2024-03-20 23:15:22
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/* * Copyright (c) 2006, www.never-online.net! All rights reserved. * web : http://www.never-online * author : never-online, BlueDestiny * version: 0.12 beta * this is a autocomplete extras version, complete version in neverModules framework. * debug in IE6.0, Opera9.0, Mozilla Firefox1.5.0 */ /* neverModules.runtime.useCache = false; _registerNS(neverModules.modules.autocomplete); _registerNS(neverModules.configuration.autocomplete) _extends(neverModules.modules.autocomplete, neverModules.base.baseclass); */ /* * Copyright (c) 2006, www.never-online.net! All rights reserved. * Batch default autocomplete configuration * autocomplete 0.12 */ var neverModules = window.neverModules || {}; var _registerNS = _registerNS || function (ns) { var levels = ns.split("."); var _NS = neverModules; for (var i=(levels[0]=="neverModules")?1:0; i<levels.length; i++) { _NS[levels[i]] = _NS[levels[i]] || {}; _NS = _NS[levels[i]]; }; return _NS; }; var _createjsClass = _createjsClass || function () { return function () { this._defaultInitializer.apply(this,arguments); }; }; _registerNS("neverModules.modules"); _registerNS("neverModules.browser"); _registerNS("neverModules.configuration"); neverModules.browser = { isMozilla : (typeof document.implementation != 'undefined') && (typeof document.implementation.createDocument != 'undefined') && (typeof HTMLDocument!='undefined'), isIE : window.ActiveXObject?true:false, isOpera : (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("opera")!=-1) }; if (!neverModules.browser.isIE) { HTMLElement.prototype.click = function() { var evt = this.ownerDocument.createEvent('MouseEvents'); evt.initMouseEvent('click', true, true, this.ownerDocument.defaultView, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null); this.dispatchEvent(evt); } }; String.prototype.rgEncode = function () { var val = this; if (val=="undefined") { return ""; } val = val.replace(/\\/g,"\\\\"); val = val.replace(/\//g,"\\\/"); val = val.replace(/\^/g,"\\\^"); val = val.replace(/\*/g,"\\\*"); val = val.replace(/\?/g,"\\\?"); val = val.replace(/\+/g,"\\\+"); val = val.replace(/\./g,"\\\."); val = val.replace(/\|/g,"\\\|"); val = val.replace(/\[/g,"\\\["); val = val.replace(/\]/g,"\\\]"); val = val.replace(/\(/g,"\\\("); val = val.replace(/\)/g,"\\\)"); val = val.replace(/\{/g,"\\\{"); val = val.replace(/\}/g,"\\\}"); return val; } function getAbsoluteCoords (e) { var t = e.offsetTop; var l = e.offsetLeft; var w = e.offsetWidth; var h = e.offsetHeight; while (e=e.offsetParent) { t += e.offsetTop; l += e.offsetLeft; }; return { top: t, left: l, width: w, height: h, bottom: t+h, right: l+w } } if (typeof addEvent != 'function') { var addEvent = function(o, t, f, l) { var d = 'addEventListener', n = 'on' + t, rO = o, rT = t, rF = f, rL = l; if (o[d] && !l) return o[d](t, f, false); if (!o._evts) o._evts = {}; if (!o._evts[t]) { o._evts[t] = o[n] ? { b: o[n] } : {}; o[n] = new Function('e', 'var r = true, o = this, a = o._evts["' + t + '"], i; for (i in a) {' + 'o._f = a[i]; r = o._f(e||window.event) != false && r; o._f = null;' + '} return r'); if (t != 'unload') addEvent(window, 'unload', function() { removeEvent(rO, rT, rF, rL); }); } if (!f._i) f._i = addEvent._i++; o._evts[t][f._i] = f; }; addEvent._i = 1; var removeEvent = function(o, t, f, l) { var d = 'removeEventListener'; if (o[d] && !l) return