java JTree JCheckBox树复选框详解
2024-04-01 18:16:16
本文实例为大家分享了java jtree jcheckbox树复选框展示的具体代码,供大家参考,具体内容如下
本文实例为大家分享了java jtree jcheckbox树复选框展示的具体代码,供大家参考,具体内容如下
public class checktreemanager extends mouseadapter implements treeselectionlistener { private checktreeselectionmodel selectionmodel = null; // private jtree tree = new jtree(); private jtree tree = null; int hotspot = new jcheckbox().getpreferredsize().width; public checktreemanager(jtree tree) { this.tree = tree; selectionmodel = new checktreeselectionmodel(tree.getmodel()); tree.setcellrenderer(new checktreecellrenderer(tree.getcellrenderer(), selectionmodel)); tree.addmouselistener(this); //鼠标监听 selectionmodel.addtreeselectionlistener(this); //树选择监听 } public void mouseclicked(mouseevent me) { treepath path = tree.getpathforlocation(me.getx(), me.gety()); if(path==null) return; if(me.getx()>tree.getpathbounds(path).x+hotspot) return; boolean selected = selectionmodel.ispathselected(path, true); selectionmodel.removetreeselectionlistener(this); try { if(selected) selectionmodel.removeselectionpath(path); else selectionmodel.addselectionpath(path); } finally { selectionmodel.addtreeselectionlistener(this); tree.treedidchange(); } } public checktreeselectionmodel getselectionmodel() { return selectionmodel; } public void valuechanged(treeselectionevent e) { tree.treedidchange(); } }
public class checktreeselectionmodel extends defaulttreeselectionmodel { private treemodel model; public checktreeselectionmodel(treemodel model) { this.model = model; setselectionmode(treeselectionmodel.discontiguous_tree_selection); } // tests whether there is any unselected node in the subtree of given path public boolean ispartiallyselected(treepath path){ if(ispathselected(path, true)) return false; treepath[] selectionpaths = getselectionpaths(); if(selectionpaths==null) return false; for(int j = 0; j<selectionpaths.length; j++) { if(isdescendant(selectionpaths[j], path)) return true; } return false; } // tells whether given path is selected. // if dig is true, then a path is assumed to be selected, if // one of its ancestor is selected. public boolean ispathselected(treepath path, boolean dig) { if(!dig) return super.ispathselected(path); while(path!=null && !super.ispathselected(path)) path = path.getparentpath(); return path!=null; } // is path1 descendant of path2 private boolean isdescendant(treepath path1, treepath path2) { object obj1[] = path1.getpath(); object obj2[] = path2.getpath(); for(int i = 0; i<obj2.length; i++) { if(obj1[i]!=obj2[i]) return false; } return true; } public void setselectionpaths(treepath[] ppaths) { throw new unsupportedoperationexception("not implemented yet!!!"); } public void addselectionpaths(treepath[] paths) { // unselect all descendants of paths[] for(int i = 0; i<paths.length; i++){ treepath path = paths[i]; treepath[] selectionpaths = getselectionpaths(); if(selectionpaths==null) break; arraylist toberemoved = new arraylist(); for(int j = 0; j<selectionpaths.length; j++) { if(isdescendant(selectionpaths[j], path)) toberemoved.add(selectionpaths[j]); } super.removeselectionpaths((treepath[])toberemoved.toarray(new treepath[0])); } // if all siblings are selected then unselect them and select parent recursively // otherwize just select that path. for(int i = 0; i<paths.length; i++) { treepath path = paths[i]; treepath temp = null; while(aresiblingsselected(path)) { temp = path; if(path.getparentpath()==null) break; path = path.getparentpath(); } if(temp!=null) { if(temp.getparentpath()!=null) addselectionpath(temp.getparentpath()); else { if(!isselectionempty()) removeselectionpaths(getselectionpaths()); super.addselectionpaths(new treepath[]{temp}); } } else super.addselectionpaths(new treepath[]{ path}); } } // tells whether all siblings of given path are selected. private boolean aresiblingsselected(treepath path) { treepath parent = path.getparentpath(); if(parent==null) return true; object node = path.getlastpathcomponent(); object parentnode = parent.getlastpathcomponent(); int childcount = model.getchildcount(parentnode); for(int i = 0; i<childcount; i++) { object childnode = model.getchild(parentnode, i); if(childnode==node) continue; if(!ispathselected(parent.pathbyaddingchild(childnode))) return false; } return true; } public void removeselectionpaths(treepath[] paths) { for(int i = 0; i<paths.length; i++){ treepath path = paths[i]; if(path.getpathcount()==1) super.removeselectionpaths(new treepath[]{ path}); else toggleremoveselection(path); } } // if any ancestor node of given path is selected then unselect it // and selection all its descendants except given path and descendants. // otherwise just unselect the given path private void toggleremoveselection(treepath path) { stack stack = new stack(); treepath parent = path.getparentpath(); while(parent!=null && !ispathselected(parent)) { stack.push(parent); parent = parent.getparentpath(); } if(parent!=null) stack.push(parent); else{ super.removeselectionpaths(new treepath[]{path}); return; } while(!stack.isempty()) { treepath temp = (treepath)stack.pop(); treepath peekpath = stack.isempty() ? path : (treepath)stack.peek(); object node = temp.getlastpathcomponent(); object peeknode = peekpath.getlastpathcomponent(); int childcount = model.getchildcount(node); for(int i = 0; i<childcount; i++){ object childnode = model.getchild(node, i); if(childnode!=peeknode) super.addselectionpaths(new treepath[]{temp.pathbyaddingchild(childnode)}); } } super.removeselectionpaths(new treepath[]{parent}); } }
3.checktreecellrenderer .java
public class checktreecellrenderer extends jpanel implements treecellrenderer { private checktreeselectionmodel selectionmodel; private treecellrenderer delegate; // private tristatecheckbox checkbox = new tristatecheckbox(); private jcheckbox checkbox = new jcheckbox(); public checktreecellrenderer(treecellrenderer delegate, checktreeselectionmodel selectionmodel){ this.delegate = delegate; this.selectionmodel = selectionmodel; setlayout(new borderlayout()); setopaque(false); checkbox.setopaque(false); } public component gettreecellrenderercomponent(jtree tree, object value, boolean selected, boolean expanded, boolean leaf, int row, boolean hasfocus){ component renderer = delegate.gettreecellrenderercomponent(tree, value, selected, expanded, leaf, row, hasfocus); treepath path = tree.getpathforrow(row); if(path!=null) { system.out.println(path); if(selectionmodel.ispathselected(path, true)) checkbox.setselected(true); else { system.out.println(selectionmodel.ispartiallyselected(path)); checkbox.setselected(selectionmodel.ispartiallyselected(path) ? true : false); } } removeall(); add(checkbox, borderlayout.west); add(renderer,; return this; } }
checktreemanager checktreemanager = new checktreemanager(jtree);
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