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编译原生ASP代码生成静态类实现 博客分类: ASP ASP模板引擎生成静态 

程序员文章站 2024-03-21 21:56:52


Class xCompile
	Private Includes	'预包含文件
	Private Ignores		'忽略的包含文件
	Private OutFun		'输出函数
	Private strHtml		'最终的HTML字符串
	Private Params		'参数,仅支持QueryString参数,生成静态不建议使用其它参数
	Private FuncStr		'定义的全局函数名
	Private ParamStr
	Private Classes		'已加载的类列表,ASP中类不能重复加载
	Private Prepared
	Private arrStr		'提取出的字符串数组
	Private arrStrLength
	Private StrRep		'占位符
	Private EndRep
	Private ClearRep
	Public	GlobalMode
	Private Sub Class_Initialize
		OutFun = Array("Response.Write")
		FuncStr = "Outer__Html__Str"
		ParamStr= "In_Param_Str"
		Set Classes=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
		Set Params=new xDictionary
		Params.Init Request.QueryString
		Prepared = -1
		GlobalMode = True
		arrStr = Split(Empty)
		arrStrLength = UBound(arrStr)
		StrRep = Chr(1)	'字符串占位
		EndRep = Chr(3)	'结束动作占位
		ClearRep=Chr(2)	'清除占位
	End Sub
	Private Sub Class_Terminate
		Set Classes= Nothing
		Set Params = Nothing
	End Sub
	Public Default Property Get Html
		Html = strHtml
	End Property
	Public Property Get Prepare
		If IsArray(Includes) Then
			Dim i,L:L=UBound(Includes)
			If Prepared>=L Then Exit Property
			For i=Prepared+1 To L
				Require Includes(i)
			Prepared = L
		End If
	End Property
	Public Property Let Param(key, val)
		Params.Replace key,val
	End Property
	Public Property Get Param(key)
		Param = Params(key)
	End Property
	Public Sub AddInclude( File)
		Includes = Merge(Includes,CheckTruePath(File))
	End Sub
	Public Sub AddIgnore( File)
		Ignores = Merge(Ignores,CheckTruePath(File))
	End Sub
	Public Sub AddOutFun( Fun)
		OutFun = Merge(OutFun,Fun)
	End Sub
	Public Sub SaveTo( path)
		WriteFile path, strHtml
	End Sub
	Private Function CheckTruePath( obj)
		Dim Fso
		Set Fso=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
		If IsArray(obj) Then
			Dim i
			For i=0 To UBound(obj)
				If InStr(obj(i),":")<1 Then
					If obj(i)&""<>"" Then obj(i) = Fso.GetAbsolutePathName(Server.MapPath(obj(i)))
				End If
			CheckTruePath = obj
			obj = obj&""
			If InStr(obj,":")>0 Then
				CheckTruePath = obj
				If obj<>"" Then CheckTruePath = Fso.GetAbsolutePathName(Server.MapPath(obj))
			End If
		End If
	End Function
	Public Sub Compile(File)
		strHtml = ReadFile(File)
		If strHtml="" Then
			Exit Sub
		End If
		strHtml = Include(strHtml,File)
		strHtml = RegReplace("<%@[^>]+%\>",strHtml,"")
		strHtml = Replace(strHtml,Chr(13)&Chr(10),Chr(13))
		strHtml = Replace(strHtml,Chr(10),Chr(13))
		strHtml = Replace(strHtml,Chr(13),vbCrLf)
		Dim arrHtml, i, j, k, l
		i = InStr(strHtml,"<%")
		If i>0 Then
			ReDim arrHtml(0)
			j = 0
			k = 1
			Do Until i<1
				l = InStr(i+1,strHtml,"%\>")
				If l<1 Then Err.Raise 7,"ASP语法错误,不正确的闭合标签"
				ReDim Preserve arrHtml(j+1)
				arrHtml(j) = FuncStr &" = "& FuncStr &" &"""& StrRep &""""
				PutString EscapeHtml(Mid(strHtml,k,i-k))
				If Left(arrHtml(j+1),1)="=" Then
					arrHtml(j+1) = FuncStr &" = "& FuncStr &" &"& EscapeAsp(Mid(arrHtml(j+1),2))
					arrHtml(j+1) = EscapeAsp(arrHtml(j+1))
				End If
				j = j + 2
				k = l + 2
				i = InStr(l+1,strHtml,"<%")
			ReDim Preserve arrHtml(j)
			arrHtml(j) = FuncStr &" = "& FuncStr &" &"""& StrRep &""""
			PutString EscapeHtml(Mid(strHtml,l+2))
			strHtml = Join(arrHtml,vbCrLf)