o[d](t, f, false); if (o._evts && o._evts[t] && f._i) delete o._evts[t][f._i]; }; }; neverModules.configuration.autocomplete = { defaultAnimateImage : {src:"images/animated_loading.gif"}, defaultSliceRange : {low: 0, high: 200}, defaultIsUseContent : false, defaultAutoSlice : true, defaultIgnoreSpeed : false, defaultIgnoreCase : true, defaultIgnoreWhere : true, defaultUseSpaceMatch: true, defaultIsUseArrow : true, defaultCallbackHdle : function(){}, defaultDataSource : [], defaultHeight : 200, defaultMaxSlice : 200, defaultSpaceMatchRg : "\.\{1,}", _defaultInvalidCode : [13,38,40,27,9,17,16], _defaultSelectedIdx : -1, _defaultStatus : 0, _defaultInitObject : null, _defaultStyleCss : "neverModules-auto", _defaultHighlightTag: {start: "<strong>", end: "</strong>"} } neverModules.modules.autocomplete = _createjsClass(); neverModules.modules.autocomplete.prototype = { _defaultInitializer: function (configuration) { this.name = configuration.instanceName; this.textbox = configuration.textbox; this.returnBox = configuration.returnBox||this.textbox; this.maxSlice = neverModules.configuration.autocomplete.defaultMaxSlice; this.sliceRange = neverModules.configuration.autocomplete.defaultSliceRange; this.ignoreSpeed = !!neverModules.configuration.autocomplete.defaultIgnoreSpeed; this.ignoreCase = !!neverModules.configuration.autocomplete.defaultIgnoreCase; this.ignoreWhere = !!neverModules.configuration.autocomplete.defaultIgnoreWhere; this.autoSlice = !!neverModules.configuration.autocomplete.defaultAutoSlice; this.useContent = !!neverModules.configuration.autocomplete.defaultIsUseContent; this.useArrow = !!neverModules.configuration.autocomplete.defaultIsUseArrow; this.useSpaceMatch = !!neverModules.configuration.autocomplete.defaultUseSpaceMatch; this.spaceMatchRg = neverModules.configuration.autocomplete.defaultSpaceMatchRg; this.animateImage = neverModules.configuration.autocomplete.defaultAnimateImage; this.callback = neverModules.configuration.autocomplete.defaultCallbackHdle; this.scrollHeight = isNaN(parseInt(configuration.height))? neverModules.configuration.autocomplete.defaultHeight: parseInt(configuration.height); /* Initialize private variables */ this._currentVer = 0.12; this._formatData = []; this._inTheCacheData = false; this._cacheValue = "$NEVERMODULES_NULL_STRING$"; this._selectedIdx = neverModules.configuration.autocomplete._defaultSelectedIdx; this._currentStatus = neverModules.configuration.autocomplete._defaultStatus; this._cacheData = neverModules.configuration.autocomplete._defaultInitObject; this._completeContainer = neverModules.configuration.autocomplete._defaultInitObject; this._completeIframe = neverModules.configuration.autocomplete._defaultInitObject; this._completeStyle = configuration.style||neverModules.configuration.autocomplete._defaultStyleCss; this._dataSource = configuration.dataSource||neverModules.configuration.autocomplete._defaultDataSource; this._highlightTag = neverModules.configuration.autocomplete._defaultHighlightTag; this._invalidKeyCode = neverModules.configuration.autocomplete._defaultInvalidCode; this._inputValue = "$NEVERMODULES_NULL_STRING$"; }, _createAutocomplete: function () { with(this) { if (!document.body) throw new Error (["neverModules Error","Document <BODY> not loaded,Can not create autoComplete"]); textbox.setAttribute("autocomplete","off"); _completeContainer = document.createElement("DIV"); document.body.appendChild(_completeContainer); _completeContainer.className = this._completeStyle; with (_completeContainer.style) { height = scrollHeight+"px"; overflow = "auto"; zIndex = "2"; position = "absolute"; display = "none"; }; var self = this; _completeContainer.onscroll = function () { self.textboxFocus(); }; if (neverModules.browser.isIE) { _completeIframe = document.createElement("iframe"); document.body.appendChild(_completeIframe); with (_completeIframe.style) { position = "absolute"; display = "none"; zIndex = "1"; overflow = "hidden"; frameBorder = "0"; scrolling = "no"; marginHeight = "0"; marginWidth = "0"; }; _completeContainer.onselectstart = function () { window.returnValue=false; }; }; addEvent(document,'mousedown', function (evt) { e = window.event? window.event.srcElement: evt.target; try { if (!self._queryTheContainer(e)) { self.close(); } else { self.textboxFocus(); } } catch(ex) {}; }); // add a event listener to close autocomplete, // when the focus is not in the autocomplete(input control). addEvent(document,'keyup', function (evt) { e = window.event? window.event.srcElement: evt.target; try { if (!self._queryTheContainer(e)) { self.close(); } else { self.textboxFocus(); } } catch(ex) {}; }); if (this._currentStatus) this.show(); }}, _encode: function (str) { str = str+""; str = str.replace(/\ /g, " "); str = str.replace(/\ /g, " "); //str = str.replace(/</g,"<"); //str = str.replace(/>/g,">"); return str; }, _decode: function (str) { str = str+""; str = str.replace(/ /g, " "); //str = str.replace(/</g,"<"); //str = str.replace(/>/g,">"); return str; }, _queryTheContainer: function (e) { while(e && e.tagName!="BODY") { if (!e) return false; if (e==this.textbox || e==this._completeContainer) { return true; }; e=e.parentNode; }; return false; }, _fireCallbackHdle: function () { if (typeof (this.callback)=="function") { this.callback.apply(this, arguments); } }, _hdleFactory: function (hdle, aArgs) { aArgs = aArgs || []; if ("formatDatasource"==hdle) { return this.useContent==true? this._formatMutiDataSource.apply(this, aArgs): this._formatSingleDataSource.apply(this, aArgs); } else if ("query"==hdle) { return this.useContent==true? this._queryMutiDataSource.apply(this, aArgs): this._querySingleDataSource.apply(this, aArgs); } else if ("toggle"==hdle) { return this.useContent==true? this._hdleMutiToggle.apply(this, aArgs): this._hdleSingleToggle.apply(this, aArgs); } else if ("arrow"==hdle) { return this.useContent==true? this._hdleMutiArrow.apply(this, aArgs): this._hdleSingleArrow.apply(this, aArgs); } }, _hdleQuery: function (strQuery) { if (!strQuery) return false; return this._hdleFactory("query",arguments); }, _hdleToggle: function (oElement, sClassName1, sClassName2, sClassName3) { this._hdleFactory("toggle",arguments); }, _hdleClick: function (oElement) { var text = this.getSelectedValue(oElement).text; var content = this.getSelectedValue(oElement).content; this._inputValue = text; // window.location.href='wt.asp?stock='+content+'&mmlb=B'; this.returnBox.value = content; this._fireCallbackHdle(text, content); this.close(); this.textboxFocus(); }, _hdleFormatDataSource: function () { return this._hdleFactory("formatDatasource", arguments); }, /* * Copyright (c) 2006, www.never-online.net! All rights reserved. * the following that is the event handler * autocomplete 0.12 */ _hdleSingleArrow: function (nKeyCode) { with(this) { var r = _completeContainer.getElementsByTagName("div"); switch (nKeyCode) { case 13: // Enter r[this._selectedIdx]?r[this._selectedIdx].click():null; break; case 38: // Up arrow this._selectedIdx--; break; case 40: // Down arrow this._selectedIdx++; break; case 27: // ESC this.close(); break; default: return; } this._selectedIdx<=-1?this._selectedIdx=0:this._selectedIdx>r.length-1?this._selectedIdx=r.length-1:""; if (!r[this._selectedIdx]) return; this._completeContainer.scrollTop=this._getRelativeScrollTop(r[this._selectedIdx]); this._hdleToggle(r[this._selectedIdx],'over'); this._selectedIdx>0?this._hdleToggle(r[this._selectedIdx-1],'out'):""; this._hdleToggle(r[this._selectedIdx+1],'out'); this._createRange(r[this._selectedIdx]); }}, _hdleMutiArrow: function (nKeyCode) { var a = this._completeContainer.childNodes[0]; var r = a.getElementsByTagName("TR"); switch (nKeyCode) { case 13: // Enter r[this._selectedIdx]?r[this._selectedIdx].click():""; break; case 38: // Up arrow this._selectedIdx--; break; case 40: // Down arrow this._selectedIdx++; break; case 27: // ESC this.close(); break; default: return; } this._selectedIdx<=-1?this._selectedIdx=0:this._selectedIdx>r.length-1?this._selectedIdx=r.length-1:""; if (!r[this._selectedIdx]) return; this._completeContainer.scrollTop=this._getRelativeScrollTop(r[this._selectedIdx]); this._hdleToggle(r[this._selectedIdx],'over','autot-over','autoc-over'); this._selectedIdx>0?this._hdleToggle(r[this._selectedIdx-1],'out','autot','autoc'):""; r[this._selectedIdx+1]?this._hdleToggle(r[this._selectedIdx+1],'out','autot','autoc'):""; this._createRange(r[this._selectedIdx]); }, _createRange: function (oElement) { if (!oElement) return; var rng; var text = this.getSelectedValue(oElement).text; var content = this.getSelectedValue(oElement).content; //this.returnBox.value = text; this.returnBox.value = content; if (neverModules.browser.isIE) { try { rng = this.textbox.createTextRange(); rng.moveStart("character", this._inputValue.length); rng.select(); rng=null; } catch (ex) {}; } else { //TODO } }, _tg: function (oElement) { this._hdleToggle.apply(this, arguments); }, _hdleMutiToggle: function (oElement, sClassName1, sClassName2, sClassName3) { if (!oElement) return; var a = this._completeContainer; oElement.tagName=="TR"?oElement.className=sClassName1:""; var a = oElement.childNodes; for(var i=0; i<a.length; i++) { if (a[i].nodeType==1) { if (a[i].className.toLowerCase().indexOf("autot")>-1) { a[i].className=sClassName2; } else if (a[i].className.toLowerCase().indexOf("autoc")>-1) { a[i].className=sClassName3; } } } }, _hdleSingleToggle: function (oElement, sClassName) { if (!oElement) return; oElement.className = sClassName; }, _hc: function (oElement) { this._hdleClick.apply(this, arguments); }, _ckSpaceMatchQuery: function (strQuery) { strQuery=strQuery+""; if (!this.useSpaceMatch) return strQuery; strQuery = this.useSpaceMatch?strQuery.replace(/ /g,"\|"):strQuery; return strQuery; }, /* * Copyright (c) 2006, www.never-online.net! All rights reserved. * the following that is the private method * autocomplete 0.12 */ _getRelativeScrollTop: function (e) { return e.offsetTop; }, _querySingleDataSource: function (strQuery) { var rQuery = this._ckSpaceMatchQuery(strQuery); strQuery = this.useSpaceMatch?strQuery.replace(/ /g,this.spaceMatchRg):strQuery; var rg = new RegExp().compile('<div[^<>]+?>' +(this.ignoreWhere?'[^<>]*?':'')+strQuery+'[^<>]*?