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python 文件追加写入_Python写入文件–解释了打开,读取,追加和其他文件处理功能...

程序员文章站 2024-03-18 10:38:28

python 文件追加写入

欢迎 (Welcome)

Hi! If you want to learn how to work with files in Python, then this article is for you. Working with files is an important skill that every Python developer should learn, so let's get started.

嗨! 如果您想学习如何在Python中使用文件,那么本文适合您。 处理文件是每个Python开发人员都应该学习的一项重要技能,所以让我们开始吧。

In this article, you will learn:


  • How to open a file.

  • How to read a file.

  • How to create a file.

  • How to modify a file.

  • How to close a file.

  • How to open files for multiple operations.

  • How to work with file object methods.

  • How to delete files.

  • How to work with context managers and why they are useful.

  • How to handle exceptions that could be raised when you work with files.

  • and more!


Let's begin! ????

让我们开始! ????

使用文件:基本语法 (Working with Files: Basic Syntax)

One of the most important functions that you will need to use as you work with files in Python is open(), a built-in function that opens a file and allows your program to use it and work with it.

在Python中处理文件时,需要使用的最重要的功能之一是open() ,它是一个内置函数,可以打开文件并允许您的程序使用它并对其进行处理。

This is the basic syntax:


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???? Tip: These are the two most commonly used arguments to call this function. There are six additional optional arguments. To learn more about them, please read this article in the documentation.

提示:这是调用此函数的两个最常用的参数。 有六个其他可选参数。 要了解有关它们的更多信息,请阅读文档中的这篇文章

第一个参数:文件 (First Parameter: File)

The first parameter of the open() function is file, the absolute or relative path to the file that you are trying to work with.

open()函数的第一个参数是file ,即您要使用的文件的绝对或相对路径。

We usually use a relative path, which indicates where the file is located relative to the location of the script (Python file) that is calling the open() function.


For example, the path in this function call:


open("names.txt") # The relative path is "names.txt"

Only contains the name of the file. This can be used when the file that you are trying to open is in the same directory or folder as the Python script, like this:

只包含文件名。 当您要打开的文件与Python脚本位于同一目录或文件夹中时,可以使用此命令,例如:

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But if the file is within a nested folder, like this:


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The names.txt file is in the "data" folder

Then we need to use a specific path to tell the function that the file is within another folder.


In this example, this would be the path:



Notice that we are writing data/ first (the name of the folder followed by a /) and then names.txt (the name of the file with the extension).

请注意,我们首先写入data/ (文件夹的名称,后跟/ ),然后是names.txt (具有扩展名的文件的名称)。

???? Tip: The three letters .txt that follow the dot in names.txt is the "extension" of the file, or its type. In this case, .txt indicates that it's a text file.

???? 提示: names.txt中的点names.txt的三个字母.txt是文件的“扩展名”或其类型。 在这种情况下, .txt表示它是一个文本文件。

第二个参数:模式 (Second Parameter: Mode)

The second parameter of the open() function is the mode, a string with one character. That single character basically tells Python what you are planning to do with the file in your program.

open()函数的第二个参数是mode ,它是一个带有一个字符的字符串。 该单个字符基本上可以告诉Python您打算如何使用程序中的文件。

Modes available are:


  • Read ("r").

    读( "r" )。

  • Append ("a")

    追加( "a" )

  • Write ("w")

    写( "w" )

  • Create ("x")

    创建( "x" )

You can also choose to open the file in:


  • Text mode ("t")

    文字模式( "t" )

  • Binary mode ("b")

    二进制模式( "b" )

To use text or binary mode, you would need to add these characters to the main mode. For example: "wb" means writing in binary mode.

要使用文本或二进制模式,您需要将这些字符添加到主模式。 例如: "wb"表示以二进制模式写入。

???? Tip: The default modes are read ("r") and text ("t"), which means "open for reading text" ("rt"), so you don't need to specify them in open() if you want to use them because they are assigned by default. You can simply write open(<file>).

???? 提示:默认模式为读取( "r" )和文本( "t" ),这意味着“打开以读取文本”( "rt" ),因此,如果您需要在open()指定它们,想要使用它们,因为它们是默认分配的。 您可以简单地编写open(<file>)

Why Modes?


It really makes sense for Python to grant only certain permissions based what you are planning to do with the file, right? Why should Python allow your program to do more than necessary? This is basically why modes exist.

对于Python,仅根据您计划对该文件进行的操作才授予某些权限确实是对的,对吧? 为什么Python应该允许您的程序做不必要的事情? 这基本上就是模式存在的原因。

Think about it — allowing a program to do more than necessary can problematic. For example, if you only need to read the content of a file, it can be dangerous to allow your program to modify it unexpectedly, which could potentially introduce bugs.

