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程序员文章站 2024-03-31 16:13:52


在我们的环境中,使用的是 mysql-5.6.6 版本。


mysql> desc select * from pre_forum_post where
 tid=8201301 and `invisible` in('0','-2') order by dateline desc limit 15\g
 *************************** 1. row ***************************
 id: 1
 select_type: simple
 table: pre_forum_post
 type: ref
 possible_keys: tid,displayorder,first
 key: displayorder
 key_len: 3
 ref: const
 rows: 593371
 extra: using index condition; using where; using filesort


-- 根据索引访问行记录次数,总体而言算是比较好的状态

| handler_read_key   | 16  |

-- 根据索引顺序访问下一行记录的次数,通常是因为根据索引的范围扫描,或者全索引扫描,总体而言也算是比较好的状态

| handler_read_next   | 329881 |

-- 按照一定顺序读取行记录的总次数。如果需要对结果进行排序,该值通常会比较大。当发生全表扫描或者多表join无法使用索引时,该值也会比较大

| handler_read_rnd   | 15  |


mysql> desc select * from pre_forum_post where
 tid=8201301 and `invisible` in('0','-2') order by dateline limit 129860, 15\g
 *************************** 1. row ***************************
 id: 1
 select_type: simple
 table: pre_forum_post
 type: ref
 possible_keys: displayorder
 key: displayorder
 key_len: 3
 ref: const
 rows: 593371
 extra: using where; using filesort


| handler_read_key           | 129876 | -- 因为前面需要跳过很多行记录
| handler_read_next          | 329881 | -- 同上
| handler_read_rnd           | 129875 | -- 因为需要先对很大一个结果集进行排序


小结:这个sql不能利用 `displayorder` 索引排序的原因是,索引的第二个列 `invisible` 采用范围查询(range),导致没办法继续利用联合索引完成对 `dateline` 字段的排序需求(而如果是 where tid =? and invisible in(?, ?) and dateline =? 这种情况下是完全可以用到整个联合索引的,注意下二者的区别)。

创建一个新的索引 idx_tid_dateline,它只包括 tid、dateline 两个列即可(根据其他索引的统计信息,item_type 和 item_id 的基数太低,所以没包含在联合索引中。当然了,也可以考虑一并加上)。


mysql> desc select * from pre_forum_post where
 tid=8201301 and `invisible` in('0','-2') order by dateline limit 15\g
 *************************** 1. row ***************************
 id: 1
 select_type: simple
 table: pre_forum_post
 type: ref
 possible_keys: tid,displayorder,first,idx_tid_dateline
 key: idx_tid_dateline
 key_len: 3
 ref: const
 rows: 703892
 extra: using where

可以看到,之前存在的 using filesort 消失了,可以通过索引直接完成排序了。


mysql> desc select * from pre_forum_post where
 tid=8201301 and `invisible` in('0','-2') order by dateline limit 129860,15\g
 *************************** 1. row ***************************
 id: 1
 select_type: simple
 table: pre_forum_post
 type: ref
 possible_keys: tid,displayorder,first,idx_tid_dateline
 key: displayorder
 key_len: 3
 ref: const
 rows: 593371
 extra: using where; using filesort


mysql> desc select * from pre_forum_post use index(idx_tid_dateline) where
 tid=8201301 and `invisible` in('0','-2') order by dateline limit 129860,15\g
 *************************** 1. row ***************************
 id: 1
 select_type: simple
 table: pre_forum_post
 type: ref
 possible_keys: idx_tid_dateline
 key: idx_tid_dateline
 key_len: 3
 ref: const
 rows: 703892
 extra: using where





mysql> select * from pre_forum_post where
 tid=8201301 and `invisible` in('0','-2') order by dateline limit 129860,15;

 | starting    | 0.020203 |
 | checking permissions | 0.000026 |
 | opening tables  | 0.000036 |
 | init     | 0.000099 |
 | system lock   | 0.000092 |
 | optimizing   | 0.000038 |
 | statistics   | 0.000123 |
 | preparing   | 0.000043 |
 | sorting result  | 0.000025 |
 | executing   | 0.000023 |
 | sending data   | 0.000045 |
 | creating sort index | 0.941434 |
 | end     | 0.000077 |
 | query end   | 0.000044 |
 | closing tables  | 0.000038 |
 | freeing items  | 0.000056 |
 | cleaning up   | 0.000040 |


mysql> select * from pre_forum_post use index(idx_tid_dateline) where
 tid=8201301 and `invisible` in('0','-2') order by dateline limit 129860,15;

 | starting    | 0.000151 |
 | checking permissions | 0.000033 |
 | opening tables  | 0.000040 |
 | init     | 0.000105 |
 | system lock   | 0.000044 |
 | optimizing   | 0.000038 |
 | statistics   | 0.000188 |
 | preparing   | 0.000044 |
 | sorting result  | 0.000024 |
 | executing   | 0.000023 |
 | sending data   | 0.917035 |
 | end     | 0.000074 |
 | query end   | 0.000030 |
 | closing tables  | 0.000036 |
 | freeing items  | 0.000049 |
 | cleaning up   | 0.000032 |

可以看到,效率有了一定提高,不过不是很明显,因为确实需要扫描的数据量更大,所以 sending data 阶段耗时更多。

这时候,我们可以再参考之前的一个优化方案:[mysql优化案例]系列 — 分页优化


mysql> explain select * from pre_forum_post t1 inner join (
 select id from pre_forum_post use index(idx_tid_dateline) where
 tid=8201301 and `invisible` in('0','-2') order by
 dateline limit 129860,15) t2
 using (id)\g
 *************************** 1. row ***************************
 id: 1
 select_type: primary
 type: all
 possible_keys: null
 key: null
 key_len: null
 ref: null
 rows: 129875
 extra: null
 *************************** 2. row ***************************
 id: 1
 select_type: primary
 table: t1
 type: eq_ref
 possible_keys: primary
 key: primary
 key_len: 4
 ref: t2.id
 rows: 1
 extra: null
 *************************** 3. row ***************************
 id: 2
 select_type: derived
 table: pre_forum_post
 type: ref
 possible_keys: idx_tid_dateline
 key: idx_tid_dateline
 key_len: 3
 ref: const
 rows: 703892
 extra: using where

再看下这个sql的 profiling 统计信息:

| starting    | 0.000209 |
| checking permissions | 0.000026 |
| checking permissions | 0.000026 |
| opening tables  | 0.000101 |
| init     | 0.000062 |
| system lock   | 0.000049 |
| optimizing   | 0.000025 |
| optimizing   | 0.000037 |
| statistics   | 0.000106 |
| preparing   | 0.000059 |
| sorting result  | 0.000039 |
| statistics   | 0.000048 |
| preparing   | 0.000032 |
| executing   | 0.000036 |
| sending data   | 0.000045 |
| executing   | 0.000023 |
| sending data   | 0.225356 |
| end     | 0.000067 |
| query end   | 0.000028 |
| closing tables  | 0.000023 |
| removing tmp table | 0.000029 |
| closing tables  | 0.000044 |
| freeing items  | 0.000048 |
| cleaning up   | 0.000037 |