			If GlobalMode Then
				strHtml = RestoreString( strHtml, 0)
				Call GlobalParam
				ExecuteGlobal "Dim "& FuncStr & vbCrLf & strHtml & vbCrLf
				strHtml = Eval(FuncStr)

				strHtml = FilterClass(strHtml)
				strHtml = FilterSub(strHtml)
				strHtml = FilterFunction(strHtml)
				strHtml = RestoreString( strHtml, 0)

				ExecuteGlobal "Function "& FuncStr &"("& ParamStr &")" & vbCrLf & strHtml & vbCrLf &"End Function"
				strHtml = Eval(FuncStr&"(Params)")
			End If
			i = InStr(strHtml, EndRep)
			j = InStr(strHtml, ClearRep)
			If (i<j Or j<0) And i>0 Then	'Response.End在前
				strHtml = Mid(strHtml, 1, i-1)
			ElseIf j>0 Then	'Response.Clear在前
				If i>0 Then	'隐含条件 i>j
					strHtml = Mid(strHtml, j+1, i-j-1)
					strHtml = Mid(strHtml, j+1)
				End If
			End If
		End If
	End Sub
	Sub Clear
		Dim i
		strHtml = xTrim(strHtml,Chr(32)&Chr(9)&Chr(10)&Chr(13))
		strHtml = RegReplace("<!--[\s\S]*?-->",strHtml,"")
		strHtml = RegExpReplace("^\s*$","gm",strHtml,"")
	End Sub
	Private Function Require(File)
		Dim html, absPath
		html = ReadFile(File)
		absPath = Mid(File,Len(Server.MapPath(ROOT & "/"))+1)
		html = Include(html,absPath)
		Dim arrHtml, i, j, k, l
		i = InStr(html,"<%")
		If i>0 Then
			ReDim arrHtml(0)
			j = 0
			k = 1
			Do Until i<1
				l = InStr(i+1,html,"%\>")
				If l<1 Then Err.Raise 7,"ASP语法错误,不正确的闭合标签"
				ReDim Preserve arrHtml(j+1)
				arrHtml(j) = ""	'忽略所有非asp内容
				j = j + 2
				k = l + 2
				i = InStr(l+1,html,"<%")
			ExecuteGlobal Join(arrHtml,vbCrLf)
		End If
	End Function
	Private Sub GlobalParam
		ExecuteGlobal "Dim "& ParamStr & vbCrLf
		Execute "Set "& ParamStr &"= Params"
	End Sub
	Private Function EscapeHtml( html)
		If InStr(html,"""")>0 Then html = Replace(html,"""","""""")
		If InStr(html,vbCrLf)>0 Then html = Replace(html,vbCrLf,"""& vbCrLf &""")
		EscapeHtml = html	'Replace(html,Chr(0),"")
	End Function
	Private Function EscapeAsp( html)
		Dim i
		html = FilterComment(html)
		For i=0 To UBound(OutFun)
			'If InStr(1,html,OutFun(i)&"(", 1)>0 Then
			'	html = RegReplace("\b"& OutFun(i) &"\(([^()]+?)\)",html,FuncStr &" = "& FuncStr &" & $1")
			'End If
			If InStr(1,html,OutFun(i),1)>0 Then
				html = RegReplace("\b"& OutFun(i) &"\b",html,FuncStr &" = "& FuncStr &" &")
			End If
		If InStr(1,html,"Request.QueryString(",1)>0 Then
			html = RegReplace("\bRequest\.QueryString\(",html,ParamStr &"(")
		End If
		If InStr(1,html,"Response.End",1)>0 Then
			html = RegReplace("\bResponse\.End(\(\s*\))?",html,FuncStr &" = "& FuncStr &" &"""& EndRep &"""")
		End If
		If InStr(1,html,"Response.Clear",1)>0 Then
			html = RegReplace("\bResponse\.Clear(\(\s*\))?",html,FuncStr &" = "& FuncStr &" &"""& ClearRep &"""")
		End If
		EscapeAsp = html
	End Function
	Private Function RestoreString(html, j)
		Dim i, iEnd, oHtml
		iEnd = 1
		Do Until i<1
			Do While IsEmpty(arrStr(j))
				j = j + 1
				If j>arrStrLength Then Exit Do
			oHtml = oHtml & Mid(html, iEnd, i-iEnd) & arrStr(j)
			arrStr(j) = Empty
			iEnd = i + 1
			i = InStr(iEnd, html, strRep)
			j = j + 1
			If j>arrStrLength Then Exit Do
		If iEnd>0 Then oHtml = oHtml & Mid(html, iEnd)

