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程序员文章站 2024-03-18 21:20:22




 * Created by ztt on 2017/7/24.

//Define a Pet object. Pass it a name and number of legs.
var Pet = function (name,legs) {
    this.name = name;
    this.legs = legs;

//Create a method that shows the Pet's name and number of legs.
Pet.prototype.getDetails = function () {
    return this.name + ' has ' + this.legs + ' legs ';

//Define a Cat object,inheriting from Pet.
var Cat = function (name) {
    Pet.call(this,name,4);//Call the parent object's constructor.

//This line performs the inheritance from Pet.
Cat.prototype.action = function () {
    return 'Catch a bird';

//Create an instance of Cat in petCat.
var petCat = new Cat('Felix');

var details = petCat.getDetails();  //'Felix has 4 legs'.
var action = petCat.action();       //'Catch a bird'.
petCat.name = 'Sylvester';          //Change petCat's name.
petCat.legs = 7;                    //Change petCat's number of legs!!!
details = petCat.getDetails();      //'Sylvester has 7 legs'.





 * Created by ztt on 2017/7/24.

//Define a Pet object. Pass it a name and number of legs.
var pet = function (name,legs) {
    //Create an object literal (that). Include a name property for public use
    //and a getDetails() function. Legs will remain private.
    //Any local variables defined here or passed to pet as arguments will remain
    //private, but still be accessible from functions defined below.
    var that = {
        name: name,
        getDetails: function () {
            //Due to JavaScript's scoping rules, the legs variable
            //will be available in here (a closure) despite being
            //inaccessible from outside the pet object.
            return this.name + ' has ' + this.legs + ' legs ';
    return that;

//Define a Cat object,inheriting from Pet.
var Cat = function (name) {
    var that = pet(name,4); //Inherit from pet.
    //Augment cat with an action method.
    that.action = function () {
        return 'Catch a bird';
    return that;

//Create an instance of Cat in petCat.
var petCat2 = Cat('Felix');

var details = petCat2.getDetails();  //'Felix has 4 legs'.
var action = petCat2.action();       //'Catch a bird'.
petCat2.name = 'Sylvester';          //We can change the name.
petCat2.legs = 7;                    //But not the number of legs!
details = petCat2.getDetails();      //'Sylvester has 4 legs'.
