @var int */ const report_levenl = 1; }
namespace wechat\controller; use think\controller; /** * 父类控制器,需要继承 * @file parentcontroller.class.php * @author gary <> * @date 2015年8月4日 * @todu */ class parentcontroller extends controller { protected $options = array ( 'token' => '', // 填写你设定的key 'encodingaeskey' => '', // 填写加密用的encodingaeskey 'appid' => '', // 填写高级调用功能的app id 'appsecret' => '', // 填写高级调用功能的密钥 'debug' => false, 'logcallback' => '' ); public $errcode = 40001; public $errmsg = "no access"; /** * 获取access_token * @return mixed|boolean|unknown */ public function gettoken(){ $cache_token = s('exp_wechat_pay_token'); if(!empty($cache_token)){ return $cache_token; } $url = ''; $url = sprintf($url,$this->options['appid'],$this->options['appsecret']); $result = $this->http_get($url); $result = json_decode($result,true); if(empty($result)){ return false; } s('exp_wechat_pay_token',$result['access_token'],array('type'=>'file','expire'=>3600)); return $result['access_token']; } /** * 发送客服消息 * @param array $data 消息结构{"touser":"openid","msgtype":"news","news":{...}} */ public function sendcustommessage($data){ $token = $this->gettoken(); if (empty($token)) return false; $url = ''; $url = sprintf($url,$token); $result = $this->http_post($url,self::json_encode($data)); if ($result) { $json = json_decode($result,true); if (!$json || !empty($json['errcode'])) { $this->errcode = $json['errcode']; $this->errmsg = $json['errmsg']; return false; } return $json; } return false; } /** * 发送模板消息 * @param unknown $data * @return boolean|unknown */ public function sendtemplatemessage($data){ $token = $this->gettoken(); if (empty($token)) return false; $url = ""; $url = sprintf($url,$token); $result = $this->http_post($url,self::json_encode($data)); if ($result) { $json = json_decode($result,true); if (!$json || !empty($json['errcode'])) { $this->errcode = $json['errcode']; $this->errmsg = $json['errmsg']; return false; } return $json; } return false; } public function getfilecache($name){ return s($name); } /** * 微信api不支持中文转义的json结构 * @param array $arr */ static function json_encode($arr) { $parts = array (); $is_list = false; //find out if the given array is a numerical array $keys = array_keys ( $arr ); $max_length = count ( $arr ) - 1; if (($keys [0] === 0) && ($keys [$max_length] === $max_length )) { //see if the first key is 0 and last key is length - 1 $is_list = true; for($i = 0; $i < count ( $keys ); $i ++) { //see if each key correspondes to its position if ($i != $keys [$i]) { //a key fails at position check. $is_list = false; //it is an associative array. break; } } } foreach ( $arr as $key => $value ) { if (is_array ( $value )) { //custom handling for arrays if ($is_list) $parts [] = self::json_encode ( $value ); /* :recursion: */ else $parts [] = '"' . $key . '":' . self::json_encode ( $value ); /* :recursion: */ } else { $str = ''; if (! $is_list) $str = '"' . $key . '":'; //custom handling for multiple data types if (!is_string ( $value ) && is_numeric ( $value ) && $value<2000000000) $str .= $value; //numbers elseif ($value === false) $str .= 'false'; //the booleans elseif ($value === true) $str .= 'true'; else $str .= '"' . addslashes ( $value ) . '"'; //all other things // :todo: is there any more datatype we should be in the lookout for? (object?) $parts [] = $str; } } $json = implode ( ',', $parts ); if ($is_list) return '[' . $json . ']'; //return numerical json return '{' . $json . '}'; //return associative json } /** +---------------------------------------------------------- * 生成随机字符串 +---------------------------------------------------------- * @param int $length 要生成的随机字符串长度 * @param string $type 随机码类型:0,数字+大小写字母;1,数字;2,小写字母;3,大写字母;4,特殊字符;-1,数字+大小写字母+特殊字符 +---------------------------------------------------------- * @return string +---------------------------------------------------------- */ static public function randcode($length = 5, $type = 2){ $arr = array(1 => "0123456789", 2 => "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", 3 => "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", 4 => "~@#$%^&*(){}[]|"); if ($type == 0) { array_pop($arr); $string = implode("", $arr); } elseif ($type == "-1") { $string = implode("", $arr); } else { $string = $arr[$type]; } $count = strlen($string) - 1; $code = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $code .