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compass 分页查询 博客分类: Compass Lucene XML 

程序员文章站 2024-03-08 14:07:16
public class IndexDao {
    private Compass compass ;
    public IndexDao(){
       // compass.cfg.xml得到配置信息  默认的配置信息
       CompassConfiguration cfg = new CompassConfiguration().configure();
       compass = cfg.buildCompass();
//调用方法时候需要传入参数 查询的内容,起始条目数,要显示是条目数
    public QueryResult search(String queryString,int firstResult,int maxReasults){
       CompassSession session = compass.openSession();
       CompassTransaction tx = session.beginLocalTransaction();
       CompassQueryBuilder queryBuilder = session.queryBuilder();
       CompassQuery query = queryBuilder.queryString(queryString).toQuery();
       CompassHits hits = query.hits();
       int end = Math.min(hits.length(), firstResult+maxReasults);
       List<Aritcle> list = new ArrayList<Aritcle>();
       for(int i=firstResult;i<end;i++){
           Aritcle aritcle = (Aritcle) hits.data(i);
           //高亮  返回的是高亮后的字符串
           String ht = hits.highlighter(i).fragment("content");
       return new QueryResult(hits.length(),list);
    public List<Product> searchProducts(String searchString) {
        Compass compass = compassTemplate.getCompass();
        CompassSession session = compass.openSession();

        List<Product> list = new ArrayList<Product>();
        CompassHits hits = session.queryBuilder().queryString(
                "name:" + searchString).toQuery().hits();
        for (int i = 0; i < hits.getLength(); i++) {
            Product hitProduct = (Product) hits.data(i);
        return list;


ExpressionHits ThatjackContain the term jack in the default search fieldjack london (jack AND london)Contains the term jack and london in the default search fieldjack OR londonContains the term jack or london, or both, in the default search field+jack +london (jack AND london)Contains both jack and london in the default search fieldname:jackContains the term jack in the name property (meta-data)name:jack -city:london (name:jack AND NOT city:london)Have jack in the name property and don't have london in the city propertyname:"jack london"Contains the exact phrase jack london in the name propertyname:"jack london"~5Contain the term jack and london within five positions of one anotherjack*Contain terms that begin with jackjack~Contains terms that are close to the word jackbirthday:[1870/01/01 TO 1920/01/01]Have the birthday values between the specified values. Note that it is a lexicography range
CompassHits hits = session.createQueryBuilder()  .queryString("+name:jack +familyName:london")    .setAnalyzer("an1") // use a different analyzer  .toQuery()    .addSort("familyName", CompassQuery.SortPropertyType.STRING)    .addSort("birthdate", CompassQuery.SortPropertyType.INT)  .hits();

Another example for building a query that requires the name to be jack, and the familyName not to be london:
CompassQueryBuilder queryBuilder = session.createQueryBuilder();CompassHits hits =  queryBuilder.bool()    .addMust( queryBuilder.term("name", "jack") )    .addMustNot( queryBuilder.term("familyName", "london") )  .toQuery()    .addSort("familyName", CompassQuery.SortPropertyType.STRING)    .addSort("birthdate", CompassQuery.SortPropertyType.INT)  .hits();
相关标签: XML