2024-03-07 22:24:52
新的jdbc3.0保存点的接口提供了额外的事务控制。他们的环境中,如oracle的pl/ sql中的大多数现代的dbms支持保存点。
新的jdbc3.0保存点的接口提供了额外的事务控制。他们的环境中,如oracle的pl/ sql中的大多数现代的dbms支持保存点。
setsavepoint(string savepointname): 定义了一个新的保存点。它也返回一个savepoint 对象。
releasesavepoint(savepoint savepointname): 删除一个保存点。请注意,它需要一个savepoint 对象作为参数。这个对象通常是由setsavepoint()方法生成一个保存点。
有一个rollback ( string savepointname ) 方法回滚工作到指定的保存点。
try{ //assume a valid connection object conn conn.setautocommit(false); statement stmt = conn.createstatement(); //set a savepoint savepoint savepoint1 = conn.setsavepoint("savepoint1"); string sql = "insert into employees " + "values (106, 20, 'rita', 'tez')"; stmt.executeupdate(sql); //submit a malformed sql statement that breaks string sql = "inserted in employees " + "values (107, 22, 'sita', 'tez')"; stmt.executeupdate(sql); // if there is no error, commit the changes. conn.commit(); }catch(sqlexception se){ // if there is any error. conn.rollback(savepoint1); }
//step 1. import required packages import java.sql.*; public class jdbcexample { // jdbc driver name and database url static final string jdbc_driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.driver"; static final string db_url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/emp"; // database credentials static final string user = "username"; static final string pass = "password"; public static void main(string[] args) { connection conn = null; statement stmt = null; try{ //step 2: register jdbc driver class.forname("com.mysql.jdbc.driver"); //step 3: open a connection system.out.println("connecting to database..."); conn = drivermanager.getconnection(db_url,user,pass); //step 4: set auto commit as false. conn.setautocommit(false); //step 5: execute a query to delete statment with // required arguments for rs example. system.out.println("creating statement..."); stmt = conn.createstatement(); //step 6: now list all the available records. string sql = "select id, first, last, age from employees"; resultset rs = stmt.executequery(sql); system.out.println("list result set for reference...."); printrs(rs); // step 7: delete rows having id grater than 104 // but save point before doing so. savepoint savepoint1 = conn.setsavepoint("rows_deleted_1"); system.out.println("deleting row...."); string sql = "delete from employees " + "where id = 110"; stmt.executeupdate(sql); // oops... we deleted too wrong employees! //step 8: rollback the changes afetr save point 2. conn.rollback(savepoint1); // step 9: delete rows having id grater than 104 // but save point before doing so. savepoint savepoint2 = conn.setsavepoint("rows_deleted_2"); system.out.println("deleting row...."); sql = "delete from employees " + "where id = 95"; stmt.executeupdate(sql); //step 10: now list all the available records. sql = "select id, first, last, age from employees"; rs = stmt.executequery(sql); system.out.println("list result set for reference...."); printrs(rs); //step 10: clean-up environment rs.close(); stmt.close(); conn.close(); }catch(sqlexception se){ //handle errors for jdbc se.printstacktrace(); // if there is an error then rollback the changes. system.out.println("rolling back data here...."); try{ if(conn!=null) conn.rollback(); }catch(sqlexception se2){ se2.printstacktrace(); }//end try }catch(exception e){ //handle errors for class.forname e.printstacktrace(); }finally{ //finally block used to close resources try{ if(stmt!=null) stmt.close(); }catch(sqlexception se2){ }// nothing we can do try{ if(conn!=null) conn.close(); }catch(sqlexception se){ se.printstacktrace(); }//end finally try }//end try system.out.println("goodbye!"); }//end main public static void printrs(resultset rs) throws sqlexception{ //ensure we start with first row rs.beforefirst(); while(rs.next()){ //retrieve by column name int id = rs.getint("id"); int age = rs.getint("age"); string first = rs.getstring("first"); string last = rs.getstring("last"); //display values system.out.print("id: " + id); system.out.print(", age: " + age); system.out.print(", first: " + first); system.out.println(", last: " + last); } system.out.println(); }//end printrs() }//end jdbcexample
c:>javac jdbcexample.java
c:>java jdbcexample
connecting to database... creating statement... list result set for reference.... id: 95, age: 20, first: sima, last: chug id: 100, age: 18, first: zara, last: ali id: 101, age: 25, first: mahnaz, last: fatma id: 102, age: 30, first: zaid, last: khan id: 103, age: 30, first: sumit, last: mittal id: 110, age: 20, first: sima, last: chug deleting row.... deleting row.... list result set for reference.... id: 100, age: 18, first: zara, last: ali id: 101, age: 25, first: mahnaz, last: fatma id: 102, age: 30, first: zaid, last: khan id: 103, age: 30, first: sumit, last: mittal id: 110, age: 20, first: sima, last: chug goodbye!
上一篇: asp.net 生成静态页笔记