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实现一个sizeof获取Java对象大小 博客分类: 代码琐记 Java对象大小内存sizeofhotspot 

程序员文章站 2024-03-18 19:42:22

   由于Java的设计者不想让程序员管理和了解内存的使用,我们想要知道一个对象在内存中的大小变得比较困难了。本文提供了可以获取对象的大小的方法,但是由于各个虚拟机在内存使用上可能存在不同,因此该方法不能在各虚拟机上都适用,而是仅在hotspot 32位虚拟机上,或者其它内存管理方式与hotspot 32位虚拟机相同的虚拟机上 适用。






    boolean:1 byte,尽管Java语言规范里面boolean是一个bit;

    byte:1 byte;

    char:2 bytes;

    short:2 bytes;

    int:4 bytes;

    float:4 bytes;

    long:8 bytes;

    double:8 bytes。


    4 bytes,即使是null值也是如此。

三,空的普通对象(无任何属性,如new Object(),不是null对象):

    8 bytes。存放对象头的各种信息。


    12 bytes,其中比普通对象多出来的4 bytes是用来放数组长度的。

五,hotspot 32分配内存是以8 bytes的整数倍来计算的,因此不足8个字节的对象要补足剩余的字节数以对齐。


 * 这个例子在eclipse里不能直接编译,要到项目的属性,
 * Java Compiler,Errors/Warnings中Deprecated and restricted API
 * 中Forbidden reference(access rules)中设置为warning。
 * 获取一个Java对象在内存所占的空间,不同的虚拟机内存管理方式可能不同,
 * 本例是针对32位的hotspot虚拟机的。
 * 由于虚拟机对字符串做了特殊处理,比如将其放入常量池,因此sizeof得到的字符串
 * 包含了常量池里面占用的空间。基本类型的包装类也会重复利用对象。
 * 设计作者: teasp
 * 信息描述:
public class HotspotSizeof
    public static final int OBJ_BASIC_LEN = 8 * 8;
    public static final int ARRAY_BASIC_LEN = 12 * 8;
    public static final int OBJ_REF_LEN = 4 * 8;
    public static final int ALIGN = 8 * 8;
    private static Unsafe UNSAFE;
    static {
            Field theUnsafe = Unsafe.class.getDeclaredField("theUnsafe");
            UNSAFE = (Unsafe) theUnsafe.get(null); 
        catch (Exception e)
     * 原始类型的种类,以及每个类型所占空间,单位为bit
     * @author Administrator
    private enum PType 
        private int bits;
        private PType(int bits)
            this.bits = bits;
        public int getBits() {
            return bits;
     * 计算obj对象在虚拟机中所占的内存,单位为bit。
     * 如果isPapa为true,则表明计算的是obj对象父类定义的属性。
     * @param obj
     * @param clazz
     * @param isPapa
     * @return
    private static int getObjBits(Object obj, Class<?> clazz, boolean isPapa) 
        int bits = 0;
        if (obj == null)
            return bits;
        bits += OBJ_BASIC_LEN;
        if (isPapa)
            bits = 0;
        Field[] fields = clazz.getDeclaredFields();
        if (fields != null) 
            for (Field field : fields) 
                if (Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers()))
//                    System.out.println("static " + field.getName());
                Class<?> c = field.getType();
                 if (c == boolean.class)
                     bits += PType.布尔.getBits();
                 else if (c == byte.class)
                     bits += PType.字节.getBits();
                 else if (c == char.class)
                     bits += PType.字符.getBits();
                 else if (c == short.class)
                     bits += PType.短整.getBits();
                 else if (c == int.class)
                     bits += PType.整形.getBits();
                     System.out.println(field.getName() + "=" + UNSAFE.getInt(obj, UNSAFE.objectFieldOffset(field)));
                 else if (c == float.class)
                     bits += PType.浮点.getBits();
                 else if (c == long.class)
                     bits += PType.长整.getBits();
                 else if (c == double.class)
                     bits += PType.双精.getBits();
                 else if (c == void.class)
                 } else if (c.isArray())
                     Object o = UNSAFE.getObject(obj, UNSAFE.objectFieldOffset(field));
                     bits += OBJ_REF_LEN;
                     if (o != null)
                             bits += bitsofArray(o);
                         } catch (Exception e)
                             throw new RuntimeException(e);
                 } else 
                     Object o = UNSAFE.getObject(obj, UNSAFE.objectFieldOffset(field));
                     bits += OBJ_REF_LEN;
                     if (o != null) 
                             bits += bitsof(o);
                         } catch (Exception e)
                             throw new RuntimeException(e);
        Class<?> papa = clazz.getSuperclass();
        if (papa != null)
           bits += getObjBits(obj, papa, true); 
        if (false == isPapa)
            if (bits%ALIGN > 0)
                bits += (ALIGN - bits%ALIGN);
        return bits;
     * 计算arr数组在虚拟机中所占的内存,单位为bit
     * @param arr
     * @return
    private static int bitsofArray(Object arr)
        int bits = 0;
        if (arr == null)
            return bits;
        bits += ARRAY_BASIC_LEN;
        Class<?> c = arr.getClass();
        if (c.isArray() == false)
            throw new RuntimeException("Must be array!");
        if (c == boolean[].class)
            bits += PType.布尔.getBits() * ((boolean[])arr).length;
        else if (c == byte[].class)
            bits += PType.字节.getBits() * ((byte[])arr).length;
        else if (c == char[].class)