考虑一下-允许程序执行不必要的工作可能会遇到问题。 例如,如果您只需要读取文件的内容,则允许程序意外修改它可能很危险,这可能会引入错误。

如何读取文件 (How to Read a File)

Now that you know more about the arguments that the open() function takes, let's see how you can open a file and store it in a variable to use it in your program.


This is the basic syntax:


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We are simply assigning the value returned to a variable. For example:

我们只是将返回的值分配给变量。 例如:

names_file = open("data/names.txt", "r")

I know you might be asking: what type of value is returned by open()?

我知道您可能会问: open()返回什么类型的值?

Well, a file object.

好吧, 一个 文件对象

Let's talk a little bit about them.


文件对象 (File Objects)

According to the Python Documentation, a file object is:


An object exposing a file-oriented API (with methods such as read() or write()) to an underlying resource.

This is basically telling us that a file object is an object that lets us work and interact with existing files in our Python program.


File objects have attributes, such as:


  • name: the name of the file.

    name :文件名。

  • closed: True if the file is closed. False otherwise.

    关闭 :如果文件已关闭,则为True 。 否则为False

  • mode: the mode used to open the file.

    mode :用于打开文件的模式。

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For example:


f = open("data/names.txt", "a")
print(f.mode) # Output: "a"

Now let's see how you can access the content of a file through a file object.


读取文件的方法 (Methods to Read a File)

For us to be able to work file objects, we need to have a way to "interact" with them in our program and that is exactly what methods do. Let's see some of them.

为了使我们能够处理文件对象,我们需要一种在程序中与它们“交互”的方法,而这正是方法的作用。 让我们来看一些。

读() (Read())

The first method that you need to learn about is read(), which returns the entire content of the file as a string.

您需要了解的第一种方法是read() 以字符串形式返回文件的全部内容。

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Here we have an example:


f = open("data/names.txt")

The output is:



You can use the type() function to confirm that the value returned by f.read() is a string:



# Output
<class 'str'>

Yes, it's a string!


In this case, the entire file was printed because we did not specify a maximum number of bytes, but we can do this as well.


Here we have an example:


f = open("data/names.txt")

The value returned is limited to this number of bytes:



???? Important: You need to close a file after the task has been completed to free the resources associated to the file. To do this, you need to call the close() method, like this:

重要:任务完成后,您需要关闭文件以释放与该文件关联的资源。 为此,您需要调用close()方法,如下所示:

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Readline()与Readlines() (Readline() vs. Readlines())

You can read a file line by line with these two methods. They are slightly different, so let's see them in detail.

您可以使用这两种方法逐行读取文件。 它们略有不同,因此让我们详细了解它们。

readline() reads one line of the file until it reaches the end of that line. A trailing newline character (\n) is kept in the string.

readline()读取文件的一行 ,直到到达该行的末尾。 字符串中保留尾随换行符( \n )。

???? Tip: Optionally, you can pass the size, the maximum number of characters that you want to include in the resulting string.

???? 提示:(可选)您可以传递大小,即要包含在结果字符串中的最大字符数。

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For example:


f = open("data/names.txt")

The output is:



This is the first line of the file.


In contrast, readlines() returns a list with all the lines of the file as individual elements (strings). This is the syntax:

相反, readlines()返回一个列表 ,其中文件的所有行均作为单独的元素(字符串)。 这是语法:

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For example:


f = open("data/names.txt")

The output is:


['Nora\n', 'Gino\n', 'Timmy\n', 'William']

Notice that there is a \n (newline character) at the end of each string, except the last one.

请注意,每个字符串的末尾都有一个\n (换行符),最后一个除外。

???? Tip: You can get the same list with list(f).

???? 提示:您可以使用list(f)获得相同的列表。

You can work with this list in your program by assigning it to a variable or using it in a loop:


f = open("data/names.txt")

for line in f.readlines():
    # Do something with each line

We can also iterate over f directly (the file object) in a loop:

我们还可以在循环中直接遍历f (文件对象):

f = open("data/names.txt", "r")

for line in f:
	# Do something with each line


Those are the main methods used to read file objects. Now let's see how you can create files.

这些是用于读取文件对象的主要方法。 现在让我们看看如何创建文件。

如何建立档案 (How to Create a File)

If you need to create a file "dynamically" using Python, you can do it with the "x" mode.


