ASP.NET FileUpload 上传图片实例
2024-03-08 22:37:04
复制代码 代码如下:
复制代码 代码如下:
<table style="width: 100%"> <tr> <td> <asp:validationsummary id="validationsummary1" runat="server" /> <br /> <asp:fileupload id="fileupload1" runat="server" /> <asp:button id="btn_upload" runat="server" onclick="btn_upload_click" text="upload" /> <asp:customvalidator id="customvalidator1" runat="server" controltovalidate="fileupload1" display="static" errormessage="you should only can upload image file such as files with .jpg or gif extension" onservervalidate="image_validate">*</asp:customvalidator> </td> </tr> </table> add to code behind cs file
复制代码 代码如下:
using system; using; using system.configuration; using system.collections; using system.web; using; using system.web.ui; using system.web.ui.webcontrols; using system.web.ui.webcontrols.webparts; using system.web.ui.htmlcontrols; using; using system.drawing; public partial class practice_fileupload : { protected void page_load(object sender, eventargs e) { } protected void btn_upload_click(object sender, eventargs e) { if (page.isvalid) { string path = @page.mappath("user_edit.aspx").replace("user_edit.aspx", "") + "documents\\"; string s = path + session["username"].tostring(); if (! + session["username"].tostring())) { + session["username"].tostring()); } if (fileupload1.hasfile) { fileupload1.saveas(server.mappath("~/seeker/documents/" + session["username"].tostring() + "/" + this.fileupload1.filename)); } } } protected void image_validate(object source, servervalidateeventargs args) { string fileext = path.getextension(fileupload1.filename).tolower(); string filename = path.getfilename(fileupload1.filename); if (fileext != ".jpg" && fileext != ".gif") { args.isvalid = false; } } protected void customvalidator2_servervalidate(object source, servervalidateeventargs args) { bitmap bmip = new bitmap(fileupload1.postedfile.inputstream); if (bmip.width > 100 | bmip.height > 100) { args.isvalid = false; } else { args.isvalid = true; } } } the default size of files uploaded by the fileupload control is 4mb. this solution was found from the internet。 值得注意的是,fileupload 默认上传文件最大为4mb。这是在网上找到的。 如果要增加,则可以在machine.config里面进行修改
复制代码 代码如下:
<httpruntime executiontimeout = "110" [in seconds][number maxrequestlength = "4096" [number] requestlengthdiskthreshold = "80" [number] usefullyqualifiedredirecturl = "false" [true|false] minfreethreads = "8" [number] minlocalrequestfreethreads = "4" [number] apprequestqueuelimit = "5000" [number] enablekerneloutputcache = "true" [true|false] enableversionheader = "true" [true|false] apartmentthreading = "false" [true|false] requirerootedsaveaspath = "true" [true|false] enable = "true" [true|false] sendcachecontrolheader = "true" [true|false] shutdowntimeout = "90" [in seconds][number] delaynotificationtimeout = "5" [in seconds][number] waitchangenotification = "0" [number] maxwaitchangenotification = "0" [number] enableheaderchecking = "true" [true|false] /> 推荐阅读 |