Mono 1.2.6 发布 博客分类: .Net/Mono/Castle ASP.netASPSilverlightWindowsWPF
2024-03-19 19:43:40
来自 ,最cool 的特性是支持了 sliverlight,现在我开始期待 WPF 了,呵呵。
这个版本看样子着重加强了对 的支持,可能Linq在明年第一季度就可用了。
We have just released Mono 1.2.6. Some of the highlights
for this release include:
* Native Windows.Forms driver for MacOS X allows
Winforms-based applications to run without an X
* Support for the ASP.NET AJAX APIs and controls.
* Support for FastCGI deployments: ASP.NET can now
be deployed on a multitude of servers that implement
the FastCGI protocol (lighttpd for example) in
addition to Apache.
* Windows.Forms now supports the WebControl on
Windows and Linux using Mozilla.
* Runtime will now consume much less memory for
2.0-based applications due to various optimizations in
generics support as well as including many new
performance improvements and an updated verifier and
an implementation of CoreCLR security.
* C# compiler is quickly approaching full 3.0
support, most of the basics work right now (except
support for System.Query.Expression AST generation).
* Mono 1.2.6 can now be used as an SDK for creating
Silverlight 1.1 applications on all platforms. This
allows developers to create applications that target
Silverlight without requiring a Windows installation.
这个版本看样子着重加强了对 的支持,可能Linq在明年第一季度就可用了。
We have just released Mono 1.2.6. Some of the highlights
for this release include:
* Native Windows.Forms driver for MacOS X allows
Winforms-based applications to run without an X
* Support for the ASP.NET AJAX APIs and controls.
* Support for FastCGI deployments: ASP.NET can now
be deployed on a multitude of servers that implement
the FastCGI protocol (lighttpd for example) in
addition to Apache.
* Windows.Forms now supports the WebControl on
Windows and Linux using Mozilla.
* Runtime will now consume much less memory for
2.0-based applications due to various optimizations in
generics support as well as including many new
performance improvements and an updated verifier and
an implementation of CoreCLR security.
* C# compiler is quickly approaching full 3.0
support, most of the basics work right now (except
support for System.Query.Expression AST generation).
* Mono 1.2.6 can now be used as an SDK for creating
Silverlight 1.1 applications on all platforms. This
allows developers to create applications that target
Silverlight without requiring a Windows installation.