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jQuery plugin: Tooltip(转) jQueryTooltip 

程序员文章站 2024-03-20 16:44:16
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />
<title>jQuery Tooltip Plugin Demo</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../jquery.tooltip.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="screen.css" />
<script src="../lib/jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="../lib/jquery.bgiframe.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="../lib/jquery.dimensions.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="../jquery.tooltip.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="chili-1.7.pack.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript"> 
$(function() {
$('#set1 *').tooltip();
$("#foottip a").tooltip({
	bodyHandler: function() {
		return $($(this).attr("href")).html();
	showURL: false
	delay: 0,
	showURL: false,
	bodyHandler: function() {
		return $("<img/>").attr("src", this.src);
$('#yahoo a').tooltip({
	track: true,
	delay: 0,
	showURL: false,
	showBody: " - ",
	fade: 250
	left: 25
$("map > area").tooltip({ positionLeft: true });
$("#fancy, #fancy2").tooltip({
	track: true,
	delay: 0,
	showURL: false,
	fixPNG: true,
	showBody: " - ",
	extraClass: "pretty fancy",
	top: -15,
	left: 5
	track: true,
	delay: 0,
	showURL: false,
	showBody: " - ",
	extraClass: "pretty",
	fixPNG: true,
	left: -120
$('#right a').tooltip({
	track: true,
	delay: 0,
	showURL: false,
	extraClass: "right"
$('#right2 a').tooltip({ showURL: false, positionLeft: true });
<h1 id="banner"><a href="http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-tooltip/">jQuery Tooltip Plugin</a> Demo</h1>
<div id="main">
	<fieldset id="set1">
		<legend>Three elements with tooltips, default settings</legend>
		<a title="A tooltip with default settings, the href is displayed below the title" href="http://google.de">Link to google</a>
		<label title="A label with a title and default settings, no href here" for="text1">Input something please!</label>
		<input title="Note that the tooltip disappears when clicking the input element" type="text" value="Test" name="action" id="text1"/>
		<pre><code class="mix">$('#set1 *').tooltip();</code></pre>
	<fieldset id="foottip">
		<legend>Using bodyHandler to display footnotes in the tooltip</legend>
		Some text referring to a <a href="#footnote">footnote</a>.
		<div id="footnote"><em>And here</em> is the actual footnote, complete with nested <strong>HTML</strong>.</div>
		<pre><code class="mix">$("#foottip a").tooltip({
	bodyHandler: function() {
		return $($(this).attr("href")).html();
	showURL: false
		<legend>An image with a tooltip</legend>
		<img id="tonus" src="image.png" height="80" title="No delay. The src value is displayed below the title" />
	<pre><code class="mix">$('#tonus').tooltip({
	delay: 0,
	showURL: false,
	bodyHandler: function() {
		return $("&lt;img/&gt;").attr("src", this.src);
		<legend>Blocking tooltips</legend>
		<button id="block">Click this button to block/unblock all tooltips</button>
		<pre><code class="mix">$("#block").click($.tooltip.block);</code></pre>
		<legend>The next four links have no delay with tracking and fading, with extra content:</legend>
		<div id="yahoo">
			<a title="Yahoo doo - more content" href="http://yahoo.com">Link to yahoo</a>
			<a title="Yahoo doo2 - wohooo" href="http://yahoo.com">Link to yahoo1</a>
			<a title="Yahoo doo3" href="http://yahoo.com">Link to yahoo2</a>
			<a title="Yahoo doo4 - buga!" href="http://yahoo.com">Link to yahoo3</a>
		<select><option>bgiframe test</option></select>
		<pre><code class="mix">$('#yahoo a').tooltip({
	track: true,
	delay: 0,
	showURL: false,
	showBody: " - ",
	fade: 250
		<legend>Tooltips with extra classes. Useful for different tooltip styles on a single page.</legend>
		<em>Note how the one on the right gets a different background image when at the right viewport border.</em>
