python and VScode 博客分类: 软件安装自动化测试 pythonvscodetasks.jsonlaunch.json
2024-03-18 20:50:22
mac 下vscode配置python
- command + shift + P 输入task
- 打开第一个配置文件tasks.json
{ "version": "0.1.0", "command": "python", "isShellCommand": true, "args": ["${file}"], "showOutput": "always" }
- 新建一个
- command + shift + B运行py文件
- 配置python debug
- 1、新建一个python项目
- 2、打开launch.json文件
- 3、修改lanuch.json文件为:
{ "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [ { "name": "Python", "type": "python", "request": "launch", "stopOnEntry": true, "pythonPath": "${config:python.pythonPath}", "program": "${file}", "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}", "env": {}, "envFile": "${workspaceRoot}/.env", "debugOptions": [ "WaitOnAbnormalExit", "WaitOnNormalExit", "RedirectOutput" ] }, { "name": "PySpark", "type": "python", "request": "launch", "stopOnEntry": true, "osx": { "pythonPath": "${env:SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-submit" }, "windows": { "pythonPath": "${env:SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-submit.cmd" }, "linux": { "pythonPath": "${env:SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-submit" }, "program": "${file}", "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}", "env": {}, "envFile": "${workspaceRoot}/.env", "debugOptions": [ "WaitOnAbnormalExit", "WaitOnNormalExit", "RedirectOutput" ] }, { "name": "Python Module", "type": "python", "request": "launch", "stopOnEntry": true, "pythonPath": "${config:python.pythonPath}", "module": "", "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}", "env": {}, "envFile": "${workspaceRoot}/.env", "debugOptions": [ "WaitOnAbnormalExit", "WaitOnNormalExit", "RedirectOutput" ] }, { "name": "Integrated Terminal/Console", "type": "python", "request": "launch", "stopOnEntry": true, "pythonPath": "${config:python.pythonPath}", "program": "${file}", "cwd": "", "console": "integratedTerminal", "env": {}, "envFile": "${workspaceRoot}/.env", "debugOptions": [ "WaitOnAbnormalExit", "WaitOnNormalExit" ] }, { "name": "External Terminal/Console", "type": "python", "request": "launch", "stopOnEntry": true, "pythonPath": "${config:python.pythonPath}", "program": "${file}", "cwd": "", "console": "externalTerminal", "env": {}, "envFile": "${workspaceRoot}/.env", "debugOptions": [ "WaitOnAbnormalExit", "WaitOnNormalExit" ] }, { "name": "Django", "type": "python", "request": "launch", "stopOnEntry": true, "pythonPath": "${config:python.pythonPath}", "program": "${workspaceRoot}/", "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}", "args": [ "runserver", "--noreload" ], "env": {}, "envFile": "${workspaceRoot}/.env", "debugOptions": [ "WaitOnAbnormalExit", "WaitOnNormalExit", "RedirectOutput", "DjangoDebugging" ] }, { "name": "Flask", "type": "python", "request": "launch", "stopOnEntry": false, "pythonPath": "${config:python.pythonPath}", "program": "fully qualified path fo 'flask' executable. Generally located along with python interpreter", "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}", "env": { "FLASK_APP": "${workspaceRoot}/quickstart/" }, "args": [ "run", "--no-debugger", "--no-reload" ], "envFile": "${workspaceRoot}/.env", "debugOptions": [ "WaitOnAbnormalExit", "WaitOnNormalExit", "RedirectOutput" ] }, { "name": "Flask (old)", "type": "python", "request": "launch", "stopOnEntry": false, "pythonPath": "${config:python.pythonPath}", "program": "${workspaceRoot}/", "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}", "args": [], "env": {}, "envFile": "${workspaceRoot}/.env", "debugOptions": [ "WaitOnAbnormalExit", "WaitOnNormalExit", "RedirectOutput" ] }, { "name": "Pyramid", "type": "python", "request": "launch", "stopOnEntry": true, "pythonPath": "${config:python.pythonPath}", "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}", "env": {}, "envFile": "${workspaceRoot}/.env", "args": [ "${workspaceRoot}/development.ini" ], "debugOptions": [ "WaitOnAbnormalExit", "WaitOnNormalExit", "RedirectOutput", "Pyramid" ] }, { "name": "Watson", "type": "python", "request": "launch", "stopOnEntry": true, "pythonPath": "${config:python.pythonPath}", "program": "${workspaceRoot}/", "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}", "args": [ "dev", "runserver", "--noreload=True" ], "env": {}, "envFile": "${workspaceRoot}/.env", "debugOptions": [ "WaitOnAbnormalExit", "WaitOnNormalExit", "RedirectOutput" ] }, { "name": "Attach (Remote Debug)", "type": "python", "request": "attach", "localRoot": "${workspaceRoot}", "remoteRoot": "${workspaceRoot}", "port": 3000, "secret": "my_secret", "host": "localhost" } ] }
- 4、debug窗口就会出现python debug 字样,就可以直接debug了;
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