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CEPH分布式存储中CRUSH算法来源及优点 博客分类: 存储软件学习 CEPHCRUSHCluster Map

程序员文章站 2024-03-14 10:23:28




    博客分类: 存储软件学习 CEPHCRUSHCluster Map

      HASH是一种将数据管理的思想,主旨是将广域的信息通过一定方法映射到小的数据集中。对于简单的使用,需要解决HASH冲突,解决HASH冲突的方法不在此学习和介绍。CRUSH是将海量的数据通过特定化的控制分布到不同的服务器上。在Sage A weil的论文中对于Crush的描述如下。

     CRUSH(controlled Replication Under Scalable Hashing), a pseudo-random data distribution algorithm that efficiently and robustly distributes object replicas across a heterogeneous, structured storage cluster. CRUSH is implemented as a pseudo-random, deterministic fucntion that maps an input value, typically an object or object group dentifier, to a list of devices on which to store object replicas.This differ form conventional approaches int that data placement does not rely on any sort of pre-file or pre-object directory-CRUSH needs only a compact, hierarchical description of the devices comprising the storage cluster and knowledge of the replica placement policy. This approach has two key advantages: first, it is completely distributed such that any party in a large system can independdenty ccalculate the location of any object; and second, what little metadat is required is mostly static., changing only when devices are added or removed.


      因此与CRUSH算法相关的两个主题是:CRUSH算法和依赖的cluster Map。在论文中对于CRUSH算法及cluster Map的描述主要如下。

    Cluster Map: The cluster map is composed of devices and buckets, both of which has numerical identifiers and weight  values associated with them.Buckets can contain any number of devices or other buckets, allowing them to form interior nodes in a storage herarchy in which devices are always are the leaves. 

    CRUSH algorithm: Given a single integer input value x, CRUSH will output an orderd list R of n distinct storage targets. CRUSH utillizes a strong multi-input integer hash function whose inputs include x, making the mapping completly deterministic and independently calculable using only the cluster map, palcement rules, and x.




  • CEPH分布式存储中CRUSH算法来源及优点
    博客分类: 存储软件学习 CEPHCRUSHCluster Map
  • 大小: 37.7 KB