= $string[rand(0, $count)]; } return $code; } /** * get 请求 * @param string $url */ private function http_get($url){ $ocurl = curl_init(); if(stripos($url,"https://")!==false){ curl_setopt($ocurl, curlopt_ssl_verifypeer, false); curl_setopt($ocurl, curlopt_ssl_verifyhost, false); curl_setopt($ocurl, curlopt_sslversion, 1); //curl_sslversion_tlsv1 } curl_setopt($ocurl, curlopt_url, $url); curl_setopt($ocurl, curlopt_returntransfer, 1 ); $scontent = curl_exec($ocurl); $astatus = curl_getinfo($ocurl); curl_close($ocurl); if(intval($astatus["http_code"])==200){ return $scontent; }else{ return false; } } /** * post 请求 * @param string $url * @param array $param * @param boolean $post_file 是否文件上传 * @return string content */ private function http_post($url,$param,$post_file=false){ $ocurl = curl_init(); if(stripos($url,"https://")!==false){ curl_setopt($ocurl, curlopt_ssl_verifypeer, false); curl_setopt($ocurl, curlopt_ssl_verifyhost, false); curl_setopt($ocurl, curlopt_sslversion, 1); //curl_sslversion_tlsv1 } if (is_string($param) || $post_file) { $strpost = $param; } else { $apost = array(); foreach($param as $key=>$val){ $apost[] = $key."=".urlencode($val); } $strpost = join("&", $apost); } curl_setopt($ocurl, curlopt_url, $url); curl_setopt($ocurl, curlopt_returntransfer, 1 ); curl_setopt($ocurl, curlopt_post,true); curl_setopt($ocurl, curlopt_postfields,$strpost); $scontent = curl_exec($ocurl); $astatus = curl_getinfo($ocurl); curl_close($ocurl); if(intval($astatus["http_code"])==200){ return $scontent; }else{ return false; } } }
namespace wechat\controller; use wechat\controller\parentcontroller; /** * 微信支付测试控制器 * @file testcontroller.class.php * @author gary <> * @date 2015年8月4日 * @todu */ class testcontroller extends parentcontroller { private $_order_body = 'xxx'; private $_order_goods_tag = 'xxx'; public function __construct(){ parent::__construct(); require_once root_path."api/lib/wxpay.api.php"; require_once root_path."api/lib/wxpay.jsapipay.php"; } public function index(){ //①、获取用户openid $tools = new \jsapipay(); $openid = $tools->getopenid(); //②、统一下单 $input = new \wxpayunifiedorder(); //商品描述 $input->setbody($this->_order_body); //附加数据,可以添加自己需要的数据,微信回异步回调时会附加这个数据 $input->setattach('xxx'); //商户订单号 $out_trade_no = \"ymdhis"); $input->setout_trade_no($out_trade_no); //总金额,订单总金额,只能为整数,单位为分 $input->settotal_fee(1); //交易起始时间 $input->settime_start(date("ymdhis")); //交易结束时间 $input->settime_expire(date("ymdhis", time() + 600)); //商品标记 $input->setgoods_tag($this->_order_goods_tag); //通知地址,接收微信支付异步通知回调地址 site_url= $notify_url = site_url.'/index.php/test/notify.html'; $input->setnotify_url($notify_url); //交易类型 $input->settrade_type("jsapi"); $input->setopenid($openid); $order = \wxpayapi::unifiedorder($input); $jsapiparameters = $tools->getjsapiparameters($order); //获取共享收货地址js函数参数 $editaddress = $tools->geteditaddressparameters(); $this->assign('openid',$openid); $this->assign('jsapiparameters',$jsapiparameters); $this->assign('editaddress',$editaddress); $this->display(); } /** * 异步通知回调方法 */ public function notify(){ require_once root_path."api/lib/notify.php"; $notify = new \paynotifycallback(); $notify->handle(false); //这里的issuccess是我自定义的一个方法,后面我会贴出这个文件的代码,供参考。 $is_success = $notify->issuccess(); $bdata = $is_success['data']; //支付成功 if($is_success['code'] == 1){ $news = array( 'touser' => $bdata['openid'], 'msgtype' => 'news', 'news' => array ( 'articles'=> array ( array( 'title' => '订单支付成功', 'description' => "支付金额:{$bdata['total_fee']}\n". "微信订单号:{$bdata['transaction_id']}\n" 'picurl' => '', 'url' => '' ) ) ) ); //发送微信支付通知 $this->sendcustommessage($news); }else{//支付失败 } } /** * 支付成功页面 * 不可靠的回调 */ public function ajax_paysuccess(){ //订单号 $out_trade_no = i('post.out_trade_no'); //支付金额 $total_fee = i('post.total_fee'); /*相关逻辑处理*/ }
