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程序员文章站 2024-03-15 09:13:05
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
def unpickle(file):
  import cPickle
  fo   = open(file, 'rb')
  dict = cPickle.load(fo)
  if 'data' in dict:
    dict['data'] = dict['data'].reshape((-1, 3, 32, 32)).swapaxes(1, 3).swapaxes(1, 2).reshape(-1, 32*32*3) / 256.
  return dict
def load_data_one(f):
  batch  = unpickle(f)
  data   = batch['data']
  labels = batch['labels']
  print "Loading %s: %d" % (f, len(data))
  return data, labels
def load_data(files, data_dir, label_count):
  data, labels = load_data_one(data_dir + '/' + files[0])
  for f in files[1:]:
    data_n, labels_n = load_data_one(data_dir + '/' + f)
    data             = np.append(data, data_n, axis=0)
    labels           = np.append(labels, labels_n, axis=0)
  labels = np.array([ [ float(i == label) for i in xrange(label_count) ] for label in labels ])
  return data, labels
def run_in_batch_avg(session, tensors, batch_placeholders, feed_dict={}, batch_size=200):
  res = [ 0 ] * len(tensors)
  batch_tensors = [ (placeholder, feed_dict[ placeholder ]) for placeholder in batch_placeholders ]
  total_size = len(batch_tensors[0][1])
  batch_count = (total_size + batch_size - 1) / batch_size
  for batch_idx in xrange(batch_count):
    current_batch_size = None
    for (placeholder, tensor) in batch_tensors:
      batch_tensor = tensor[ batch_idx*batch_size : (batch_idx+1)*batch_size ]
      current_batch_size = len(batch_tensor)
      feed_dict[placeholder] = tensor[ batch_idx*batch_size : (batch_idx+1)*batch_size ]
    tmp = session.run(tensors, feed_dict=feed_dict)
    res = [ r + t * current_batch_size for (r, t) in zip(res, tmp) ]
  return [ r / float(total_size) for r in res ]
def weight_variable(shape):
  initial = tf.truncated_normal(shape, stddev=0.01)
  return tf.Variable(initial)
def bias_variable(shape):
  initial = tf.constant(0.01, shape=shape)
  return tf.Variable(initial)
#         [2]in_features-----输入通道的数量,3
#         [3]out_features----输出通道的数量,16
#         [4]kernel_size-----卷积核的尺寸,3*3
def conv2d(input, in_features, out_features, kernel_size, with_bias=False):
  W    = weight_variable([ kernel_size, kernel_size, in_features, out_features ])         #实例化一个权值参数变量,[3,3,3,16]
  conv = tf.nn.conv2d(input, W, [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ], padding='SAME')                           #卷积操作[Input_Img,Filter,Stride,Padding]
  if with_bias:                                                                           #是否使用偏置项
    return conv + bias_variable([ out_features ])
  return conv
def batch_activ_conv(current, in_features, out_features, kernel_size, is_training, keep_prob):
  current = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm(current, scale=True, is_training=is_training, updates_collections=None) #BatchNorm,正则化
  current = tf.nn.relu(current)                                                                                   #ReLU,**函数
  current = conv2d(current, in_features, out_features, kernel_size)                                               #Conv,**函数
  current = tf.nn.dropout(current, keep_prob)                                                                     #Dropout层
  return current
#         [2]layers---------------网络的层数,12
#         [3]in_features----------输入的特征映射图数量,输入的通道数量
#         [4]growth---------------12
#         [5]is_training----------是否训练的标志位
#         [6]keep_prob------------Dropout的*率,0.8
def block(input, layers, in_features, growth, is_training, keep_prob):
  current   = input
  features  = in_features
  for idx in xrange(layers):
    tmp     = batch_activ_conv(current, features, growth, 3, is_training, keep_prob)   #单个卷积功能模块
    current = tf.concat((current, tmp), axis=3)                                        #将所有的特征输出通道连接起来
    features += growth                                                                 #特征通道的数量按照growth_rate依次递增
  return current, features
def avg_pool(input, s):
  return tf.nn.avg_pool(input, [ 1, s, s, 1 ], [1, s, s, 1 ], 'VALID')
  #         [2]image_dim-----图像的维度,32*32*3
  #         [3]label_count---要分类的分类类别
  #         [4]depth---------网络的深度
def run_model(data, image_dim, label_count, depth):
  weight_decay = 1e-4                                          #权重衰减率
  layers       = (depth - 4) / 3                               #网络共计12层
  graph        = tf.Graph()                                    #实例化一个python的类对象
  with graph.as_default():                                     #使用Tensorflow中默认的计算图
    xs = tf.placeholder("float", shape=[None, image_dim])      #为训练数据,定义一个Tensorflow中的占位符
    ys = tf.placeholder("float", shape=[None, label_count])    #为训练数据的类别标签,定义一个Tensorflow的占位符
    lr = tf.placeholder("float", shape=[])                     #学习率定义一个占位符