		RestoreString = oHtml
	End Function
	Private Function Include(html,ByVal path)
		Dim Matches,Match,iHtml, iPath, oHtml, lastIndex
		Dim iStart, iEnd
		Set Matches=REObject("<!--\s*#include\s+(file|virtual)=""([^*?<>=:""|]+)""\s*-->","gi").Execute(html)
		If Matches.Count>0 Then
			lastIndex = 1
			iStart	  = 1
			iEnd	  = 1
			For Each Match In Matches
				Do Until iStart<1 Or Match.FirstIndex<iEnd
					iStart	= InStr(iEnd, html, "<%")
					If iStart>0 Then iEnd	= InStr(iStart,html,"%\>")
				If iStart<1 Or Match.FirstIndex<iStart Then
					oHtml = oHtml & Mid(html,lastIndex,Match.FirstIndex+1-lastIndex)
					If StrComp(Match.SubMatches(0),"file",1)=0 Then
						iPath = getDir(path) & Match.SubMatches(1)
					ElseIf StrComp(Match.SubMatches(0),"virtual",1)=0 Then
						iPath = Match.SubMatches(1)
						iPath = ""
					End If
					If CheckNeedInclude(iPath) Then
						iHtml = ReadFile(iPath)
						iHtml = Include(iHtml,iPath)
						oHtml = oHtml & iHtml
					End If
					oHtml = oHtml & Mid(html, lastIndex,Match.FirstIndex+Match.Length+1 - lastIndex)
				End If
				lastIndex = Match.FirstIndex+Match.Length+1
			oHtml = oHtml & Mid(html, lastIndex)
			Include = oHtml
			Include = html
		End If
	End Function
	Private Function CheckNeedInclude(ByVal path)
		CheckNeedInclude = True
		If path="" Then CheckNeedInclude = False:Exit Function
		path =  CheckTruePath(path)
		Dim i
		If IsArray(Includes) Then
			For i=0 To UBound(Includes)
				If StrComp(Includes(i),path,1)=0 Then
					CheckNeedInclude = False
					Exit Function
				End If
		End If
		If IsArray(Ignores) Then
			For i=0 To UBound(Ignores)
				If StrComp(Ignores(i),path,1)=0 Then
					CheckNeedInclude = False
					Exit Function
				End If
		End If
	End Function
	Private Function FilterComment( html)
		Dim intStart, intEnd, intQuot, intPos, ohtml, L
		L = Len(html)
		intPos = 1
		Do While intPos < L And intPos>0
			If (intQuot<intStart Or intStart<1) And intQuot>0 Then	'是注释
				ohtml = ohtml & Mid(html,intPos,intQuot-intPos)
				intPos = InStr(intQuot,html,vbCrLf)
			ElseIf 	(intQuot>intStart Or intQuot<1) And intStart>0 Then	'跳过字符串的动作
				Do While intEnd<L
					If Mid(html,intEnd+1,1)<>"""" Then Exit Do
					If intEnd<1 Then
						Err.Raise 7,"ASP语法错误,未结束的字符串"
					End If
				ohtml = ohtml & Mid(html,intPos,intStart-intPos+1)
				If intEnd - intPos > 1 Then	'提取字符串
					PutString Mid(html,intStart+1,intEnd-intStart-1)
					ohtml = ohtml & StrRep &""""	'字符串占位
				Else	'空字符串无需提取
					ohtml = ohtml & """"
				End If
				intPos = intEnd+1
			Else	'没有字符串,没有注释
				Exit Do
			End If
		If intPos>0 Then ohtml = ohtml & Mid(html,intPos)
		FilterComment = ohtml
	End Function
	Private Sub PutString( str)
		arrStrLength = arrStrLength + 1
		ReDim Preserve arrStr(arrStrLength)
		arrStr(arrStrLength) = str
	End Sub
	Private Function getIndex(html, iPos,ByVal i,ByVal j)