<html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"/> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"/> <title>微信支付样例-支付</title> <script type="text/javascript"> //调用微信js api 支付 function jsapicall() { weixinjsbridge.invoke( 'getbrandwcpayrequest', {$jsapiparameters}, function(res){ weixinjsbridge.log(res.err_msg); //取消支付 if(res.err_msg == 'get_brand_wcpay_request:cancel'){ //处理取消支付的事件逻辑 }else if(res.err_msg == "get_brand_wcpay_request:ok"){ /*使用以上方式判断前端返回,微信团队郑重提示: res.err_msg将在用户支付成功后返回 ok,但并不保证它绝对可靠。 这里可以使用ajax提交到后台,处理一些日志,如test控制器里面的ajax_paysuccess方法。 */ } alert(res.err_code+res.err_desc+res.err_msg); } ); } function callpay() { if (typeof weixinjsbridge == "undefined"){ if( document.addeventlistener ){ document.addeventlistener('weixinjsbridgeready', jsapicall, false); }else if (document.attachevent){ document.attachevent('weixinjsbridgeready', jsapicall); document.attachevent('onweixinjsbridgeready', jsapicall); } }else{ jsapicall(); } } //获取共享地址 function editaddress() { weixinjsbridge.invoke( 'editaddress', {$editaddress}, function(res){ var value1 = res.provicefirststagename; var value2 = res.addresscitysecondstagename; var value3 = res.addresscountiesthirdstagename; var value4 = res.addressdetailinfo; var tel = res.telnumber; alert(value1 + value2 + value3 + value4 + ":" + tel); } ); } window.onload = function(){ if (typeof weixinjsbridge == "undefined"){ if( document.addeventlistener ){ document.addeventlistener('weixinjsbridgeready', editaddress, false); }else if (document.attachevent){ document.attachevent('weixinjsbridgeready', editaddress); document.attachevent('onweixinjsbridgeready', editaddress); } }else{ editaddress(); } }; </script> </head> <body> <br/> <font color="#9acd32"><b>该笔订单支付金额为<span style="color:#f00;font-size:50px">1分</span>钱</b></font><br/><br/> <div align="center"> <button style="width:210px; height:50px; border-radius: 15px;background-color:#fe6714; border:0px #fe6714 solid; cursor: pointer; color:white; font-size:16px;" type="button" onclick="callpay()" >立即支付</button> </div> </body> </html>
require_once root_path."api/lib/wxpay.api.php"; require_once root_path.'api/lib/wxpay.notify.php'; require_once root_path.'api/lib/log.php'; //初始化日志 $loghandler= new \clogfilehandler(root_path."/logs/".date('y-m-d').'.log'); $log = \log::init($loghandler, 15); class paynotifycallback extends wxpaynotify { protected $para = array('code'=>0,'data'=>''); //查询订单 public function queryorder($transaction_id) { $input = new \wxpayorderquery(); $input->settransaction_id($transaction_id); $result = \wxpayapi::orderquery($input); \log::debug("query:" . json_encode($result)); if(array_key_exists("return_code", $result) && array_key_exists("result_code", $result) && $result["return_code"] == "success" && $result["result_code"] == "success") { return true; } $this->para['code'] = 0; $this->para['data'] = ''; return false; } //重写回调处理函数 public function notifyprocess($data, &$msg) { \log::debug("call back:" . json_encode($data)); $notfiyoutput = array(); if(!array_key_exists("transaction_id", $data)){ $msg = "输入参数不正确"; $this->para['code'] = 0; $this->para['data'] = ''; return false; } //查询订单,判断订单真实性 if(!$this->queryorder($data["transaction_id"])){ $msg = "订单查询失败"; $this->para['code'] = 0; $this->para['data'] = ''; return false; } $this->para['code'] = 1; $this->para['data'] = $data; return true; } /** * 自定义方法 检测微信端是否回调成功方法 * @return multitype:number string */ public function issuccess(){ return $this->para; } }
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