Matlab优化求解器中的Tolerances and Stopping Criteria
The number of iterations in an optimization depends on a solver’s stopping criteria. These criteria include several tolerances you can set. Generally, a tolerance is a threshold which, if crossed, stops the iterations of a solver.
optimoptions displays tolerances. For example,
options = optimoptions('fmincon');
fmincon options:
Options used by current Algorithm ('interior-point'):
(Other available algorithms: 'active-set', 'sqp', 'sqp-legacy', 'trust-region-reflective')
Set properties:
No options set.
Default properties:
Algorithm: 'interior-point'
CheckGradients: 0
ConstraintTolerance: 1.0000e-06
Display: 'final'
FiniteDifferenceStepSize: 'sqrt(eps)'
FiniteDifferenceType: 'forward'
HessianApproximation: 'bfgs'
HessianFcn: []
HessianMultiplyFcn: []
HonorBounds: 1
MaxFunctionEvaluations: 3000
MaxIterations: 1000
ObjectiveLimit: -1.0000e+20
OptimalityTolerance: 1.0000e-06
OutputFcn: []
PlotFcn: []
ScaleProblem: 0
SpecifyConstraintGradient: 0
SpecifyObjectiveGradient: 0
StepTolerance: 1.0000e-10
SubproblemAlgorithm: 'factorization'
TypicalX: 'ones(numberOfVariables,1)'
UseParallel: 0
Show options not used by current Algorithm ('interior-point')
ans =
1.0e-06 *
1.0000 1.0000 0.0001
- StepTolerance
StepTolerance is a lower bound on the size of a step, meaning the norm of (xi – xi+1). If the solver attempts to take a step that is smaller than StepTolerance, the iterations end. StepTolerance is sometimes used as a relative bound, meaning iterations end when |(xi – xi+1)| < StepTolerance*(1 + |xi|), or a similar relative measure. - FunctionTolerance
For some algorithms, FunctionTolerance is a lower bound on the change in the value of the objective function during a step. For those algorithms, if |f(xi) – f(xi+1)| < FunctionTolerance, the iterations end. FunctionTolerance is sometimes used as a relative bound, meaning iterations end when |f(xi) – f(xi+1)| < FunctionTolerance*(1 + |f(xi)|), or a similar relative measure
- OptimalityTolerance
OptimalityTolerance is a tolerance for the first-order optimality measure. If the optimality measure is less than OptimalityTolerance, the iterations end. OptimalityTolerance can also be a relative bound on the first-order optimality measure. First-order optimality measure is defined in First-Order Optimality Measure.
何为first-order optimality measure?
一阶最优性用于度量点 x 与最优点的接近程度。大多数 Optimization Toolbox™ 求解器都使用此度量,尽管它对不同算法有不同定义。一阶最优性是必要条件,但不是充分条件。换言之:
OptimalityTolerance 容差与一阶最优性度量相关。通常,如果一阶最优性度量小于 OptimalityTolerance,则求解器迭代结束。
一些求解器或算法使用相对一阶最优性作为停止条件。如果一阶最优性度量小于 μ 乘以 OptimalityTolerance,则求解器迭代结束;其中 μ 为:
目标函数在 x0 处的梯度的无穷范数(最大值)
求解器的输入的无穷范数(最大值),例如 linprog 中的 f 或 b 或者 quadprog 中的 H
4. ConstraintTolerance
ConstraintTolerance is an upper bound on the magnitude of any constraint functions. If a solver returns a point x with c(x) > ConstraintTolerance or |ceq(x)| > ConstraintTolerance, the solver reports that the constraints are violated at x. ConstraintTolerance can also be a relative bound.