		i = InStr(i + 1, html, strRep)
		Do Until i<1 Or i>iPos
			i = InStr(i+1, html, strRep)
			j = j + 1
			If j>arrStrLength Then Exit Do
			Do While IsEmpty(arrStr(j))
				j = j + 1
				If j>arrStrLength Then Exit Do
		getIndex = j
	End Function
	Private Function FilterClass( html)
		Dim Matches,Match,ClassName,oHtml,LastIndex, ClassStr, iStart
		Set Matches=REObject("\bClass\s+([\w\d\_]+)\b[\s\S]+?\bEnd\s+Class\b","ig").Execute(html)
		If Matches.Count>0 Then
			iStart = 0
			LastIndex = 1
			For Each Match In Matches
				oHtml = oHtml & Mid(html,LastIndex,Match.FirstIndex+1-LastIndex)
				ClassName = Match.SubMatches(0)
				If Classes.Exists(ClassName)=False Then
					ClassStr = Match.Value
					iStart = getIndex(html,Match.FirstIndex,LastIndex-1,iStart)
					ClassStr = RestoreString(ClassStr, iStart)
					ExecuteGlobal ClassStr
					Classes.Add ClassName,1
				End If
				LastIndex = Match.FirstIndex+Match.Length+1
			oHtml = oHtml & Mid(html, LastIndex)
			FilterClass = oHtml
			FilterClass = html
		End If
	End Function
	Private Function FilterSub( html)
		Dim Matches,Match,SubName,SubStr,oHtml,LastIndex, iStart
		Set Matches=REObject("\bSub\s+([\w\d\_]+)\b[\s\S]+?\bEnd\s+Sub\b","ig").Execute(html)
		If Matches.Count>0 Then
			iStart = 0
			LastIndex = 1
			For Each Match In Matches
				oHtml = oHtml & Mid(html,LastIndex,Match.FirstIndex+1-LastIndex)
				SubName = Match.SubMatches(0)
				SubStr = RegReplace("\bSub\b",Match.Value,"Function")
				SubStr = RegReplace("\b"& FuncStr &"\b",SubStr,SubName)
				iStart = getIndex(html,Match.FirstIndex,LastIndex-1,iStart)
				SubStr = RestoreString(SubStr, iStart)
				ExecuteGlobal SubStr
				LastIndex = Match.FirstIndex+Match.Length+1
			oHtml = oHtml & Mid(html, lastIndex)
			FilterSub = oHtml
			FilterSub = html
		End If
	End Function
	Private Function FilterFunction( html)
		Dim Matches,Match,FunctionName,FunctionStr,oHtml,LastIndex, iStart
		Set Matches=REObject("\bFunction\s+([\w\d\_]+)\b[\s\S]+?\bEnd\s+Function\b","ig").Execute(html)
		If Matches.Count>0 Then
			iStart = 0
			LastIndex = 1
			For Each Match In Matches
				oHtml = oHtml & Mid(html,LastIndex,Match.FirstIndex+1-LastIndex)
				FunctionName = Match.SubMatches(0)
				FunctionStr = RegReplace("\b"& FuncStr &"\b",Match.Value,FunctionName)
				iStart = getIndex(html,Match.FirstIndex,LastIndex-1,iStart)
				FunctionStr = RestoreString(FunctionStr, iStart)
				ExecuteGlobal FunctionStr
				LastIndex = Match.FirstIndex+Match.Length+1
			oHtml = oHtml & Mid(html, lastIndex)
			FilterFunction = oHtml
			FilterFunction = html
		End If
	End Function
End Class

Dim StartTime
StartTime = Timer
Dim C
Set C=New xCompile

C.AddInclude "TestFunctions.asp"
C.AddOutFun "Echo"


C.GlobalMode = False

C.Compile "Test.asp"


C.SaveTo "index.html"

Response.Write C

Response.Write CCur(Timer-StartTime)