    keep_prob   = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)                   #Dropout的*率为0.8
    is_training = tf.placeholder("bool", shape=[])             #是否进行训练

    current     = tf.reshape(xs, [ -1, 32, 32, 3 ])            #Data1,将训练数据重新调整为Img_H*Img_W*Img_C==32*32*3
    current     = conv2d(current, 3, 16, 3)                    #C1
    current, features = block(current, layers, 16, 12, is_training, keep_prob)                     #Block-1
    current           = batch_activ_conv(current, features, features, 1, is_training, keep_prob)   #Conv_Model
    current           = avg_pool(current, 2)                                                       #Pooling_Layer
    current, features = block(current, layers, features, 12, is_training, keep_prob)               #Block-2
    current           = batch_activ_conv(current, features, features, 1, is_training, keep_prob)   #Conv_Model
    current           = avg_pool(current, 2)                                                       #Pooling_Layer
    current, features = block(current, layers, features, 12, is_training, keep_prob)               #Block-3
    current           = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm(current, scale=True, is_training=is_training, updates_collections=None)
    current           = tf.nn.relu(current)                                                        #ReLU
    current           = avg_pool(current, 8)                                                       #Pooling_Layer
    #Block End
    final_dim         = features
    current           = tf.reshape(current, [ -1, final_dim ])                                     #Reshape
    Wfc               = weight_variable([ final_dim, label_count ])                                #实例化一个权重变量
    bfc               = bias_variable([ label_count ])                                             #实例化一个偏执项的变量
    ys_               = tf.nn.softmax( tf.matmul(current, Wfc) + bfc )                             #W*X+b,然后经过softmax分类器
    cross_entropy     = -tf.reduce_mean(ys * tf.log(ys_ + 1e-12))                                  #计算交叉熵损失函数
    l2                = tf.add_n([tf.nn.l2_loss(var) for var in tf.trainable_variables()])        #计算正则化向
    train_step        = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(lr, 0.9, use_nesterov=True).minimize(cross_entropy + l2 * weight_decay)
    correct_prediction= tf.equal(tf.argmax(ys_, 1), tf.argmax(ys, 1))                              #实例化一个优化器,累加结果
    accuracy          = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, "float"))                       #对结果求取平均
  with tf.Session(graph=graph) as session:
    batch_size     = 64
    learning_rate  = 0.1
    saver          = tf.train.Saver()
    train_data, train_labels = data['train_data'], data['train_labels']
    batch_count    = len(train_data) / batch_size
    batches_data   = np.split(train_data[:batch_count * batch_size], batch_count)
    batches_labels = np.split(train_labels[:batch_count * batch_size], batch_count)
    print "Batch per epoch: ", batch_count
    for epoch in xrange(1, 1+300):
      if epoch == 150: learning_rate = 0.01
      if epoch == 225: learning_rate = 0.001
      for batch_idx in xrange(batch_count):
        xs_, ys_    = batches_data[batch_idx], batches_labels[batch_idx]
        batch_res   = session.run([ train_step, cross_entropy, accuracy ],
          feed_dict = { xs: xs_, ys: ys_, lr: learning_rate, is_training: True, keep_prob: 0.8 })
        if batch_idx % 100 == 0: print epoch, batch_idx, batch_res[1:]

      save_path = saver.save(session, 'densenet_%d.ckpt' % epoch)
      test_results = run_in_batch_avg(session, [ cross_entropy, accuracy ], [ xs, ys ],
          feed_dict = { xs: data['test_data'], ys: data['test_labels'], is_training: False, keep_prob: 1. })
      print epoch, batch_res[1:], test_results
def run():
  data_dir    = 'data'                                                                           #训练数据集合
  image_size  = 32                                                                               #图像的尺寸大小为32*32
  image_dim   = image_size * image_size * 3                                                      #图像的维度为32*32*3
  meta        = unpickle(data_dir + '/batches.meta')                                             #将图像转化为一个列
  label_names = meta['label_names']                                                              #类别标签文件
  label_count = len(label_names)                                                                 #类别标签文件的长度
  train_files = [ 'data_batch_%d' % d for d in xrange(1, 6) ]                                    #训练的数据集合
  train_data, train_labels = load_data(train_files, data_dir, label_count)
  pi          = np.random.permutation(len(train_data))                                            #使用程序随机打乱训练数据的排列顺序
  train_data, train_labels = train_data[pi], train_labels[pi]
  test_data, test_labels   = load_data([ 'test_batch' ], data_dir, label_count)                   #测试数据集合的加载
  print "Train:", np.shape(train_data), np.shape(train_labels)
  print "Test:",  np.shape(test_data),  np.shape(test_labels)
  data = { 'train_data':   train_data,
           'train_labels': train_labels,
           'test_data':    test_data,
           'test_labels': test_labels }
  #         [2]image_dim-----图像的维度,32*32*3
  #         [3]label_count---要分类的分类类别
  #         [4]depth---------网络的深度
  run_model(data, image_dim, label_count, 40)