Let's see how. This is the basic syntax:

让我们看看如何。 这是基本语法:

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Here's an example. This is my current working directory:

这是一个例子。 这是我当前的工作目录:

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If I run this line of code:


f = open("new_file.txt", "x")

A new file with that name is created:


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With this mode, you can create a file and then write to it dynamically using methods that you will learn in just a few moments.


???? Tip: The file will be initially empty until you modify it.

???? 提示:该文件最初将为空,直到您对其进行修改。

A curious thing is that if you try to run this line again and a file with that name already exists, you will see this error:


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<path>", line 8, in <module>
    f = open("new_file.txt", "x")
FileExistsError: [Errno 17] File exists: 'new_file.txt'

According to the Python Documentation, this exception (runtime error) is:

根据Python文档 ,此异常(运行时错误)为:

Raised when trying to create a file or directory which already exists.

Now that you know how to create a file, let's see how you can modify it.


如何修改文件 (How to Modify a File)

To modify (write to) a file, you need to use the write() method. You have two ways to do it (append or write) based on the mode that you choose to open it with. Let's see them in detail.

要修改(写入)文件,您需要使用write()方法。 您有两种选择打开方式的方式(附加或写入)。 让我们详细了解它们。

附加 (Append)

"Appending" means adding something to the end of another thing. The "a" mode allows you to open a file to append some content to it.

“附加”是指在另一事物的末尾添加事物。 "a"模式允许您打开文件以向其中添加一些内容。

For example, if we have this file:


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And we want to add a new line to it, we can open it using the "a" mode (append) and then, call the write() method, passing the content that we want to append as argument.


This is the basic syntax to call the write() method:

这是调用write()的基本语法 方法:

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Here's an example:


f = open("data/names.txt", "a")
f.write("\nNew Line")

???? Tip: Notice that I'm adding \n before the line to indicate that I want the new line to appear as a separate line, not as a continuation of the existing line.

???? 提示:请注意,我要在行之前添加\n ,以表示我希望新行显示为单独的行,而不是现有行的延续。

This is the file now, after running the script:


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???? Tip: The new line might not be displayed in the file until f.close() runs.


(Write )

Sometimes, you may want to delete the content of a file and replace it entirely with new content. You can do this with the write() method if you open the file with the "w" mode.

有时,您可能希望删除文件的内容,然后将其完全替换为新内容。 如果以"w"模式打开文件,则可以使用write()方法执行此操作。

Here we have this text file:


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If I run this script:


f = open("data/names.txt", "w")
f.write("New Content")

This is the result:


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As you can see, opening a file with the "w" mode and then writing to it replaces the existing content.


???? Tip: The write() method returns the number of characters written.

???? 提示: write()方法返回写入的字符数。

If you want to write several lines at once, you can use the writelines() method, which takes a list of strings. Each string represents a line to be added to the file.

如果要一次写入多行,可以使用writelines()方法,该方法采用字符串列表。 每个字符串代表要添加到文件的一行。

Here's an example. This is the initial file:

这是一个例子。 这是初始文件:

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If we run this script:


f = open("data/names.txt", "a")
f.writelines(["\nline1", "\nline2", "\nline3"])

The lines are added to the end of the file:


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打开文件进行多种操作 (Open File For Multiple Operations )

Now you know how to create, read, and write to a file, but what if you want to do more than one thing in the same program? Let's see what happens if we try to do this with the modes that you have learned so far:

现在,您知道了如何创建,读取和写入文件,但是如果您想在同一程序中执行多个操作,该怎么办? 让我们看看如果我们尝试使用到目前为止所学的模式来执行此操作,会发生什么情况:

If you open a file in "r" mode (read), and then try to write to it:


f = open("data/names.txt")
f.write("New Content") # Trying to write

You will get this error:


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<path>", line 9, in <module>
    f.write("New Content")
io.UnsupportedOperation: not writable

Similarly, if you open a file in "w" mode (write), and then try to read it:


f = open("data/names.txt", "w")
print(f.readlines()) # Trying to read
f.write("New Content")

You will see this error:


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<path>", line 14, in <module>
io.UnsupportedOperation: not readable

The same will occur with the "a" (append) mode.

"a" (附加)模式也会发生同样的情况。

How can we solve this? To be able to read a file and perform another operation in the same program, you need to add the "+" symbol to the mode, like this:

我们该如何解决呢? 为了能够读取文件并在同一程序中执行其他操作,需要在模式下添加"+"符号,如下所示:

f = open("data/names.txt", "w+") # Read + Write
f = open("data/names.txt", "a+") # Read + Append
f = open("data/names.txt", "r+") # Read + Write

Very useful, right? This is probably what you will use in your programs, but be sure to include only the modes that you need to avoid potential bugs.