<\/div>', this.ignoreCase?"ig":"g"); var sDataSource = (this._inTheCacheData?this._cacheData:this._hdleFormatDataSource())+""; var aMatch = sDataSource.match(rg); rg = null; if (!aMatch) { this.close(); return false; } if (this.ignoreSpeed==true) { rg = new RegExp().compile("(?:>)([^<>]*?)(" +rQuery+ ")", this.ignoreCase?"ig":"g"); return this._cacheData=(this.autoSlice && aMatch.length>this.maxSlice? aMatch.slice(this.sliceRange.low, this.sliceRange.high).join(""): aMatch.join("")).replace(rg, ">$1" +this._highlightTag.start+ "$2" +this._highlightTag.end +""); } else { return this._cacheData=this.autoSlice && aMatch.length>this.maxSlice? aMatch.slice(this.sliceRange.low, this.sliceRange.high).join(""): aMatch.join(""); } }, _queryMutiDataSource: function (strQuery) { var rQuery = this._ckSpaceMatchQuery(strQuery); strQuery = this.useSpaceMatch?strQuery.replace(/ /g,this.spaceMatchRg):strQuery; var a=(this._inTheCacheData?(this._cacheData||[]).length>0?this._cacheData:this._dataSource:this._dataSource)||[]; var text, content, hints, rText, rg; this._formatData=[]; if(!isNaN(rQuery)) this.ignoreWhere=false; else this.ignoreWhere=true; ExpStr = this.ignoreWhere?"(.*?)(" +rQuery+ ")(.*?)":"^(" +rQuery+ ")(.*?)"; //alert(ExpStr); rg = new RegExp().compile( ExpStr, this.ignoreCase?"ig":"g"); for (var i=0; i<a.length; i++) { text=a[i].text?a[i].text:""; content=a[i].content?a[i].content:""; hints=a[i].hints?a[i].hints:""; rText="";text=this._encode(text); if (text.match(rg)) { var rg = new RegExp(ExpStr, this.ignoreCase?"ig":"g"); rText = text.replace(rg,this.ignoreWhere? "$1" +this._highlightTag.start+ "$2" +this._highlightTag.end+ "$3": "" +this._highlightTag.start+ "$1" +this._highlightTag.end+ "$2"); this._formatData.push({text:text, content:content, hints:hints, rText: rText}); } } /* reset cache data */ this._cacheData = []; this._cacheData = this._cacheData.concat(this._formatData); this._formatData = this.autoSlice && this._formatData.length>this.maxSlice? this._formatData.slice(this.sliceRange.low, this.sliceRange.high): this._formatData; return this._hdleFormatDataSource(); }, _formatSingleDataSource: function () { var strHTML=""; var a=this._dataSource||[]; if (a.length==1) { strHTML = '' + '<div class="out" onclick="' +this.name+'._hc(this)" onmouseover="' +this.name+'._tg(this,\'over\')" onmouseout="' +this.name+'._tg(this,\'out\')">' +a[0]+ '</div>'; } else { strHTML = '' + '<div class="out" onclick="' +this.name+'._hc(this)" onmouseover="' + this.name+'._tg(this,\'over\')" onmouseout="' + this.name+'._tg(this,\'out\')">\n'+a.join('</div>\n<div class="out" onclick="' + this.name+'._hc(this)" onmouseover="' +this.name+'._tg(this,\'over\')" onmouseout="' + this.name+'._tg(this,\'out\')">\n')+"\n</div>"; } return strHTML; }, _formatMutiDataSource: function () { var a = this._formatData||[]; var strBuilder = []; var text,rText,content,hints,strHTML; var maxShow = a.length >10 ? 10 : a.length; for (var i=0; i<maxShow; i++) { rText=a[i].rText?a[i].rText:a[i].text; text=this._encode(a[i].text?a[i].text:""); content=this._encode(a[i].content?a[i].content:""); hints=this._encode(a[i].hints?a[i].hints:""); rText=this._decode(rText); strBuilder.push('' + '\n<tr title="' +hints+ '" uid="' +i+ '" class="out" txt="' +text+ '" content="' +content+ '" onclick="' +this.name+'._hc(this)" onmouseover="' +this.name+'._tg(this,\'over\',\'autot-over\',\'autoc-over\')" onmouseout="' +this.name+'._tg(this,\'out\',\'autot\',\'autoc\')">\n<td