Simple JSON开发指南
2024-03-09 17:27:23
simple json是google开发的java json解析框架,基于apache协议。
simple json是google开发的java json解析框架,基于apache协议。
system.out.println("=======decode======="); string s="[0,{\"1\":{\"2\":{\"3\":{\"4\":[5,{\"6\":7}]}}}}]"; object obj=jsonvalue.parse(s); jsonarray array=(jsonarray)obj; system.out.println("======the 2nd element of array======"); system.out.println(array.get(1)); system.out.println(); jsonobject obj2=(jsonobject)array.get(1); system.out.println("======field \"1\"=========="); system.out.println(obj2.get("1")); s="{}"; obj=jsonvalue.parse(s); system.out.println(obj); s="[5,]"; obj=jsonvalue.parse(s); system.out.println(obj); s="[5,,2]"; obj=jsonvalue.parse(s); system.out.println(obj);
jsonparser parser=new jsonparser(); system.out.println("=======decode======="); string s="[0,{\"1\":{\"2\":{\"3\":{\"4\":[5,{\"6\":7}]}}}}]"; object obj=parser.parse(s); jsonarray array=(jsonarray)obj; system.out.println("======the 2nd element of array======"); system.out.println(array.get(1)); system.out.println(); jsonobject obj2=(jsonobject)array.get(1); system.out.println("======field \"1\"=========="); system.out.println(obj2.get("1")); s="{}"; obj=parser.parse(s); system.out.println(obj); s="[5,]"; obj=parser.parse(s); system.out.println(obj); s="[5,,2]"; obj=parser.parse(s); system.out.println(obj);
string jsontext = "[[null, 123.45, \"a\\tb c\"]}, true"; jsonparser parser = new jsonparser(); try{ parser.parse(jsontext); } catch(parseexception pe){ system.out.println("position: " + pe.getposition()); system.out.println(pe); }
position:25 unexpected token right brace(}) at position 25.
string jsontext = "{\"first\": 123, \"second\": [4, 5, 6], \"third\": 789}"; jsonparser parser = new jsonparser(); containerfactory containerfactory = new containerfactory(){ public list creatarraycontainer() { return new linkedlist(); } public map createobjectcontainer() { return new linkedhashmap(); } }; try{ map json = (map)parser.parse(jsontext, containerfactory); iterator iter = json.entryset().iterator(); system.out.println("==iterate result=="); while(iter.hasnext()){ map.entry entry = (map.entry); system.out.println(entry.getkey() + "=>" + entry.getvalue()); } system.out.println("==tojsonstring()=="); system.out.println(jsonvalue.tojsonstring(json)); } catch(parseexception pe){ system.out.println(pe); }
==iterate result== first=>123 second=>[4,5,6] third=>789 ==tojsonstring()== {"first":123,"second":[4,5,6],"third":789}
class keyfinder implements contenthandler{ private object value; private boolean found = false; private boolean end = false; private string key; private string matchkey; public void setmatchkey(string matchkey){ this.matchkey = matchkey; } public object getvalue(){ return value; } public boolean isend(){ return end; } public void setfound(boolean found){ this.found = found; } public boolean isfound(){ return found; } public void startjson() throws parseexception, ioexception { found = false; end = false; } public void endjson() throws parseexception, ioexception { end = true; } public boolean primitive(object value) throws parseexception, ioexception { if(key != null){ if(key.equals(matchkey)){ found = true; this.value = value; key = null; return false; } } return true; } public boolean startarray() throws parseexception, ioexception { return true; } public boolean startobject() throws parseexception, ioexception { return true; } public boolean startobjectentry(string key) throws parseexception, ioexception { this.key = key; return true; } public boolean endarray() throws parseexception, ioexception { return false; } public boolean endobject() throws parseexception, ioexception { return true; } public boolean endobjectentry() throws parseexception, ioexception { return true; } }
main logic:
string jsontext ="{\"first\": 123, \"second\": [{\"k1\":{\"id\":\"id1\"}}, 4, 5, 6, {\"id\": 123}], \"third\": 789, \"id\": null}"; jsonparser parser =newjsonparser(); keyfinder finder =newkeyfinder(); finder.setmatchkey("id"); try{ while(!finder.isend()){ parser.parse(jsontext, finder,true); if(finder.isfound()){ finder.setfound(false); system.out.println("found id:"); system.out.println(finder.getvalue()); } } } catch(parseexception pe){ pe.printstacktrace(); }
found id: id1 found id: 123 found id: null
class transformer implements contenthandler{ private stack valuestack; public object getresult(){ if(valuestack == null || valuestack.size() == 0) return null; return valuestack.peek(); } public boolean endarray () throws parseexception, ioexception { trackback(); return true; } public void endjson () throws parseexception, ioexception {} public boolean endobject () throws parseexception, ioexception { trackback(); return true; } public boolean endobjectentry () throws parseexception, ioexception { object value = valuestack.pop(); object key = valuestack.pop(); map parent = (map)valuestack.peek(); parent.put(key, value); return true; } private void trackback(){ if(valuestack.size() > 1){ object value = valuestack.pop(); object prev = valuestack.peek(); if(prev instanceof string){ valuestack.push(value); } } } private void consumevalue(object value){ if(valuestack.size() == 0) valuestack.push(value); else{ object prev = valuestack.peek(); if(prev instanceof list){ list array = (list)prev; array.add(value); } else{ valuestack.push(value); } } } public boolean primitive (object value) throws parseexception, ioexception { consumevalue(value); return true; } public boolean startarray () throws parseexception, ioexception { list array = new jsonarray(); consumevalue(array); valuestack.push(array); return true; } public void startjson () throws parseexception, ioexception { valuestack = new stack(); } public boolean startobject () throws parseexception, ioexception { map object = new jsonobject(); consumevalue(object); valuestack.push(object); return true; } public boolean startobjectentry (string key) throws parseexception, ioexception { valuestack.push(key); return true; } }
string jsonstring = <input json text>; object value = null; jsonparser parser = new jsonparser(); transformer transformer = new transformer(); parser.parse(jsonstring, transformer); value = transformer.getresult();
string jsonstring =<input json text>; object value =null; jsonparser parser =newjsonparser(); value = parser.parse(jsonstring);
json_encode — 对变量进行 json 编码。
说明:string json_encode ($value ),返回 value 值的 json 形式。
参数:待编码的 value ,除了resource 类型之外,可以为任何数据类型
该函数只能接受 utf-8 编码的数据(译注:指字符/字符串类型的数据)
返回值:编码成功则返回一个以 json 形式表示的 string 。
上一篇: java微信公众号开发案例
Simple JSON开发指南
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