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Java Socket编程实例(三)- TCP服务端线程池

程序员文章站 2024-03-12 13:56:44
一、服务端回传服务类: import java.io.ioexception; import java.io.inputstream; import ja...


import java.io.ioexception; 
import java.io.inputstream; 
import java.io.outputstream; 
import java.net.socket; 
import java.util.logging.level; 
import java.util.logging.logger; 
public class echoprotocol implements runnable { 
  private static final int bufsize = 32; // size (in bytes) of i/o buffer 
  private socket clientsocket; // socket connect to client 
  private logger logger; // server logger 
  public echoprotocol(socket clientsocket, logger logger) { 
    this.clientsocket = clientsocket; 
    this.logger = logger; 
  public static void handleechoclient(socket clientsocket, logger logger) { 
    try { 
      // get the input and output i/o streams from socket 
      inputstream in = clientsocket.getinputstream(); 
      outputstream out = clientsocket.getoutputstream(); 
      int recvmsgsize; // size of received message 
      int totalbytesechoed = 0; // bytes received from client 
      byte[] echobuffer = new byte[bufsize]; // receive buffer 
      // receive until client closes connection, indicated by -1 
      while ((recvmsgsize = in.read(echobuffer)) != -1) { 
        out.write(echobuffer, 0, recvmsgsize); 
        totalbytesechoed += recvmsgsize; 
      logger.info("client " + clientsocket.getremotesocketaddress() + ", echoed " + totalbytesechoed + " bytes."); 
    } catch (ioexception ex) { 
      logger.log(level.warning, "exception in echo protocol", ex); 
    } finally { 
      try { 
      } catch (ioexception e) { 
  public void run() { 
    handleechoclient(this.clientsocket, this.logger); 


import java.io.ioexception; 
import java.net.serversocket; 
import java.net.socket; 
import java.util.logging.logger; 
public class tcpechoserverthread { 
  public static void main(string[] args) throws ioexception { 
    // create a server socket to accept client connection requests 
    serversocket servsock = new serversocket(5500); 
    logger logger = logger.getlogger("practical"); 
    // run forever, accepting and spawning a thread for each connection 
    while (true) { 
      socket clntsock = servsock.accept(); // block waiting for connection 
      // spawn thread to handle new connection 
      thread thread = new thread(new echoprotocol(clntsock, logger)); 
      logger.info("created and started thread " + thread.getname()); 
    /* not reached */ 


import java.io.ioexception; 
import java.net.serversocket; 
import java.net.socket; 
import java.util.logging.level; 
import java.util.logging.logger; 
public class tcpechoserverpool { 
  public static void main(string[] args) throws ioexception { 
    int threadpoolsize = 3; // fixed threadpoolsize 
    final serversocket servsock = new serversocket(5500); 
    final logger logger = logger.getlogger("practical"); 
    // spawn a fixed number of threads to service clients 
    for (int i = 0; i < threadpoolsize; i++) { 
      thread thread = new thread() { 
        public void run() { 
          while (true) { 
            try { 
              socket clntsock = servsock.accept(); // wait for a connection 
              echoprotocol.handleechoclient(clntsock, logger); // handle it 
            } catch (ioexception ex) { 
              logger.log(level.warning, "client accept failed", ex); 
      logger.info("created and started thread = " + thread.getname()); 



import java.util.concurrent.*; 
 * 任务执行者 
 * @author watson xu 
 * @since 1.0.0 <p>2013-6-8 上午10:33:09</p> 
public class threadpooltaskexecutor { 
  private threadpooltaskexecutor() { 
  private static executorservice executor = executors.newcachedthreadpool(new threadfactory() { 
    int count; 
    /* 执行器会在需要自行任务而线程池中没有线程的时候来调用该程序。对于callable类型的调用通过封装以后转化为runnable */ 
    public thread newthread(runnable r) { 
      thread invokethread = new thread(r); 
      invokethread.setname("courser thread-" + count); 
      invokethread.setdaemon(false);// //???????????? 
      return invokethread; 
  public static void invoke(runnable task, timeunit unit, long timeout) throws timeoutexception, runtimeexception { 
    invoke(task, null, unit, timeout); 
  public static <t> t invoke(runnable task, t result, timeunit unit, long timeout) throws timeoutexception, 
      runtimeexception { 
    future<t> future = executor.submit(task, result); 
    t t = null; 
    try { 
      t = future.get(timeout, unit); 
    } catch (timeoutexception e) { 
      throw new timeoutexception("thread invoke timeout ..."); 
    } catch (exception e) { 
      throw new runtimeexception(e); 
    return t; 
  public static <t> t invoke(callable<t> task, timeunit unit, long timeout) throws timeoutexception, runtimeexception { 
    // 这里将任务提交给执行器,任务已经启动,这里是异步的。 
    future<t> future = executor.submit(task); 
    // system.out.println("task aready in thread"); 
    t t = null; 
    try { 
       * 这里的操作是确认任务是否已经完成,有了这个操作以后 
       * 1)对invoke()的调用线程变成了等待任务完成状态 
       * 2)主线程可以接收子线程的处理结果 
      t = future.get(timeout, unit); 
    } catch (timeoutexception e) { 
      throw new timeoutexception("thread invoke timeout ..."); 
    } catch (exception e) { 
      throw new runtimeexception(e); 
    return t; 


import java.io.ioexception; 
import java.net.serversocket; 
import java.net.socket; 
import java.util.concurrent.timeunit; 
import java.util.logging.logger; 
import demo.callable.threadpooltaskexecutor; 
public class tcpechoserverexecutor { 
  public static void main(string[] args) throws ioexception { 
    // create a server socket to accept client connection requests 
    serversocket servsock = new serversocket(5500); 
    logger logger = logger.getlogger("practical"); 
    // run forever, accepting and spawning threads to service each connection 
    while (true) { 
      socket clntsock = servsock.accept(); // block waiting for connection 
      //executorservice.submit(new echoprotocol(clntsock, logger)); 
      try { 
        threadpooltaskexecutor.invoke(new echoprotocol(clntsock, logger), timeunit.seconds, 3); 
      } catch (exception e) { 
      //service.execute(new timelimitechoprotocol(clntsock, logger)); 
    /* not reached */ 

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