2024-03-08 22:15:22
1. [代码]mybatis全局配置文件
< plugin interceptor = "com.has.core.pa...
1. [代码]mybatis全局配置文件
<plugins> < plugin interceptor = "com.has.core.page.paginationinterceptor" /> </plugins>
2. [文件] paginationinterceptor.java
@intercepts ({ @signature (type = statementhandler. class , method = "prepare" , args = { connection. class }) }) public class paginationinterceptor implements interceptor { @override public object intercept(invocation invocation) throws throwable { statementhandler statementhandler = (statementhandler) invocation.gettarget(); boundsql boundsql = statementhandler.getboundsql(); metaobject metastatementhandler = metaobject.forobject(statementhandler); rowbounds rowbounds = (rowbounds) metastatementhandler.getvalue( "delegate.rowbounds" ); if (rowbounds == null || rowbounds == rowbounds.default) { return invocation.proceed(); } configuration configuration = (configuration) metastatementhandler.getvalue( "delegate.configuration" ); dialect.type databasetype = null ; try { databasetype = dialect.type.valueof(configuration.getvariables().getproperty( "dialect" ).touppercase()); } catch (exception e) { } if (databasetype == null ) { throw new runtimeexception( "the value of the dialect property in configuration.xml is not defined : " + configuration.getvariables().getproperty( "dialect" )); } dialect dialect = null ; switch (databasetype) { case mysql: dialect = new mysql5dialect(); break ; case oracle: dialect = new oracledialect(); break ; } string originalsql = (string) metastatementhandler.getvalue( "delegate.boundsql.sql" ); metastatementhandler.setvalue( "delegate.boundsql.sql" , dialect.getlimitstring(originalsql, rowbounds.getoffset(), rowbounds.getlimit())); metastatementhandler.setvalue( "delegate.rowbounds.offset" , rowbounds.no_row_offset); metastatementhandler.setvalue( "delegate.rowbounds.limit" , rowbounds.no_row_limit); return invocation.proceed(); } @override public object plugin(object target) { return plugin.wrap(target, this ); } @override public void setproperties(properties properties) { } }
3. [文件] dialect.java
/** * 数据库方言定义 * */ public abstract class dialect { public static enum type { mysql, oracle } public abstract string getlimitstring(string sql, int skipresults, int maxresults); }
4. [文件] mysql5dialect.java
/** * mysql方言分页类 */ public class mysql5dialect extends dialect { protected static final string sql_end_delimiter = ";" ; public string getlimitstring(string sql, boolean hasoffset) { return mysql5pagehepler.getlimitstring(sql, - 1 , - 1 ); } public string getlimitstring(string sql, int offset, int limit) { return mysql5pagehepler.getlimitstring(sql, offset, limit); } public boolean supportslimit() { return true ; } }
5. [文件] oracledialect.java
package com.chyjr.has.core.page.dialect; /** * oracel方言分页 * */ public class oracledialect extends dialect { public string getlimitstring(string sql, int offset, int limit) { // todo 未实现 return ""; } }
6. [文件] mysql5pagehepler.java
import java.util.regex.matcher; import java.util.regex.pattern; /** * mysql分页工具类 */ public class mysql5pagehepler { /** * 得到查询总数的sql */ public static string getcountstring(string queryselect) { queryselect = getlinesql(queryselect); int orderindex = getlastorderinsertpoint(queryselect); int formindex = getafterforminsertpoint(queryselect); string select = queryselect.substring( 0 , formindex); // 如果select 中包含 distinct 只能在外层包含count if (select.tolowercase().indexof( "select distinct" ) != - 1 || queryselect.tolowercase().indexof( "group by" ) != - 1 ) { return new stringbuffer(queryselect.length()).append( "select count(1) count from (" ) .append(queryselect.substring( 0 , orderindex)).append( " ) t" ).tostring(); } else { return new stringbuffer(queryselect.length()).append( "select count(1) count " ) .append(queryselect.substring(formindex, orderindex)).tostring(); } } /** * 得到最后一个order by的插入点位置 * * @return 返回最后一个order by插入点的位置 */ private static int getlastorderinsertpoint(string queryselect) { int orderindex = queryselect.tolowercase().lastindexof( "order by" ); if (orderindex == - 1 || !isbracketcanpartnership(queryselect.substring(orderindex, queryselect.length()))) { throw new runtimeexception( "my sql 分页必须要有order by 语句!" ); } return orderindex; } /** * 得到分页的sql * * @param offset * 偏移量 * @param limit * 位置 * @return 分页sql */ public static string getlimitstring(string queryselect, int offset, int limit) { queryselect = getlinesql(queryselect); // string sql = queryselect.replaceall("[^\\s,]+\\.", "") + " limit " + // offset + " ," + limit; string sql = queryselect + " limit " + offset + " ," + limit; return sql; } /** * 将sql语句变成一条语句,并且每个单词的间隔都是1个空格 * * @param sql * sql语句 * @return 如果sql是null返回空,否则返回转化后的sql */ private static string getlinesql(string sql) { return sql.replaceall( "[\r\n]" , " " ).replaceall( "\\s{2,}" , " " ); } /** * 得到sql第一个正确的from的的插入点 */ private static int getafterforminsertpoint(string queryselect) { string regex = "\\s+from\\s+" ; pattern pattern = pattern.compile(regex, pattern.case_insensitive); matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(queryselect); while (matcher.find()) { int fromstartindex = matcher.start( 0 ); string text = queryselect.substring( 0 , fromstartindex); if (isbracketcanpartnership(text)) { return fromstartindex; } } return 0 ; } /** * 判断括号"()"是否匹配,并不会判断排列顺序是否正确 * * @param text * 要判断的文本 * @return 如果匹配返回true,否则返回false */ private static boolean isbracketcanpartnership(string text) { if (text == null || (getindexofcount(text, '(' ) != getindexofcount(text, ')' ))) { return false ; } return true ; } /** * 得到一个字符在另一个字符串中出现的次数 * * @param text * 文本 * @param ch * 字符 */ private static int getindexofcount(string text, char ch) { int count = 0 ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < text.length(); i++) { count = (text.charat(i) == ch) ? count + 1 : count; } return count; } }
2. [图片] mybatis.jpg
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