		<span id="fancy" title="Note - Please note the custom positioning here!">A fancy tooltip, now with some custom positioning.</span>
		<span id="fancy2" title="Note - Please note the custom positioning here!">A fancy tooltip, now with some custom positioning.</span>
		<p><span id="pretty" title="Again - more custom positioning.">And now, for the fancy stuff, a tooltip with an extra class for nice shadows, and some extra content</span></p>
		<select><option>bgiframe test</option></select>
		<pre><code class="mix">$("#fancy, #fancy2").tooltip({
	track: true,
	delay: 0,
	showURL: false,
	opacity: 1,
	fixPNG: true,
	showBody: " - ",
	extraClass: "pretty fancy",
	top: -15,
	left: 5
	track: true,
	delay: 0,
	showURL: false,
	showBody: " - ",
	extraClass: "pretty",
	fixPNG: true,
	opacity: 0.95,
	left: -120
		<select title="fancy select with a tooltip">
			<option>1. option</option>
			<option>2. option</option>
			<option>3. option</option>
		<legend>Image map with tooltips.</legend>
		<img id="map" src="karte.png" width="345" height="312" border="0" usemap="#Landkarte">
		<map name="Landkarte">
		  <area shape="rect" coords="11,10,59,29"
		        href="http://www.koblenz.de/" alt="Koblenz" title="Koblenz">
		  <area shape="rect" coords="42,36,96,57"
		        href="http://www.wiesbaden.de/" alt="Wiesbaden" title="Wiesbaden">
		  <area shape="rect" coords="42,59,78,80"
		        href="http://www.mainz.de/" alt="Mainz" title="Mainz">
		  <area shape="rect" coords="100,26,152,58"
		        href="http://www.frankfurt.de/" alt="Frankfurt" title="Frankfurt">
		  <area shape="rect" coords="27,113,93,134"
		        href="http://www.mannheim.de/" alt="Mannheim" title="Mannheim">
		  <area shape="rect" coords="100,138,163,159"
		        href="http://www.heidelberg.de/" alt="Heidelberg" title="Heidelberg">
		  <area shape="rect" coords="207,77,266,101"
		        href="http://www.wuerzburg.de/" alt="W&uuml;rzburg" title="W&uuml;rzburg">
		  <area shape="rect" coords="282,62,344,85"
		        href="http://www.bamberg.de/" alt="Bamberg" title="Bamberg">
		  <area shape="rect" coords="255,132,316,150"
		        href="http://www.nuernberg.de/" alt="N&uuml;rnberg" title="N&uuml;rnberg">
		  <area shape="rect" coords="78,182,132,200"
		        href="http://www.karlsruhe.de/" alt="Karlsruhe" title="Karlsruhe">
		  <area shape="rect" coords="142,169,200,193"
		        href="http://www.heilbronn.de/" alt="Heilbronn" title="Heilbronn">
		  <area shape="rect" coords="140,209,198,230"
		        href="http://www.stuttgart.de/" alt="Stuttgart" title="Stuttgart">
		  <area shape="rect" coords="187,263,222,281"
		        href="http://www.ulm.de/" alt="Ulm" title="Ulm">
		  <area shape="rect" coords="249,278,304,297"
		        href="http://www.augsburg.de/" alt="Augsburg" title="Augsburg">
		  <area shape="poly" coords="48,311,105,248,96,210,75,205,38,234,8,310"
		        href="http://www.baden-aktuell.de/" alt="Baden" title="Baden">
		<pre><code class="mix">$("map *").tooltip({ positionLeft: true });</code></pre>
		<legend>Testing repositioning at viewport borders</legend>
		<p id="right">
			Tooltip with fixed width<br/>
			<a title="Short title" href="http://goggle">Google me!</a><br/>
			<a title="Rather a very very long title with no meaning but yet quite long long long" href="http://goggle">Google me!</a>
		<p id="right2">
			Tooltip width auto width<br/>
			<a title="Short title" href="http://goggle">Google me!</a><br/>
			<a title="Rather a very very long title with no meaning but yet quite long long long" href="http://goggle">Google me!</a>
		<pre><code class="mix">$('#right a').tooltip({
	track: true,
	delay: 0,
	showURL: false,
	extraClass: "right"
$('#right2 a').tooltip({ showURL: false, positionLeft: true });</code></pre>



  • jQuery plugin: Tooltip(转)
  • 大小: 26.3 KB
  • jQuery plugin: Tooltip(转)
  • 大小: 30.8 KB
  • jQuery plugin: Tooltip(转)
  • 大小: 181.4 KB
相关标签: jQuery Tooltip