class="autot">' +rText+ '</td>\n<td class="autoc">' +content+ '</td>\n</tr>\n'); } strHTML = '<table border="0" id="' +this.name+ '_complete_table" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">'; strHTML += strBuilder.join("") strHTML += "</table>"; return strHTML; }, _showAnimateImage: function (src, width, height) { if (!!src) this.setAnimateImage.apply(this,arguments); var o = this.animateImage; var p = new Image(); var ig; var self = this; p.src=o.src; p.width=o.width?o.width:p.width; p.height=o.height?o.height:p.height; if (document.getElementById("autocompleteAnimateImageId") && document.getElementById("autocompleteAnimatecontainerId")) { ig = document.getElementById("autocompleteAnimateImageId"); c=document.getElementById("autocompleteAnimatecontainerId"); ig.src = p.src; ig.width = p.width; ig.height = p.height; animateImageShow(); return; } var c = document.createElement("DIV"); c.id = "autocompleteAnimatecontainerId"; ig = document.createElement("IMG"); ig.id = "autocompleteAnimateImageId"; ig.src = p.src; ig.width = p.width; ig.height = p.height; c.style.display = "none"; document.body.appendChild(c); c.appendChild(ig); animateImageShow(); function animateImageShow() { var os = getAbsoluteCoords(self.textbox); with (c.style) { left = os.left+os.width-p.width-2+"px"; top = os.top+Math.round((os.height-p.height)/2)-(neverModules.browser.isIE?-1:2)+"px"; zIndex = "10"; position = "absolute"; display = "block"; } } }, _setCacheValue: function (strValue) { /* * using cache array to improve the query speed performace * must be set the ignoreSpeed with false value * 缓存存于cacheData中,使用cache来提高查询速度。大数据量时有效 * 此功能还有一个好处,可以减少与服务器的交互(在AJAX时) */ this._inTheCacheData = false; if (this._cacheValue=="" || (!this._cacheData)) { this._inTheCacheData=false; this._cacheValue = strValue; return; }; if (this._cacheValue==strValue.substring(0,this._cacheValue.length)) { this._inTheCacheData = true; }; this._cacheValue = strValue; }, /* * Copyright (c) 2006, www.never-online.net! All rights reserved. * the following that is the public method * autocomplete 0.12 * interface list */ show: function () { this._currentStatus = 1; var p = getAbsoluteCoords(this.textbox); var x = this._completeContainer.style; x.left = p.left+"px"; x.top = p.top+p.height+"px"; x.width = p.width+"px"; x.display = "block"; if (neverModules.browser.isIE) { var w = this._completeIframe.style; w.display = "block"; w.left = p.left+"px"; w.top = p.top+p.height+"px"; w.width = p.width+"px"; w.height = this._completeContainer.offsetHeight+"px"; } try { var a = document.getElementById(this.name+ "_complete_table"); if (a.offsetHeight>=this._completeContainer.offsetHeight) { a.setAttribute("width",this.textbox.offsetWidth-18); a.setAttribute("height",this.scrollHeight); } } catch(e) {}; this._completeContainer.scrollTop = '0px'; }, close: function (e) { try { if (neverModules.browser.isIE) this._completeIframe.style.display = "none"; this._completeContainer.style.display = "none"; this._currentStatus = 0; } catch (ex) {}; }, clearDataSource: function () { this._dataSource = []; this._cacheData = []; }, setDataSource: function (aDataSource) { if (aDataSource.constructor!