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112222 博客分类: 22  

程序员文章站 2024-03-14 23:14:05


hi thank you to review the app and I should provide more information about the three problems

Safety - 1.2

My app has a new feature that users can report the content and we will remove the offending content with 24hours. 

I provide some screen shots

Performance - 2.3.7

The app has a new name "新氧-美容微整形社区、特卖平台" which doesn't include keywords or descriptors

Performance - 2.5.4

In Version 6.5.0 My app can open a live video and other users can watch the live in the app and if in the background the app can provide audio for users like other live app. so my app need support for audio in the UIBackgroundModes.

the account (username:adi19900125@126.com password:xinyang123) can open a live video and the account users (username:18610816572 password:123456) can watch the live.