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程序员文章站 2024-03-16 23:14:04
  • 环境:Win10+Anaconda3+Python3.8.8+Pytorch1.8.1
  • ssd.pytorch代码下载地址:https://github.com/amdegroot/ssd.pytorch
  • VGG16_reducedfc.pth预训练模型下载地址:https://s3.amazonaws.com/amdegroot-models/vgg16_reducedfc.pth
  • 修改版代码(Pytorch高于1.3.0需要)下载地址:https://github.com/sayakbanerjee1999/Single-Shot-Object-Detection-Updated


  1. 数据集存放位置为ssd.pytorch-master/data目录下,也可以通过修改voc0712.py文件中的VOC_ROOT = osp.join(HOME, "data/VOCdevkit/")来指定数据集存放路径。数据集文件夹格式如下:

  2. 部分数据集存在xml文件中没有标记数据的情况,也就是没有<object>标签数据,会出现IndexError: too many indices for array:...的数组索引出错,需要使用下面的代码检测出错的xml文件,之后可以手动修改或删除出错的xml文件。

    import argparse
    import sys
    import cv2
    import os
    import os.path as osp
    import numpy as np
    if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
        import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET
        import xml.etree.ElementTree  as ET
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
                description='Single Shot MultiBox Detector Training With Pytorch')
    train_set = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
    parser.add_argument('--root', default='VOCdevkit/VOC2020' , help='Dataset root directory path')
    args = parser.parse_args()
    CLASSES = [('person')]
    annopath = osp.join('%s', 'Annotations', '%s.{}'.format("xml"))
    imgpath  = osp.join('%s', 'JPEGImages',  '%s.{}'.format("jpg"))
    def vocChecker(image_id, width, height, keep_difficult = False):
        target   = ET.parse(annopath % image_id).getroot()
        res      = []
        for obj in target.iter('object'):
            difficult = int(obj.find('difficult').text) == 1
            if not keep_difficult and difficult:
            name = obj.find('name').text.lower().strip()
            bbox = obj.find('bndbox')
            pts    = ['xmin', 'ymin', 'xmax', 'ymax']
            bndbox = []
            for i, pt in enumerate(pts):
                cur_pt = int(bbox.find(pt).text) - 1
                # scale height or width
                cur_pt = float(cur_pt) / width if i % 2 == 0 else float(cur_pt) / height
            label_idx =  dict(zip(CLASSES, range(len(CLASSES))))[name]
            res += [bndbox]  # [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, label_ind]
            # img_id = target.find('filename').text[:-4]
        try :
        except IndexError:
            print(image_id+" had error index")
        return res  # [[xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, label_ind], ... ]
    if __name__ == '__main__' :
        i = 0
        for name in sorted(os.listdir(osp.join(args.root,'Annotations'))):
        # as we have only one annotations file per image
            i += 1
            img    = cv2.imread(imgpath  % (args.root,name.split('.')[0]))
            height, width, channels = img.shape
            res = vocChecker((args.root, name.split('.')[0]), height, width)
        print("Total of annotations : {}".format(i))


  1. 修改data/voc0712.py文件中的VOC_CLASSES 变量。例如,将VOC_CLASSES修改为person类,注意如果只有一类则需要加方括号,修改后的结果如下。

    VOC_CLASSES = [('person')
  2. 修改voc0712.py文件中VOCDetection类的__init__函数,将image_sets修改为[('2020', 'train'), ('2020', 'val'),('2020','test')],修改后的结果如下。

    def __init__(self, root,
    	image_sets=[('2020', 'train'), ('2020', 'val'),('2020','test')],
    	transform=None, target_transform=VOCAnnotationTransform(),
  3. 修改config.py文件中的voc字典变量。将其中的num_classes修改为2(背景类和person类),第一次调试时可以将max_iter调小至1000,修改后的结果如下。

    voc = {
        'num_classes': 2,
        'lr_steps': (80000, 100000, 120000),
        'max_iter': 1000,
        'feature_maps': [38, 19, 10, 5, 3, 1],
        'min_dim': 300,
        'steps': [8, 16, 32, 64, 100, 300],
        'min_sizes': [30, 60, 111, 162, 213, 264],
        'max_sizes': [60, 111, 162, 213, 264, 315],
        'aspect_ratios': [[2], [2, 3], [2, 3], [2, 3], [2], [2]],
        'variance': [0.1, 0.2],
        'clip': True,
        'name': 'VOC',
  4. coco_labels.txt放在ssd.pytorch-master/data/coco/目录下,也可以通过修改coco.py文件中的COCO_ROOT = osp.join(HOME, 'data/coco/')来指定存放路径。

