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Glassfish V2 And NetBean6 博客分类: Java GlassfishBeanNetbeansMySQLJMS 

程序员文章站 2024-03-21 09:33:40

Dowload Netbean6 from http://netbeans.org

glassfish tips:

Start Server:
asadmin start-domain domain1

Stop Server:
asadmin stop-domain domain1

Deploy war:
Copy hello.war to install-dir/domains/domain1/autodeploy/

Create sun-rescources.xml if you want to use connection pool,jndi for JMS. this could be customized by http://localhost:4848

Entity, Session bean for facade,Message-driven bean for executing the persistence action for entity bean.

Hibernate3 EntityManager+Mysql

And the source code is attached,And the libs also listed in picture.  after that,you just copy those libs to glassfish/lib.

  • Glassfish V2 And NetBean6
    博客分类: Java GlassfishBeanNetbeansMySQLJMS 
  • 大小: 52.1 KB