几个不错的表格样式 博客分类: 前端技术
2024-03-24 19:50:46
Highlighted rows, borders
1 | The Shawshank Redemption | 1994 |
2 | The Godfather | 1972 |
3 | The Godfather: Part II | 1974 |
4 | The Good, the Bad and the Ugly | 1966 |
5 | Pulp Fiction | 1994 |
6 | 12 Angry Men | 1957 |
7 | Schindler's List | 1993 |
8 | One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest | 1975 |
9 | The Dark Knight | 2008 |
10 | The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King | 2003 |
Zebra stripes, footer
1 | The Shawshank Redemption | 1994 |
2 | The Godfather | 1972 |
3 | The Godfather: Part II | 1974 |
4 | The Good, the Bad and the Ugly | 1966 |
5 | Pulp Fiction | 1994 |
6 | 12 Angry Men | 1957 |
7 | Schindler's List | 1993 |
8 | One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest | 1975 |
9 | The Dark Knight | 2008 |
10 | The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King | 2003 |
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