            bits += PType.字符.getBits() * ((char[])arr).length;
        else if (c == short[].class)
            bits += PType.短整.getBits() * ((short[])arr).length;
        else if (c == int[].class)
            bits += PType.整形.getBits() * ((int[])arr).length;
        else if (c == float[].class)
            bits += PType.浮点.getBits() * ((float[])arr).length;
        else if (c == long[].class)
            bits += PType.长整.getBits() * ((long[])arr).length;
        else if (c == double[].class)
            bits += PType.双精.getBits() * ((double[])arr).length;
            Object[] os = (Object[])arr;
            for (Object o : os)
                bits += OBJ_REF_LEN + bitsof(o);
        if (bits%ALIGN > 0)
            bits += (ALIGN - bits%ALIGN);
        return bits;
     * 计算obj对象在虚拟机中所占的内存,单位为bit
     * @param obj
     * @return
    private static int bitsof(Object obj)
        if (obj == null)
            return 0;
        if (obj.getClass().isArray())
            return bitsofArray(obj);
        return getObjBits(obj, obj.getClass(), false);
     * 计算obj对象在虚拟机中所占的内存,单位为byte
     * @param obj
     * @return
    public static int sizeof(Object obj)
        return bitsof(obj)/8;
    private static void runGC() throws Exception
        // It helps to call Runtime.gc()
        // using several method calls:
        for (int r=0; r<4; ++r) _runGC();
    private static void _runGC() throws Exception
        long usedMem1 = usedMemory(), usedMem2 = Long.MAX_VALUE;
        for (int i=0; (usedMem1<usedMem2) && (i<500); ++i)
            usedMem2 = usedMem1;
            usedMem1 = usedMemory();
    private static long usedMemory()
        return Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() - Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory();
     * 本方法在计算String以及原始类型的包装类的时候可能不准。
     * String s = "abc"; 这种方式产生的String对象会被放入常量池。
     * Integer.valueOf(1)会返回缓存的对象而不是new一个。
     * @param cls
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    private static long determinObjSize(Class<?> cls) throws Exception 
        // Warm up all classes/methods we will use
        // Array to keep strong references to allocated objects
        final int count = 100000;
        Object[] objects = new Object[count];
        long heap1 = 0;
        // Allocate count+1 objects, discard the first one
        for (int i = -1; i < count; ++i)
            Object object = null;
            // Instantiate your data here and assign it to object
//            object = new Object();
            //object = new Integer(i);
            //object = new Long(i);
            //object = new String();
            //object = new byte[128][1]
            object = cls.newInstance();
            if (i >= 0)
                objects [i] = object;
                object = null; // Discard the warm up object
                heap1 = usedMemory(); // Take a before heap snapshot
        long heap2 = usedMemory(); // Take an after heap snapshot:
        final int size = Math.round(((float)(heap2 - heap1))/count);
        System.out.println("'before' heap: " + heap1 +
                            ", 'after' heap: " + heap2);
        System.out.println("heap delta: " + (heap2 - heap1) +
            ", {" + objects [0].getClass () + "} size = " + size + " bytes");
        for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) objects [i] = null;
        objects = null;
        return size;
    public static void main(String[] args)
        HotspotSizeof hs = new HotspotSizeof();
    public void test() 
            Assert.assertEquals(determinObjSize(Obj4SizeofTest.class), sizeof(new Obj4SizeofTest()));
        } catch (Exception e)
            throw new RuntimeException(e);




 * 设计作者: teasp
 * 信息描述:
public class Papa
    private int aint = 4;
    public static int bint;
//    private String str = "123";
//    private String str = new String("123");
//    private String str = new String(new byte[]{49,50,51});
    private String str = new String(new char[]{49,50,51});
    private int[] ints = {};
    private int[][] intss = {{}};
//    private int[][] intss = {{1},{1,2}};

 * 设计作者: teasp
 * 信息描述:
public class Obj4SizeofTest extends Papa
    private int aint = 3;
    public int bint = 4;
    private boolean b1 = true;
    private boolean b2 = true;
    private boolean b3 = true;
    private boolean b4 = true;
    private boolean b5 = true;
    private boolean b6 = true;
    private boolean b7 = true;
    private boolean b8 = true;
    private String str1;
    private Object obj = new Papa();
    public static final byte[] bytes = {97};
    private String str2 = new String(bytes);
    private Integer i = new Integer(1);
    private int[] is = {1,2,3};
    private Object[][] objs = {{new Object(),new Object()},{new Object(),new Object()}};