2022-03-20 10:15:08
因为条形码有不同的编码格式,使用时要注意编码格式。首先在 NuGet包管理器中引用下载BarcodeLib.dll文件。BarcodeLib.dll一维条码库,支持以下条码格式:UPC-A,UPC-E,UPC 2 Digit Ext,UPC 5 Digit Ext.,EAN-13,JAN-13,EA ......
因为条形码有不同的编码格式,使用时要注意编码格式。首先在 nuget包管理器中引用下载barcodelib.dll文件。barcodelib.dll一维条码库,支持以下条码格式:upc-a,upc-e,upc 2 digit ext,upc 5 digit ext.,ean-13,jan-13,ean-8,itf-14,codabar,postnet,bookland/isbn,code 11,code 39,code 39 extended,code 93,logmars,msi,interleaved 2 of 5,standard 2 of 5,code 128,code 128-a,code 128-b,code 128-c,telepen ;
system.drawing.image image; int width = 148, height = 55; string filesavepath = appdomain.currentdomain.basedirectory + "barcodepattern.jpg"; if (file.exists(filesavepath)) file.delete(filesavepath); getbarcode(height, width, barcodelib.type.code128//编码格式 , "要编码的数据", out image, filesavepath); picturebox1.image = image.fromfile("barcodepattern.jpg");
public static void getbarcode(int height, int width, barcodelib.type type, string code, out system.drawing.image image, string filesaveurl) { try { image = null; barcodelib.barcode b = new barcodelib.barcode(); b.backcolor = system.drawing.color.white;//图片背景颜色 b.forecolor = system.drawing.color.black;//条码颜色 b.includelabel = true; b.alignment = barcodelib.alignmentpositions.left; b.labelposition = barcodelib.labelpositions.bottomcenter; b.imageformat = system.drawing.imaging.imageformat.jpeg;//图片格式 system.drawing.font font = new system.drawing.font("verdana", 10f);//字体设置 b.labelfont = font; b.height = height;//图片高度设置(px单位) b.width = width;//图片宽度设置(px单位) image = b.encode(type, code);//生成图片 image.save(filesaveurl, system.drawing.imaging.imageformat.jpeg); } catch (exception ex) { image = null; } }
适用于winform ,需要引用 zxing.dll文件 下载地址:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1ntnr79v
using com.google.zxing;
using common = com.google.zxing.common;
private void btnbm_click(object sender, eventargs e) //生成二维码 { if (string.isnullorempty(this.textbox1.text.trim())) { messagebox.show("请输入需要转换的信息!"); } else { string content = this.textbox1.text;//待编码数据 try { int qsize = int32.parse(txtsize.text);//二维码大小 string s = hscrollbar1.value.tostring("x");//二维码透明度 string q = hscrollbar2.value.tostring("x");//背景透明度 string scolor = "0x" + s + txtyse.text;//二维码颜色 string qcolor = "0x" + q + txtbys.text;//背景颜色 common.bytematrix bytematrix = new multiformatwriter().encode(content, barcodeformat.qr_code, qsize, qsize); bitmap bt = tobitmap(bytematrix, scolor, qcolor); picturebox1.image = bt; } catch (exception ex) { messagebox.show(ex.message); } } } public static bitmap tobitmap(common.bytematrix matrix, string scolor, string qcolor) { int width = matrix.width; int height = matrix.height; bitmap bmap = new bitmap(width, height, system.drawing.imaging.pixelformat.format32bppargb); for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { bmap.setpixel(x, y, matrix.get_renamed(x, y) != -1 ? colortranslator.fromhtml(scolor) : colortranslator.fromhtml(qcolor)); } } return bmap; }private void btnsave_click(object sender, eventargs e) //保存 { image img = picturebox1.image; if (img != null) { savefiledialog sfd = new savefiledialog(); sfd.filter = "*.png|*.png"; if (sfd.showdialog() == dialogresult.ok) { bitmap bmap = new bitmap(img, img.width, img.height); bmap.save(sfd.filename); messagebox.show("保存成功!"); } } else { messagebox.show("您还没有生成二维码!"); } } private void btnjm_click(object sender, eventargs e) //读码解码 { if (this.openfiledialog1.showdialog() != dialogresult.ok) { return; } bitmap bmap; try { image img = image.fromfile(this.openfiledialog1.filename); bmap = new bitmap(img); if (bmap == null) { messagebox.show("解码错误,请确保二维码图片已打开!"); return; } } catch { messagebox.show("解码错误,请确保图片格式正确!"); return; } luminancesource source = new rgbluminancesource(bmap, bmap.width, bmap.height); com.google.zxing.binarybitmap bitmap = new com.google.zxing.binarybitmap(new common.hybridbinarizer(source)); result result; try { result = new multiformatreader().decode(bitmap); } catch { string str = "解码失败,失败原因可能是:" + "\n"; str += "1.您打开的图片非二维码图片!" + "\n"; str += "2.您打开的二维码图片背景色太深!" + "\n"; str += "3.您打开的二维码图片二维码和背景色太接近!" + "\n"; messagebox.show(str); return; } textbox1.text = result.text; }