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Aspose.Words使用教程之如何使用ChartDataLabel 博客分类: 文档管理,控件,使用教程 Aspose.Words使用教程ChartDataLabel 

程序员文章站 2024-03-25 09:44:16

       Aspose.Words是一款先进的文档处理控件,在不使用Microsoft Words的情况下,它可以使用户在各个应用程序中执行各种文档处理任务,其中包括文档的生成、修改、渲染、打印,文档格式转换和邮件合并等文档处理。此外,Aspose.Words支持DOC,OOXML,RTF,HTML,OpenDocument, PDF, XPS, EPUB和其他格式。


ChartDataLabelCollection dataLabelCollection = series0.DataLabels;
// Add data label to the first and second point of the first series.
ChartDataLabel chartDataLabel00 = dataLabelCollection.Add(0);
ChartDataLabel chartDataLabel01 = dataLabelCollection.Add(1);
// Set properties.
chartDataLabel00.ShowLegendKey = true;
// By default, when you add data labels to the data points in a pie chart, leader lines are displayed for data labels that are
// positioned far outside the end of data points. Leader lines create a visual connection between a data label and its 
// corresponding data point.
chartDataLabel00.ShowLeaderLines = true;
chartDataLabel00.ShowCategoryName = false;
chartDataLabel00.ShowPercentage = false;
chartDataLabel00.ShowSeriesName = true;
chartDataLabel00.ShowValue = true;
chartDataLabel00.Separator = "/";
chartDataLabel01.ShowValue = true;



Dim dataLabelCollection As ChartDataLabelCollection = series0.DataLabels
' Add data label to the first and second point of the first series.
Dim chartDataLabel00 As ChartDataLabel = dataLabelCollection.Add(0)
Dim chartDataLabel01 As ChartDataLabel = dataLabelCollection.Add(1)
' Set properties.
chartDataLabel00.ShowLegendKey = True
' By default, when you add data labels to the data points in a pie chart, leader lines are displayed for data labels that are
' positioned far outside the end of data points. Leader lines create a visual connection between a data label and its 
' corresponding data point.
chartDataLabel00.ShowLeaderLines = True
chartDataLabel00.ShowCategoryName = False
chartDataLabel00.ShowPercentage = False
chartDataLabel00.ShowSeriesName = True
chartDataLabel00.ShowValue = True
chartDataLabel00.Separator = "/"
chartDataLabel01.ShowValue = True



    博客分类: 文档管理,控件,使用教程 Aspose.Words使用教程ChartDataLabel