=Array) return; this.close(); this.clearDataSource(); this._dataSource = aDataSource; // reference //this._dataSource = aDataSource.join("$NEVER_MODULES_SPLIT$").split("$NEVER_MODULES_SPLIT$"); }, getSelectedValue: function (oElement) { if (!oElement) return {text: "null", content: "null"}; var text = this.useContent? oElement.getAttribute("txt"): oElement.innerHTML.replace(/<[^<>]*>/g,""); var content = this.useContent? oElement.getAttribute("content"):""; return {text: text, content: content}; }, expandAllItem: function () { this._formatData = this._dataSource; this._completeContainer.innerHTML = this._hdleFormatDataSource(); this.show(); }, hdleEvent: function (evt) { var strQuery = this.textbox.value.rgEncode(); var strHTML; var nKeyCode = window.event?event.keyCode:evt.which; if (strQuery == "" && this._currentStatus==0) { this.close(); return; } if (this.isValidKey(evt)==false) { if ((!this._currentStatus) || (this.useArrow!=true && nKeyCode!=27)) return; this._hdleFactory("arrow",[nKeyCode]); return; }; this._inputValue = strQuery; this._setCacheValue(strQuery); this._completeContainer.innerHTML = ""; this._selectedIdx = -1; strHTML = this._hdleQuery(strQuery); if (strHTML!=false) { this._completeContainer.innerHTML = strHTML; this.show(); } else { this.close(); this._inTheCacheData = false; } }, isValidKey: function (evt) { var nKeyCode = window.event?event.keyCode:evt.which; for (var key in this._invalidKeyCode) { if (nKeyCode==this._invalidKeyCode[key]) return false; }; return true; }, showAnimateImage: function (src, width, height) { this._showAnimateImage.apply(this, arguments); }, closeAnimateImage: function () { try { document.getElementById("autocompleteAnimatecontainerId").style.display="none"; } catch (ex) {}; }, setAnimateImage: function (src, width, height) { if (!src) return; this.animateImage = {src:src, width:width, height:height}; }, isRequireAjax: function () { return (!this._inTheCacheData); }, isinCache: function () { return this.isRequireAjax(); }, dispose: function () { try { this._completeContainer.parentNode.removeChild(this._completeContainer); if (neverModules.browser.isIE) this._completeIframe.parentNode.removeChild(this._completeIframe); } catch (ex) {}; }, create: function () { this._createAutocomplete(); }, textboxFocus: function () { //禁止focus return; if (this.textbox) this.textbox.focus(); } }
/* 兼容IE 7.0以前版本 XMLHttpRequest */ if (window.ActiveXObject) { window.XMLHttpRequest = function() { var x = null; var progIds = [ 'MSXML3.XMLHTTP.5.0', 'MSXML3.XMLHTTP.4.0', 'MSXML3.XMLHTTP.3.0', 'MSXML3.XMLHTTP.2.0', 'MSXML3.XMLHTTP', 'MSXML2.XMLHTTP.5.0', 'MSXML2.XMLHTTP.4.0', 'MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0', 'MSXML2.XMLHTTP', 'Microsoft.XMLHTTP']; for (var i=0; i<progIds.length; i++) { try { x = new ActiveXObject(progIds[i]); break; } catch (ex) {}; }; if (!x) throw new Error([0,"Can not create XMLHttpRequest Object"]); return x; }; }; /* Global XMLHttpRequest and autoComplete object */ /* 全局的XMLHttpRequest对象和autoComplete对象 */ var http = callbackHttp = null; var autoComplete = null; var dataSource = null; window.onload = function pageLoadHdle() { var completeConfiguration = { instanceName: "autoComplete", textbox: document.getElementById("stock"), height: 150 }; /* Create a new instance of autoComplete */ /* 创建自动完成的实例 */ autoComplete = new neverModules.modules.autocomplete(completeConfiguration); autoComplete.useContent = true; /* 以下为可选项,这里的示例都是默认值 { */ /* 当useContent为false时,此功能生效,确定是否忽略速度, 如果不忽略速度,则效率提高30%左右,(没测试过,估计的) ,也就是没有高亮功能,适合纯DHTML的匹配 */ autoComplete.ignoreSpeed = false; /* 开启方向键(小键盘) */ autoComplete.useArrow = true; /* 当数据量较大时,自动截取前部分的数据,提高效率 */ autoComplete.autoSlice = true; /* 无论输入字符串在dataSource的何处,始终匹配 */ autoComplete.ignoreWhere = false; /* 一个空格代表一个或多个字符(串) */ autoComplete.useSpaceMatch = true; /* 忽略大小写 */ autoComplete.ignoreCase = true; /* 以上为可选项,这里的示例都是默认值 } */ //autoComplete.callback = callbackHdle; /* Create autoComplete */ /* 创建自动完成 */ autoComplete.create(); } function AjaxHdle (evt) { //如果用户的网速很满,无法等待页面加载完,就要开始使用股票查询,则需要马上创建,而不是等待漫长的页面加载完之后,触发onload事件再去创建对象 if(autoComplete==null) { pageLoadHdle(); } /* If the keycode is not a valid key or the query value in the cache, show autocomplete */ /* 如果输入的键是有效的,即非方向键等无效键,或是在缓存中有该值,则显示自动完成 */ if (autoComplete.isValidKey(evt)==false || autoComplete.isRequireAjax()==false || dataSource!=null) { showAutocomplete(evt); return; } /* 异步获取数据 */ http = new XMLHttpRequest(); http.onreadystatechange = function() {loadCompleteData(evt)}; http.open("GET", "data/ajax.xml", true); http.send(null); } /* 异步得到数据后加载dataSource */ function loadCompleteData (evt) { if (http.readyState!=4) { return; } var _document = http.responseXML; var dataValue = _document.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("dataSource")[0].firstChild.nodeValue; dataSource = window.eval(dataValue); autoComplete.setDataSource(dataSource); showAutocomplete(evt); http=null; } /* 显示autoComplete */ function showAutocomplete(evt) { autoComplete.hdleEvent(evt); window.setTimeout(function () { autoComplete.closeAnimateImage(); },1000); } /* callback 回调函数 */ function callbackHdle(autocompleteValue, autocompleteContent) { document.getElementById("loading").style.display="block"; callbackHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); callbackHttp.onreadystatechange = loadCallbackData; callbackHttp.open("GET", "./search", true); callbackHttp.send(null); } function loadCallbackData() { if (callbackHttp.readyState!=4) { return; } window.setTimeout(function() { document.getElementById("loading").style.display="none"; callbackHttp = null; },1000); }
/* present by never-online */ /* this is the autocomplete container style, summary style */ .neverModules-auto { border:1px solid #000; background-color:#fff; width:100%; margin:0; padding:0; -moz-user-select:none; } /* this the autocomplete property useContent is not true, the style is the item css, default style or onmouseout style */ .neverModules-auto .out { width:100%; color:#000; -moz-user-select:none; } /* this the autocomplete property useContent is not true, the style is the item css, highlight (onmouseover) style */ .neverModules-auto .over { width:100%; color:highlighttext; background-color:#3366CC; -moz-user-select:none; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- if autocomplete property useContent is true, using folowing style ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* text style, in the left of the autocomplete container */ .neverModules-auto .autot { font-size:9pt; color:#000; text-align:left; padding-left:5px; width:100%; -moz-user-select:none; } .neverModules-auto .autot-over { font-size:9pt; color:#fff; text-align:left; padding-left:5px; width:100%; -moz-user-select:none; } /* autocomplete right content default */ .neverModules-auto .autoc { font-size:8pt; color:#008000; text-align:right; padding-right:0px; display: none; width:0%; -moz-user-select:none; } .neverModules-auto .autoc-over { font-size:8pt; color:#fff; text-align:right; padding-right:0px; display: none; width:0%; -moz-user-select:none; }源码下载:stock