PHP+shell脚本操作Memcached和Apache Status的实例分享
2024-04-01 20:40:40
memcached 进程启动及监控
#config include...
memcached 进程启动及监控
#!/bin/sh #config include host=$(hostname) site="mysite" port=11211 memcached_pid_file="/tmp/" memcached_daemon_pid_file="/tmp/" memcached="memcached -d -m 64 -p $port -u memcache -l -p $memcached_pid_file" memcached_daemon_file="" error_log_file="${root}/memcached_${site}_${host}_${port}.log"
控制memcached 启动,停止,重启。
#!/bin/sh #memcached start and stop #$1 action root=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; pwd) . ${root}/ start() { if [ -f "$memcached_pid_file" ] && [ -s "$memcached_pid_file" ]; then printf "memcached already running\n" else printf "starting memcached\n" $memcached sleep 2 pid=$(cat $memcached_pid_file) printf "memcached is started pid:$pid\n" printf "starting memcached daemon\n" ${root}/${memcached_daemon_file} & daemon_pid=$! echo ${daemon_pid} > ${memcached_daemon_pid_file} printf "memcached daemon is started pid:${daemon_pid}\n" fi } stop() { if [ -f "$memcached_daemon_pid_file" ] && [ -s "$memcached_daemon_pid_file" ]; then daemon_pid=$(cat $memcached_daemon_pid_file) rm -f ${memcached_daemon_pid_file} if [ ! -z ${daemon_pid} ]; then kill -9 ${daemon_pid} fi printf "memcached daemon is stopped\n" else printf "no memcached daemon running\n" fi sleep 1 if [ -f "$memcached_pid_file" ] && [ -s "$memcached_pid_file" ]; then pid=$(cat $memcached_pid_file) rm -f ${memcached_pid_file} if [ ! -z ${pid} ]; then kill -9 ${pid} fi printf "memcached is stopped\n" else printf "no memcached running\n" fi } case "$1" in start) start ;; stop) stop ;; restart) stop sleep 3 start ;; *) printf "usage:$0 {start|stop|restart}\n" exit 1 esac exit 0
监控memcached 进程,如进程失效则自动启动。
#!/bin/sh #memcached daemon root=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; pwd) . ${root}/ while : do if [ -f "$memcached_pid_file" ] && [ -s "$memcached_pid_file" ]; then pid=$(cat $memcached_pid_file) else pid="" fi if [ -z "$pid" ] || [ -z $(ps aux|awk '{print $2}' | grep "^$pid$") ]; then $memcached sleep 1 printf "[$(date +%y-%m-%d' '%h:%m:%s)] ${site} ${host} memcached ${port} is restarted\n" >> $error_log_file echo "subject: ${site} ${host} memcached ${port} is restarted $(date +%y-%m-%d' '%h:%m:%s)" | sendmail fi sleep 5 done exit 0
./ start #启动memcached ./ stop #停止memcached ./ restart #重启memcached
shell 记录apache status并自动更新到数据库
1. 获取apache status
#!/bin/bash #连接数 site_connects=$(netstat -ant | grep $ip:80 | wc -l) #当前连接数 site_cur_connects=$(netstat -ant | grep $ip:80 | grep est | wc -l) #apache apache_speed=$(netstat -n | awk '/^tcp/ {++s[$nf]} end {for(a in s) print a, s[a]}') printf "[#start#]\n$(date '+%y-%m-%d %h:%m:%s')\n" printf "connects:${site_connects}\n" printf "cur connects:${site_cur_connects}\n" printf "apache_speed:\n${apache_speed}\n[#end#]\n\n" exit 0
* * * * * /home/fdipzone/ >> /home/fdipzone/monitor.log
2. 将apache status log 写入数据库
<?php $logfile = dirname(__file__).'/monitor.log'; $dbconfig = array( 'host' => '', 'username' => 'username', 'password' => 'password', 'dbname' => 'mydb', 'tabname' => 'monitor_log' ); $obj = new savemonitorlog($dbconfig, 'myweb'); $obj->load($logfile); // 讀取monitor log,記錄入db,查看db class savemonitorlog{ // class start private $_apache_state = array('time_wait', 'close_wait', 'syn_sent', 'syn_recv', 'fin_wait1', 'fin_wait2', 'established', 'last_ack', 'closing'); private $_dbconfig = array(); private $_site = null; /** init */ public function __construct($dbconfig=array(), $site='web'){ if(!isset($dbconfig['host']) || !isset($dbconfig['username']) || !isset($dbconfig['password']) || !isset($dbconfig['dbname']) || !isset($dbconfig['tabname'])){ $this->debug('dbconfig error'); } $this->_dbconfig = $dbconfig; $this->_site = $site; $this->connectdb(); } /** load data * @param string $logfile log文件 * @return boolean */ public function load($logfile){ // 讀取log數據 if(file_exists($logfile)){ $logdata = file_get_contents($logfile); // 清空monitor.log file_put_contents($logfile, '', true); }else{ return false; } // 正則分析數據 [#start#]*[#end#] preg_match_all('/ #start# (.