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程序员文章站 2024-03-09 14:58:55
spring dao之jdbc   spring提供的dao(数据访问对象)支持主要的目的是便于以标准的方式使用不同的数据访问技术, 如jdbc,hibern...

spring dao之jdbc
spring提供的dao(数据访问对象)支持主要的目的是便于以标准的方式使用不同的数据访问技术, 如jdbc,hibernate或者jdo等。它不仅可以让你方便地在这些持久化技术间切换, 而且让你在编码的时候不用考虑处理各种技术中特定的异常。
为了便于以一种一致的方式使用各种数据访问技术,如jdbc、jdo和hibernate, spring提供了一套抽象dao类供你扩展。这些抽象类提供了一些方法,通过它们你可以 获得与你当前使用的数据访问技术相关的数据源和其他配置信息。
jdbcdaosupport - jdbc数据访问对象的基类。 需要一个datasource,同时为子类提供 jdbctemplate。
hibernatedaosupport - hibernate数据访问对象的基类。 需要一个sessionfactory,同时为子类提供 hibernatetemplate。也可以选择直接通过 提供一个hibernatetemplate来初始化, 这样就可以重用后者的设置,例如sessionfactory, flush模式,异常翻译器(exception translator)等等。
jdodaosupport - jdo数据访问对象的基类。 需要设置一个persistencemanagerfactory, 同时为子类提供jdotemplate。 
jpadaosupport - jpa数据访问对象的基类。 需要一个entitymanagerfactory,同时 为子类提供jpatemplate。 

drop table if exists user; 

/* table: user                         */ 
create table user 
  id          bigint auto_increment not null, 
  name         varchar(24), 
  age         int, 
  primary key (id) 


public class user { 
  private integer id; 
  private string name; 
  private integer age; 

  public integer getid() { 
    return id; 

  public void setid(integer id) { 
    this.id = id; 

  public string getname() { 
    return name; 

  public void setname(string name) { 
    this.name = name; 

  public integer getage() { 
    return age; 

  public void setage(integer age) { 
    this.age = age; 


* created by intellij idea.<br> 
* <b>user</b>: leizhimin<br> 
* <b>date</b>: 2008-4-22 15:34:36<br> 
* <b>note</b>: dao接口 
public interface iuserdao { 
  public void insert(user user); 

  public user find(integer id); 
import javax.sql.datasource; 
import java.sql.connection; 
import java.sql.sqlexception; 

* created by intellij idea.<br> 
* <b>note</b>: 基类dao,提供了数据源注入 
public class basedao { 
  private datasource datasource; 

  public datasource getdatasource() { 
    return datasource; 

  public void setdatasource(datasource datasource) { 
    this.datasource = datasource; 

  public connection getconnection() { 
    connection conn = null; 
    try { 
      conn = datasource.getconnection(); 
    } catch (sqlexception e) { 
    return conn; 
* created by intellij idea.<br> 
* <b>user</b>: leizhimin<br> 
* <b>date</b>: 2008-4-22 15:36:04<br> 
* <b>note</b>: dao实现 
public class userdao extends basedao implements iuserdao { 

  public jdbctemplate getjdbctemplate(){ 
    return new jdbctemplate(getdatasource()); 
  public void insert(user user) { 
    string name = user.getname(); 
    int age = user.getage().intvalue(); 

//    jdbctemplate.update("insert into user (name,age) " 
//        + "values('" + name + "'," + age + ")"); 

    string sql = "insert into user(name,age) values(?,?)"; 
    getjdbctemplate().update(sql,new object[]{name,age}); 

  public user find(integer id) { 
    list rows = getjdbctemplate().queryforlist( 
        "select * from user where id=" + id.intvalue()); 

    iterator it = rows.iterator(); 
    if (it.hasnext()) { 
      map usermap = (map) it.next(); 
      integer i = new integer(usermap.get("id").tostring()); 
      string name = usermap.get("name").tostring(); 
      integer age = new integer(usermap.get("age").tostring()); 

      user user = new user(); 


      return user; 
    return null; 


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
<!doctype beans public "-//spring/dtd bean/en" 

  <bean id="datasource" 
     class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.basicdatasource" singleton="true"> 
    <property name="driverclassname"> 
    <property name="url"> 
    <property name="username"> 
    <property name="password"> 

  <bean id="basedao" class="com.lavasoft.springnote.ch05_jdbc03_temp.basedao" abstract="true">
    <property name="datasource"> 
      <ref bean="datasource"/> 

  <bean id="userdao" 
     class="com.lavasoft.springnote.ch05_jdbc03_temp.userdao" parent="basedao"> 



import org.springframework.context.applicationcontext; 
import org.springframework.context.support.filesystemxmlapplicationcontext; 

