ORBSLAM 使用深度相机稠密重建后地图上下颠倒的解决办法
2024-03-25 10:14:40
pcl::PointCloud< PointCloudMapping::PointT >::Ptr PointCloudMapping::generatePointCloud(KeyFrame* kf, cv::Mat& color, cv::Mat& depth)
PointCloud::Ptr tmp( new PointCloud() );
// point cloud is null ptr
for ( int m=0; m<depth.rows; m+=3 )
for ( int n=0; n<depth.cols; n+=3 )
float d = depth.ptr<float>(m)[n];
if (d < 0.01 || d>10)
PointT p;
p.z = d;
p.x = ( n - kf->cx) * p.z / kf->fx;
p.y = ( m - kf->cy) * p.z / kf->fy;
p.b = color.ptr<uchar>(m)[n*3];
p.g = color.ptr<uchar>(m)[n*3+1];
p.r = color.ptr<uchar>(m)[n*3+2];
// rotation the pointcloud and stiching
Eigen::Isometry3d T = ORB_SLAM2::Converter::toSE3Quat( kf->GetPose() );
PointCloud::Ptr cloud(new PointCloud);
pcl::transformPointCloud( *tmp, *cloud, T.inverse().matrix());
cloud->is_dense = false;
voxel.setInputCloud( cloud );
voxel.filter( *tmp );
cloud->swap( *tmp );
// save pointcloud to disk
//stringstream ss;
//ss << "/home/crp/dataset/rgbd_dataset_freiburg1_room/pointcloud/"<< mpointcloudID<<".pcd";
cout<<"generate point cloud from kf-ID:"<<kf->mnId<<", size="<<cloud->points.size()<<endl;
return cloud;
* @function 更加关键帧生成点云、并对点云进行滤波处理
* 备注:点云生成函数在 台式机上调用时间在0.1s 左右
pcl::PointCloud< PointCloudMapping::PointT >::Ptr PointCloudMapping::generatePointCloud( cv::Mat& color, cv::Mat& depth)
chrono::steady_clock::time_point t1 = chrono::steady_clock::now();
PointCloud::Ptr tmp( new PointCloud() );// point cloud is null ptr
for ( int m=0; m<depth.rows; m+=3 )
for ( int n=0; n<depth.cols; n+=3 )
float d = depth.ptr<float>(m)[n];
if (d < 0.01 || d>10)
PointT p;
p.z = d;
p.x = ( n - cx) * p.z / fx;
p.y = ( m -cy) * p.z / fy;
p.b = color.ptr<uchar>(m)[n*3];
p.g = color.ptr<uchar>(m)[n*3+1];
p.r = color.ptr<uchar>(m)[n*3+2];
// rotation the pointcloud and stiching
Eigen::Isometry3d T = Eigen::Isometry3d::Identity() ;
PointCloud::Ptr cloud1(new PointCloud);
PointCloud::Ptr cloud2(new PointCloud);
pcl::transformPointCloud( *tmp, *cloud1, T.inverse().matrix());
pcl::transformPointCloud( *tmp, *cloud2, T.inverse().matrix()); //专用于点云匹配
cloud1->is_dense = false;
voxel.setInputCloud( cloud1 );
voxel.filter( *tmp );
cloud1->swap( *tmp );
cloud2->is_dense = false;
voxelForMatch.setInputCloud( cloud2 );
voxelForMatch.filter( *tmp );
cloud2->swap( *tmp );
// addVertexToOptimizer(mpointcloudID,mpose);
mvPointClouds.push_back(cloud1) ; //点云数据
mvPointCloudsForMatch.push_back(cloud2) ;
cout<<"generate point cloud from kf-ID:"<<mpointcloudID<<", size="<<cloud1->points.size();
//stringstream ss;
//ss << "/home/crp/dataset/rgbd_dataset_freiburg1_room/pointcloud/"<< mpointcloudID<<".pcd";
chrono::steady_clock::time_point t2 = chrono::steady_clock::now();
chrono::duration<double> time_used = chrono::duration_cast<chrono::duration<double>>( t2-t1 );
cout<<" cost time: "<<time_used.count()*1000<<" ms ."<<endl;
return cloud1;
p.z = -d;
p.x = ( n - kf->cx) * p.z / kf->fx;
p.y = ( m - kf->cy) * p.z / kf->fy;