非常有用,对吧? 这可能是您将在程序中使用的方式,但是请确保仅包括避免潜在错误所需的模式。

Sometimes files are no longer needed. Let's see how you can delete files using Python.

有时不再需要文件。 让我们看看如何使用Python删除文件。

如何删除文件 (How to Delete Files )

To remove a file using Python, you need to import a module called os which contains functions that interact with your operating system.


???? Tip: A module is a Python file with related variables, functions, and classes.

???? 提示: 模块是具有相关变量,函数和类的Python文件。

Particularly, you need the remove() function. This function takes the path to the file as argument and deletes the file automatically.

特别是,您需要remove() 功能。 此函数将文件的路径作为参数,并自动删除文件。

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Let's see an example. We want to remove the file called sample_file.txt.

让我们来看一个例子。 我们要删除名为sample_file.txt的文件。

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To do it, we write this code:


import os
  • The first line: import os is called an "import statement". This statement is written at the top of your file and it gives you access to the functions defined in the os module.

    第一行: import os称为“ import语句”。 该语句写在文件的顶部,它使您可以访问os模块中定义的功能。

  • The second line: os.remove("sample_file.txt") removes the file specified.

    第二行: os.remove("sample_file.txt")删除指定的文件。

???? Tip: you can use an absolute or a relative path.

???? 提示:您可以使用绝对路径或相对路径。

Now that you know how to delete files, let's see an interesting tool... Context Managers!


会见上下文管理器 (Meet Context Managers)

Context Managers are Python constructs that will make your life much easier. By using them, you don't need to remember to close a file at the end of your program and you have access to the file in the particular part of the program that you choose.

上下文管理器是Python构造,可以使您的生活更加轻松。 通过使用它们,您无需记住在程序结束时关闭文件,并且可以访问所选程序的特定部分中的文件。

句法 (Syntax)

This is an example of a context manager used to work with files:


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???? Tip: The body of the context manager has to be indented, just like we indent loops, functions, and classes. If the code is not indented, it will not be considered part of the context manager.

提示:上下文管理器的主体必须缩进,就像我们缩进循环,函数和类一样。 如果代码没有缩进,则不会被视为上下文管理器的一部分。

When the body of the context manager has been completed, the file closes automatically.


with open("<path>", "<mode>") as <var>:
    # Working with the file...

# The file is closed here!


Here's an example:


with open("data/names.txt", "r+") as f:

This context manager opens the names.txt file for read/write operations and assigns that file object to the variable f. This variable is used in the body of the context manager to refer to the file object.

该上下文管理器将打开names.txt文件以进行读/写操作,并将该文件对象分配给变量f 。 在上下文管理器的主体中使用此变量来引用文件对象。

尝试再次阅读 (Trying to Read it Again)

After the body has been completed, the file is automatically closed, so it can't be read without opening it again. But wait! We have a line that tries to read it again, right here below:

主体完成后,文件将自动关闭,因此如果不重新打开文件就无法读取。 可是等等! 我们在下面的一行中尝试再次读取它:

with open("data/names.txt", "r+") as f:

print(f.readlines()) # Trying to read the file again, outside of the context manager

Let's see what happens:


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<path>", line 21, in <module>
ValueError: I/O operation on closed file.

This error is thrown because we are trying to read a closed file. Awesome, right? The context manager does all the heavy work for us, it is readable, and concise.

引发此错误是因为我们正在尝试读取一个关闭的文件。 太好了吧? 上下文管理器为我们完成了所有繁重的工作,它可读且简洁。

处理文件时如何处理异常 (How to Handle Exceptions When Working With Files)

When you're working with files, errors can occur. Sometimes you may not have the necessary permissions to modify or access a file, or a file might not even exist. As a programmer, you need to foresee these circumstances and handle them in your program to avoid sudden crashes that could definitely affect the user experience.

使用文件时,可能会发生错误。 有时您可能没有修改或访问文件所需的权限,或者甚至可能不存在文件。 作为程序员,您需要预见这些情况并在程序中进行处理,以避免突然崩溃,这肯定会影响用户体验。

Let's see some of the most common exceptions (runtime errors) that you might find when you work with files:


FileNotFoundError (FileNotFoundError)

According to the Python Documentation, this exception is:

根据Python文档 ,此异常是:

Raised when a file or directory is requested but doesn’t exist.

For example, if the file that you're trying to open doesn't exist in your current working directory:


f = open("names.txt")

You will see this error:


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<path>", line 8, in <module>
    f = open("names.txt")
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'names.txt'

Let's break this error down this line by line:


  • File "<path>", line 8, in <module>. This line tells you that the error was raised when the code on the file located in <path> was running. Specifically, when line 8 was executed in <module>.

