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程序员文章站 2024-03-18 14:23:28


* package management
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
;;Define a function to open the init file
(defun myfun/open-my-emacs-init-file()
  (find-file "~/.emacs.d/init.el")) 

;;load path
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/lisp")
(require 'init-packages)
(require 'init-ui)
(require 'init-better-defaults)
(require 'init-keybindings)
(require 'init-org)
(require 'init-web-ide)
;;(require 'init-cppIde)

;;;equas to
;;(load "init-packages")
;;(load "init-ui")
;;(load "init-better-defaults")
;;(load "init-keybindings")
;;(load "init-org")

;;;equas to
;;(load-file "~/.emacs.d/lisp/init-packages.elc")
;;(load-file "~/.emacs.d/lisp/init-ui.elc")
;;(load-file "~/.emacs.d/lisp/init-keybindings.elc")
;;(load-file "~/.emacs.d/lisp/init-better-defaults.elc")
;;(load-file "~/.emacs.d/lisp/init-org.elc")

(setq custom-file (expand-file-name "lisp/init-custom.el" user-emacs-directory))

(load-file custom-file)

(require 'use-package)
(setq use-package-always-ensure t)

(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/custom")

(require 'setup-general)
(if (version< emacs-version "24.4")
    (require 'setup-ivy-counsel)
;; If you want to use ggtags, comment this line 
;;  (require 'setup-helm)
 (require 'setup-helm-gtags))
(require 'setup-ggtags)
(require 'setup-cedet)
(require 'setup-editing)

* UI and Some Default Configuration
** line Number
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(global-linum-mode t)
* Concepts
** Buffer
In an Emacs session, you may have a lot of buffers, including
non-file buffers such as shell buffers, email buffers... How do you
manage buffers when it's getting large? *C-x C-b* executes
=list-buffers=, provide you a list of buffer in which you can
search. However, =list-buffers= is a simple command for buffer
management. Emacs also provides =ibuffer=, which is a superior
alternative. You will surely want to use =ibuffer=, but first let's
replace =list-buffers= with =ibuffer= (by placing next directive to your =~/.emacs= file):

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
  (global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-b") 'ibuffer)

* Packages
** Package: =ztree=
:ID:       509e175b-8d72-472d-ad1c-7e96c647cb77
_Author_: [[https://github.com/fourier][Alexey Veretennikov]], [email protected]=

_Homepage_: [[https://github.com/fourier/ztree][Github]]


Ztree is a project dedicated to implementation of several text-tree
applications inside Emacs. It consists of 2 sub-projects: ztree-diff
and ztree-dir(the basis of ztree-diff).

- ztree-diff: Perform diff on two directories. Really handy when you
  want to create a big patch between two directories.


- ztree-dir: a simple tree explorer.



=M-x list-packages= and select *ztree* package, then install
it. After finish installing, add this code snippet to activate the

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
  ;; PACKAGE: ztree  ;;
  ;;                 ;;
  ;; GROUP: No group ;;
  ;; since ztree works with files and directories, let's consider it in
  ;; group Files
  (require 'ztree-diff)
  (require 'ztree-dir)


=M-x ztree-diff=, then select the left and right directories to

=M-x ztree-dir= to explorer filesystem:

- Open/close directories with double-click, =RET= or =Space= keys.
- To jump to the parent directory, hit the =Backspace= key.
- To toggle open/closed state of the subtree of the current directory,
  hit the x key.

** Browse source tree with =Speedbar= file browser
:ID: speedbar
If you want a static outline tree, Emacs also has a more one:
=Speedbar=. To use Speed bar, =M-x speedbar= and a frame that contains
a directory tree appear. In this directory, to the left of a file or
directory name is an icon with =+= sign in it. You can click the icon
to open the content of a node. If the node is a file, the children of
the files are tags (variable and function definitions) of the file; if
the node is a directory, the children of the node are files in that
directory. One important thing to remember, Speedbar only lists files
that match =speedbar-file-regexp=, that contains the extensions for
common programming languages. If you don't see files in your
programming languages listed, consider adding it the regexp list. 

*Basic usage*:

- Use *SPC* to open the children of a node.

- *RET* to open the node in another window. If node is a file, open
  that file; if node is a directory, enter that directory; if node is
  a tag in a file, jump to the location of that tag in the file.

- *U* to go up parent directory.

- *n* or *p* moves to next or previous node.

- *M-n* or *M-p* moves to next or previous node at the current level.

- *b* switches to buffer list using Speedbar presentation. You can
  also open children of each buffer.

- *f* switches back to file list.

To enable =speedbar= to show all files:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
  (setq speedbar-show-unknown-files t)

** Package: =sr-speedbar=
:ID:       1824d791-2592-4efa-90b7-845e6a68681d

However, you may feel that a frame is difficult to use. To solve this
issue, you need =sr-speedbar=, which can be installed via

- To open =sr-speedbar=, execute the command =sr-speedbar-open= or

- To close =sr-speedbar=, execute the command =sr-speedbar-close= or
  =sr-speedbar-toggle= again.

Best is to use =sr-speedbar-toggle= only, for simplicity.

=sr-speedbar= gives the following improvements:

- Automatically switches directory tree - when you switch buffer - to
  the =default-directory= of current buffer.
- Use an Emacs window instead of frame, make it easier to use.
- *C-x 1* deletes every window except Speedbar, so you won't have to
  open again.
- You can prevent *C-x o* to jump to =sr-speedbar= window by setting
  =sr-speedbar-skip-other-window-p= to `t`. You can still move to
  =sr-speedbar= window using either the mouse or [[http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs-en/WindMove][windmove]].

_Demo_: In the demo, you can see that the function =set-cpu-active= is
being highlighted. That's what happens when you press *RET* on a tag:
Speedbar moves to the location of that tag and highlight it. Looking
at the Speedbar, under =set-cpu-active= node, it contains these

- The first child is always the return type, =void=.
- The subsequent children are function parameters. Inside each
  function parameter node is its type.


- The default speedbar window is on the right side, however, I want to change it to the left side

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
;(require 'sr-speedbar)
  (setq sr-speedbar-right-side nil)

Show the speedbar to the right side of the current window.
If nil, the speedbar will appear on the left.
Default is t.

- SR speedbar Default Width
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
 (setq sr-speedbar-default-width 25)

- Disabling 'linum-mode' for speedbar when global 'linum-mode' is active
Add this after (global-linum-mode t)

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
  (add-hook 'speedbar-mode-hook (lambda () (linum-mode -1)))
** C#
#+BEGIN_SRC  emacs-lisp
(add-hook 'csharp-mode-hook 'omnisharp-mode)