  5. 在Pytorch1.3以上版本运行时,会出现RuntimeError: Legacy autograd function with non-static forward method is deprecated错误,原因是当前版本要求forward过程是静态的,所以需要将原代码进行修改。

    if phase == 'test':
    	self.softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=-1)
        self.detect = Detect(num_classes, 0, 200, 0.01, 0.45)
    if phase == 'test':
    	self.softmax = nn.Softmax()
    	self.detect = Detect()
    if self.phase == "test":
    	output = self.detect(
        	loc.view(loc.size(0), -1, 4),                   # loc preds
            self.softmax(conf.view(conf.size(0), -1,
            			 self.num_classes)),                # conf preds
            self.priors.type(type(x.data))                  # default boxes
    if self.phase == "test":
    	output = self.detect.apply(21, 0, 200, 0.01, 0.45,
       		loc.view(loc.size(0), -1, 4),                   # loc preds
            self.softmax(conf.view(-1,21)),                 # conf preds
    		self.priors.type(type(x.data))                  # default boxes
  6. 修改train.py中187至189行代码,原因是.data[0]写法适用于低版本Pytorch,否则会出现IndexError:invalid index of a 0-dim tensor...错误,修改后的结果如下。

    loc_loss += loss_l.item()
    conf_loss += loss_c.item()
    if iteration % 10 == 0:
        print('timer: %.4f sec.' % (t1 - t0))
    	print('iter ' + repr(iteration) + ' || Loss: %.4f ||' % (loss.item()), end=' ')
  7. 修改train.py中165行代码,否则会出现StopInteration...训练中断错误,修改后的结果如下。

        images, targets = next(batch_iterator)
        images, targets = next(batch_iterator)
  8. 交换layers/modules/multibox_loss.py中97行和98代码位置,否则会出现IndexError: The shape of the mask [14, 8732] at index 0does...错误,修改后的结果如下。

    loss_c = loss_c.view(num, -1)
    loss_c[pos] = 0  # filter out pos boxes for now
  9. (可选)可以根据自己的需要对train.py中预训练模型、batch_size、学习率、模型名字和模型保存的次数等参数进行修改。例如,建议学习率修改为1e-4(原因是原版使用1e-3可能会出现loss为nan情况),第一次调试时可以修改为每迭代100次保存,方便调试。

    parser.add_argument('--basenet', default='vgg16_reducedfc.pth',
                        help='Pretrained base model')
    parser.add_argument('--batch_size', default=32, type=int,
                        help='Batch size for training')
    parser.add_argument('--lr', '--learning-rate', default=1e-4, type=float,
                        help='initial learning rate')
    if iteration != 0 and iteration % 5000 == 0:
    	print('Saving state, iter:', iteration)
    	torch.save(ssd_net.state_dict(), 'weights/ssd300_VOC_' + repr(iteration) + '.pth')


  1. 使用以下命令即可开始训练模型,训练时输出内容如下,可能会出现一些UserWarning...提示,可以不必理会。
    python train.py
    Loading base network...
    Initializing weights...
    Loading the dataset...
    Training SSD on: VOC0712
    Using the specified args:
    Namespace(basenet='vgg16_reducedfc.pth', batch_size=32, cuda=True, dataset='VOC', dataset_root='/home/featurize/data/VOCdevkit/', gamma=0.1, lr=0.0001, momentum=0.9, num_workers=4, resume=None, save_folder='weights/', start_iter=0, visdom=False, weight_decay=0.0005)
    timer: 3.1155 sec.
    iter 0 || Loss: 21.9156 || timer: 0.2166 sec.
    iter 10 || Loss: 12.6344 || timer: 0.1833 sec.
    iter 20 || Loss: 9.5942 || timer: 0.1928 sec.
    iter 30 || Loss: 8.4343 || timer: 0.1805 sec.
    iter 40 || Loss: 7.2879 || timer: 0.1652 sec.
    iter 50 || Loss: 6.3154 || timer: 0.1877 sec.
    iter 60 || Loss: 6.3842 || timer: 0.2185 sec.
    iter 70 || Loss: 6.2072 || timer: 0.1802 sec.
    iter 80 || Loss: 6.4077 || timer: 0.1642 sec.
    iter 90 || Loss: 5.8568 || timer: 0.1848 sec.
    iter 100 || Loss: 5.7892 || timer: 0.1976 sec.
    iter 110 || Loss: 5.7187 || timer: 0.2656 sec.
    iter 120 || Loss: 5.3061 || timer: 0.1737 sec.