* created by intellij idea.<br> 
* <b>user</b>: leizhimin<br> 
* <b>date</b>: 2008-4-22 15:59:18<br> 
* <b>note</b>: 测试类,客户端 
public class springdaodemo { 
  public static void main(string[] args) { 
    applicationcontext context = new filesystemxmlapplicationcontext("d:\\_spring\\src\\com\\lavasoft\\springnote\\ch05_jdbc03_temp\\bean-jdbc-temp.xml"); 
    user user = new user(); 
    user.setage(new integer(22)); 
    iuserdao userdao = (iuserdao) context.getbean("userdao"); 
    user = userdao.find(new integer(1)); 
    system.out.println("name: " + user.getname()); 


log4j:warn no appenders could be found for logger (org.springframework.core.collectionfactory). 
log4j:warn please initialize the log4j system properly. 
name: jdbctemplate 

process finished with exit code 0

spring dao之hibernate
hibernatedaosupport - hibernate数据访问对象的基类。 需要一个sessionfactory,同时为子类提供 hibernatetemplate。也可以选择直接通过 提供一个hibernatetemplate来初始化, 这样就可以重用后者的设置,例如sessionfactory, flush模式,异常翻译器(exception translator)等等。



drop table if exists user; 

/* table: user                         */ 
create table user 
  id          bigint auto_increment not null, 
  name         varchar(24), 
  age         int, 
  primary key (id) 


* created by intellij idea.<br> 
* <b>note</b>: hiberante实体类 
public class user { 
  private integer id; 
  private string name; 
  private integer age; 

  public integer getid() { 
    return id; 

  public void setid(integer id) { 
    this.id = id; 

  public string getname() { 
    return name; 

  public void setname(string name) { 
    this.name = name; 

  public integer getage() { 
    return age; 

  public void setage(integer age) { 
    this.age = age; 


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
<!doctype hibernate-mapping 
  public "-//hibernate/hibernate mapping dtd 3.0//en" 


  <class name="com.lavasoft.springnote.ch06_hbm_02detx.user" 

    <id name="id" column="id"> 
      <generator class="native"/> 

    <property name="name" column="name"/> 

    <property name="age" column="age"/> 




* created by intellij idea.<br> 
* <b>user</b>: leizhimin<br> 
* <b>date</b>: 2008-4-23 15:37:43<br> 
* <b>note</b>: dao接口 
public interface iuserdao { 
  public void insert(user user); 
  public user find(integer id); 
import org.hibernate.sessionfactory; 
import org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.hibernatetemplate; 

* created by intellij idea.<br> 
* <b>user</b>: leizhimin<br> 
* <b>date</b>: 2008-4-23 15:15:55<br> 
* <b>note</b>: dao实现 
public class userdao implements iuserdao { 
  private hibernatetemplate hibernatetemplate; 

  public void setsessionfactory(sessionfactory sessionfactory) { 
    this.hibernatetemplate =new hibernatetemplate(sessionfactory); 

  public void insert(user user) { 

  public user find(integer id) { 
    user user =(user) hibernatetemplate.get(user.class, id); 
    return user; 


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
<!doctype beans public "-//spring/dtd bean/en" 
  <bean id="datasource" 
    <property name="driverclassname"> 
    <property name="url"> 
    <property name="username"> 
    <property name="password"> 

  <bean id="sessionfactory" 
    <property name="datasource"> 
      <ref bean="datasource"/> 
    <property name="mappingresources"> 
    <property name="hibernateproperties"> 
        <prop key="hibernate.dialect"> 

  <bean id="userdao" class="com.lavasoft.springnote.ch06_hbm_02protx.userdao"> 
    <property name="sessionfactory"> 
      <ref bean="sessionfactory"/> 


import org.springframework.context.applicationcontext; 
import org.springframework.context.support.filesystemxmlapplicationcontext; 

* created by intellij idea.<br> 
* <b>note</b>: 测试类、客户端 
public class springhibernatedemo { 
  public static void main(string[] args) { 
    applicationcontext context =new filesystemxmlapplicationcontext("d:\\_spring\\src\\com\\lavasoft\\springnote\\ch06_hbm_02protx\\bean-hbm_tx.xml"); 

    // 建立dao物件 
    iuserdao userdao = (iuserdao) context.getbean("userdao"); 

    user user = new user(); 
    user.setage(new integer(30)); 


    user = userdao.find(new integer(1)); 

    system.out.println("name: " + user.getname()); 


log4j:warn no appenders could be found for logger (org.springframework.core.collectionfactory). 
log4j:warn please initialize the log4j system properly. 
name: jdbctemplate 

process finished with exit code 0