*?) #end# .*?/si', $logdata, $data); if(isset($data[1]) && count($data[1])>0){ $alldata = $data[1]; foreach($alldata as $val){ $indb = $this->parser($val); $newid = $this->addtodb($indb); } } } /** parser data * @param array $data * @return array */ private function parser($data){ $indb = array(); $tmp = explode(chr(10), $data); // 按換行分隔 $indb['site'] = $this->_site; $indb['addtime'] = $tmp[1]; $indb['connects'] = array_pop(explode(':',$tmp[2])); $indb['cur_connects'] = array_pop(explode(':',$tmp[3])); for($i=5, $max=count($tmp)-2; $i<$max; $i++){ list($key, $num) = explode(' ', $tmp[$i]); if(in_array($key, $this->_apache_state)){ $indb[$key] = $num; } } return $indb; } /** connect db */ private function connectdb(){ $conn=@mysql_connect($this->_dbconfig['host'], $this->_dbconfig['username'], $this->_dbconfig['password']) or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db($this->_dbconfig['dbname'], $conn) or die(mysql_error()); } /** add to db */ private function addtodb($indb){ $insertkey = ''; $insertval = ''; if($indb){ foreach($indb as $key=>$val){ $insertkey .= $insertkey? " ,".$key : $key; $insertval .= $insertval? " ,'".mysql_escape_string(trim($val))."'" : "'".mysql_escape_string(trim($val))."'"; } $sqlstr = "insert into ".$this->_dbconfig['tabname']."($insertkey) values($insertval)"; $query = @mysql_query($sqlstr) or die(mysql_error()); $id = mysql_insert_id(); return $id? $id : false; } } /** debug */ private function debug($msg){ exit($msg."\r\n"); } } // class end ?>
0 0 * * * php /home/fdipzone/save_monitor_log.php
table monitor_log struct
create table if not exists `monitor_log` ( `id` int(10) unsigned not null auto_increment, `site` varchar(20) not null, `connects` int(10) unsigned not null default '0', `cur_connects` int(10) unsigned not null default '0', `time_wait` int(10) unsigned not null default '0', `close_wait` int(10) unsigned not null default '0', `syn_sent` int(10) unsigned not null default '0', `syn_recv` int(10) unsigned not null default '0', `fin_wait1` int(10) unsigned not null default '0', `fin_wait2` int(10) unsigned not null default '0', `established` int(10) unsigned not null default '0', `last_ack` int(10) unsigned not null default '0', `closing` int(10) unsigned not null default '0', `addtime` datetime not null, primary key (`id`), key `connects` (`connects`), key `cur_connects` (`cur_connects`), key `time_wait` (`time_wait`), key `close_wait` (`close_wait`), key `syn_sent` (`syn_sent`), key `syn_recv` (`syn_recv`), key `fin_wait1` (`fin_wait1`), key `fin_wait2` (`fin_wait2`), key `established` (`established`), key `last_ack` (`last_ack`), key `closing` (`closing`), key `addtime` (`addtime`) ) engine=myisam default charset=latin1 ;
上一篇: Java异常区分和处理的一些经验分享
下一篇: SpringBoot持久化层操作支持技巧
PHP+shell脚本操作Memcached和Apache Status的实例分享
PHP+shell脚本操作Memcached和Apache Status的实例分享,memcachedapache_PHP教程
PHP+shell脚本操作Memcached和Apache Status的实例分享,memcachedapache
PHP+shell脚本操作Memcached和Apache Status的实例分享
PHP+shell脚本操作Memcached和Apache Status的实例分享_php实例
PHP+shell脚本操作Memcached和Apache Status的实例分享
PHP+shell脚本操作Memcached和Apache Status的实例分享_PHP
PHP+shell脚本操作Memcached和Apache Status的实例分享
PHP+shell脚本操作Memcached和Apache Status的实例分享,memcachedapache_PHP教程
PHP+shell脚本操作Memcached和Apache Status的实例分享_PHP