Java中的CAS理论 compare and swap
在Java发展初期,java语言是不能够利用硬件提供的这些便利来提升系统的性能的。而随着java不断的发展,Java本地方法(JNI)的出现,使得java程序越过JVM直接调用本地方法提供了一种便捷的方式,因而java在并发的手段上也多了起来。而在Doug Lea提供的cucurenct包中,CAS理论是它实现整个java包的基石。
在x86 平台上,CPU提供了在指令执行期间对总线加锁的手段。CPU芯片上有一条引线#HLOCK pin,如果汇编语言的程序中在一条指令前面加上前缀"LOCK",经过汇编以后的机器代码就使CPU在执行这条指令的时候把#HLOCK pin的电位拉低,持续到这条指令结束时放开,从而把总线锁住,这样同一总线上别的CPU就暂时不能通过总线访问内存了,保证了这条指令在多处理器环境中的原子性。
1. CAS:
CAS 操作包含三个操作数 —— 内存位置(V)、预期原值(A)和新值(B)。 如果内存位置的值与预期原值相匹配,那么处理器会自动将该位置值更新为新值 。否则,处理器不做任何操作。无论哪种情况,它都会在 CAS 指令之前返回该 位置的值。(在 CAS 的一些特殊情况下将仅返回 CAS 是否成功,而不提取当前 值。)CAS 有效地说明了“我认为位置 V 应该包含值 A;如果包含该值,则将 B 放到这个位置;否则,不要更改该位置,只告诉我这个位置现在的值即可。”
通常将 CAS 用于同步的方式是从地址 V 读取值 A,执行多步计算来获得新 值 B,然后使用 CAS 将 V 的值从 A 改为 B。如果 V 处的值尚未同时更改,则 CAS 操作成功。
类似于 CAS 的指令允许算法执行读-修改-写操作,而无需害怕其他线程同时 修改变量,因为如果其他线程修改变量,那么 CAS 会检测它(并失败),算法 可以对该操作重新计算。
如果每个线程在其他线程任意延迟(或甚至失败)时都将持续进行操作,就可以说该算法是无等待的。与此形成对比的是,无锁定算法要求仅 某个线程 总是执行操作。(无等待的另一种定义是保证每个线程在其有限的步骤中正确计 算自己的操作,而不管其他线程的操作、计时、交叉或速度。
This class now works well. But locking is not a lightweight mechanismand have several disadvantages. When several threads try to acquire the same lock, one or more threads will be suspended and they will be resumed later. When the critical section is little, the overhead is really heavy especially when the lock is often acquired and there is a lot of contention. Another disadvantage is that the other threads waiting of the lock cannot do something else during waiting and if the thread who has the lock is delayed (due to a page fault or the end of the time quanta by example), the others threads cannot take their turn.
So how to do to avoid this disadvantages ? We must use non-blocking algorithms. This algorithms don’t use blocking mechanisms and by that fact are more scalable and performing. These algorithms use low-level machine instructionswhich are atomic to ensure the atomicity of higher-level operations. While locking is a pessimistic approach, we can alsouse optimistic techniqueto develop algorithms. This time, we’ll detect collisions between threads in which case, the operation fails and we do something else (often retrying the same operation).
The actual processors provide several instructions that simplify greatly the implementation of these non-blocking algorithms, the most-used operation today is the compare-and-swap operation (CAS). This operation takes three parameters, the memory address, the expected current valueand the new value. It atomically update the value at the given memory address if the current value is the expected, otherwise it do nothing. In both cases, the operation return the value at the address after the operation execution. So when several threads try to execute the CAS operation, one thread wins and the others do nothing. So the caller can choose to retry or to do something else. We often use this operation to implement another operation, the compare-and-set. This method makes exactly the same things as CAS but return a boolean indicating if the operation succeeded or not.