    File "<path>", line 8, in <module> 。 该行告诉您,当<path>的文件上的代码运行时,引发了错误。 具体来说,在<module>执行line 8

  • f = open("names.txt"). This is the line that caused the error.

    f = open("names.txt") 。 这是导致错误的行。

  • FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'names.txt' . This line says that a FileNotFoundError exception was raised because the file or directory names.txt doesn't exist.

    FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'names.txt' 。 这一行说,由于文件或目录names.txt不存在,引发了FileNotFoundError异常。

???? Tip: Python is very descriptive with the error messages, right? This is a huge advantage during the process of debugging.

???? 提示: Python对错误消息的描述非常正确,对吗? 这是调试过程中的巨大优势。

PermissionError (PermissionError)

This is another common exception when working with files. According to the Python Documentation, this exception is:

这是处理文件时的另一个常见例外。 根据Python文档 ,此异常是:

Raised when trying to run an operation without the adequate access rights - for example filesystem permissions.

This exception is raised when you are trying to read or modify a file that don't have permission to access. If you try to do so, you will see this error:

当您尝试读取或修改没有访问权限的文件时,会引发此异常。 如果尝试这样做,将会看到此错误:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<path>", line 8, in <module>
    f = open("<file_path>")
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'data'

IsADirectoryError (IsADirectoryError)

According to the Python Documentation, this exception is:

根据Python文档 ,此异常是:

Raised when a file operation is requested on a directory.

This particular exception is raised when you try to open or work on a directory instead of a file, so be really careful with the path that you pass as argument.


如何处理异常 (How to Handle Exceptions)

To handle these exceptions, you can use a try/except statement. With this statement, you can "tell" your program what to do in case something unexpected happens.

要处理这些异常,可以使用try / except语句。 使用此语句,您可以“告诉”您的程序万一发生意外情况该怎么办。

This is the basic syntax:


	# Try to run this code
except <type_of_exception>:
	# If an exception of this type is raised, stop the process and jump to this block

Here you can see an example with FileNotFoundError:


    f = open("names.txt")
except FileNotFoundError:
    print("The file doesn't exist")

This basically says:


  • Try to open the file names.txt.


  • If a FileNotFoundError is thrown, don't crash! Simply print a descriptive statement for the user.

    如果抛出FileNotFoundError ,请不要崩溃! 只需为用户打印描述性声明即可。

???? Tip: You can choose how to handle the situation by writing the appropriate code in the except block. Perhaps you could create a new file if it doesn't exist already.

提示:您可以通过在except块中编写适当的代码来选择处理情况的方法。 也许您可以创建一个新文件(如果尚不存在)。

To close the file automatically after the task (regardless of whether an exception was raised or not in the try block) you can add the finally block.


	# Try to run this code
except <exception>:
	# If this exception is raised, stop the process immediately and jump to this block
	# Do this after running the code, even if an exception was raised

This is an example:


    f = open("names.txt")
except FileNotFoundError:
    print("The file doesn't exist")

There are many ways to customize the try/except/finally statement and you can even add an else block to run a block of code only if no exceptions were raised in the try block.

自定义try / except / finally语句的方法有很多种,只有在try块中没有引发异常的情况下,您甚至可以添加else块来运行代码块。

???? Tip: To learn more about exception handling in Python, you may like to read my article: "How to Handle Exceptions in Python: A Detailed Visual Introduction".

提示:要了解有关Python中异常处理的更多信息,您可能想阅读我的文章: “如何在Python中处理异常:详细的视觉介绍”

综上所述 (In Summary)

  • You can create, read, write, and delete files using Python.

  • File objects have their own set of methods that you can use to work with them in your program.

  • Context Managers help you work with files and manage them by closing them automatically when a task has been completed.

  • Exception handling is key in Python. Common exceptions when you are working with files include FileNotFoundError, PermissionError and IsADirectoryError. They can be handled using try/except/else/finally.

    异常处理是Python中的关键。 使用文件时,常见的例外包括FileNotFoundErrorPermissionErrorIsADirectoryError 。 可以使用try / except / else / finally处理它们。

I really hope you liked my article and found it helpful. Now you can work with files in your Python projects. Check out my online courses. Follow me on Twitter. ????

我真的希望您喜欢我的文章并发现它对您有所帮助。 现在,您可以使用Python项目中的文件了。 查看我的在线课程 。 在Twitter上关注我。 ????

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/python-write-to-file-open-read-append-and-other-file-handling-functions-explained/

python 文件追加写入