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程序员文章站 2024-03-15 11:14:05




For example:

Inital state :No queen on the board

Actions : Add a queen on the board where the square is empty

Transition model : return the board with a queen added to the spacified squere

Goal test : 8 queens are on the board ,none attacked

Path cost : numbers of trials

Different States space will be have different Solution space

b:maximum branching factor of the search tree

d:depth of the least-cost solution

m:maximum depth of the state space (may be \infty)

Uniformed Search 无信息搜索

Uniformed strategies use only the information available in the problem definition

Breadth-first search(BFS)

1,Expand the shallowest unexpanded node

2,FIFO queue

Completeness Optimality Time complexity Space complexity
yes(if b is finite) yes O(bd)O(b^d) O(bd)O(b^d)

Uniform-cost search

an special example of BFS

expand the unexpanded node with the lowest path cost

Priority queue orderd by g(n)g(n)

equivalent to BFS if step costs all equal

For TREE-SEARCH , priority queue gives the cheapest path first

For GRAPH_SEARCH , if the node is already in the frontier , need to find the minimum cost , and call DECREASEKEY as needed

Completeness Optimality Time complexity Space complexity
yes yes O(b1+Cϵ)O(b^{1+\lfloor \frac{C^*}{\epsilon}\rfloor}) O(b1+Cϵ)O(b^{1+\lfloor \frac{C^*}{\epsilon}\rfloor})

Depth-first search(DFS)

1,expand the deepest unexpand node


Completeness Optimality Time complexity Space complexity
No No O(bm)O(b^m) O(m)O(m) !!! linear

Depth-limited search

Iterative deepening search(IDS)

Call DLS iteratively with increasing depth limit

Seems to be wasteful , but actually not

Combine the benefits of BFS and DFS

for depth = 0 to $\infty$
    result = DLS(problem,depth)
    if result != cutoff
        return result
Completeness Optimality Time complexity Space complexity
Yes Yes only if step cost = 1 O(bd)O(b^d) O(bd)O(bd)

Bidirectional Search


a:if b is finite

b:if b is finite and step cost >= ϵ\epsilon

c:unless ,, >= d

d:if b is finite and both direction use complete search like BFS

e:if all steps cost are identical

Criterion Breadth-first search Uniform-Cost Depth-first search(DFS) Depth-limited search Iterative deepening search(IDS) Bi-Directional
Completeness YaY^a YbY^b NN NcN^c YaY^a YdY^d
Optimality YeY^e YY NN NN YeY^e YeY^e
Time Complexity O(bd)O(b^d) O(b1+Cϵ)O(b^{1+\lfloor \frac{C^*}{\epsilon}\rfloor}) O(bm)O(b^m) O(b)O(b^) bdb^d O(bd/2)O(b^{d/2})
Space Complexity O(bd)O(b^d) O(b1+Cϵ)O(b^{1+\lfloor \frac{C^*}{\epsilon}\rfloor}) O(bm)O(bm) O(b)O(b^) O(bd)O(bd) O(bd/2)O(b^{d/2})

Graph search can be exponentially more efficient than tree search

Informed Search 有信息搜索(启发式搜索)

Best-First Search

use an evaluation function(h(n)h(n)) for each node to estimate the desirability

h(n)h(n) estimates the cost from node n to the closest goal

(1),Greedy search

f(n)=h(n)f(n) = h(n)

(2),AA^* search

f(n)=h(n)+g(n)f(n) = h(n) + g(n)

f(n)f(n):the total cost




A=greedy+uniform costA^* = \text{greedy} + \text{uniform cost}

idea:Avoid expanding paths that are already expensive

(3),Optimality of AA^*

Optimality of AA^* search in tree search:


for all n , 0h(n)h(n)\text{for all n} ~ ,~ 0\leqslant h(n) \leqslant h^*(n)
0h(G)h(G)0=>h(G)=h(G)=00\leqslant h(G) \leqslant h(G^{\prime}) \leqslant 0 => h(G^{\prime}) = h(G) = 0
Goal: : f(G)>f(n)\text{Goal:}~:~f(G^{\prime}) > f(n)
f(G)=g(G)+h(G)=f(G^{\prime}) = g(G^{\prime}) + h(G^{\prime}) =
g(G)>=g(G^{\prime}) >=
g(G)=g(G) =
g(n)+h(n)>=g(n) + h^*(n) >=
g(n)+h(n)=f(n)g(n) + h(n) = f(n)

Optimality of AA^* search in graph search:


consistent: h(n)c(n,a,n)+h(n)\text{consistent:}~h(n) \leqslant c(n,a,n^{\prime}) + h(n^{\prime})
Goal: : f(n)>=f(n)\text{Goal:}~:~f(n^{\prime}) >= f(n)
f(n)=g(n)+h(n)=f(n^{\prime}) = g(n^{\prime}) + h(n^{\prime}) =
g(n)+c(n,a,n)+h(n)>=g(n) + c(n,a,n^{\prime}) + h(n^{\prime}) >=
g(n)+h(n)=g(n) + h(n) =

Memory Bounded Search

(1),Ilerative deepending AA^*

(2),Recursive best-first search



