rails的welcome page 博客分类: ruby RailsUPHTML
2024-03-22 15:35:34
启动后访问localhost:3000/,总是那个默认的欢迎页面,最后提示“Set up a default route and remove or rename this file
Routes are setup in config/routes.rb.”
可是我一直没读懂“remove or rename this file”的含义,它也不说清楚点,应该这样写就比较好理解了“remove or rename /public/index.html”,sign
启动后访问localhost:3000/,总是那个默认的欢迎页面,最后提示“Set up a default route and remove or rename this file
Routes are setup in config/routes.rb.”
可是我一直没读懂“remove or rename this file”的含义,它也不说清楚点,应该这样写就比较好理解了“remove or rename /public/index.html”,sign
rails的welcome page 博客分类: ruby RailsUPHTML
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