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程序员文章站 2024-03-07 10:11:44
出处:regexlib.com regular expression cheat sheet (.net) 元字符 说明 ^ 匹配字符串...

出处:regexlib.com regular expression cheat sheet (.net)

元字符 说明
^ 匹配字符串的开始位置
$ 匹配字符串的结束位置
. 匹配任意单个字符(换行符 \n 除外)
| 交替
{…} 指定要限定的数量
[...] 指定要匹配的字符集
(…) 对表达式进行逻辑分组
* 匹配零或多个前面的表达式
+ 匹配一或多个前面的表达式
? 匹配零或一个前面的表达式
\ 放在上面任何一个字符之前,表示匹配该字符本身。放在其他特殊字符后面,表示字符转义(见下面)
字符转义 说明
原始字符 除 . $ ^ { [ ( | ) ] } * + ? \ 之外的字符均匹配自身
\a 匹配铃声(闹铃)\u0007
\b 在[]中匹配一个空格 \u0008,在其他情况下匹配字边界(位于 \w 和 \w 字符之间)
\t 匹配制表符 \u0009
\r 匹制回车符 \u000d
\v 匹配垂直制表符 \u000b
\f 匹配换页符 \u000c
\n 匹配换行符 \u000a
\e 匹配退出键(符) \u001b
\040 匹配以八进制表示的 ascii 字符(最多三位数);在没有前导零的情况下,如果只有一位数字或者相应数字与某个捕获组的编号对应,那就是反向引用(backreference)。字符 \040 表示一个空格。
\x20 匹配以十六进制表示的 ascii 字符(两位数)
\cc 匹配 ascii 控制符,例如 \cc 匹配 ctrl+c
\u0020 匹配以十六进制表示的 unicode 字符
\* 反斜杠后面如果不是一个可转义的字符,则匹配该字符本身。例如,\* 就相当于\x2a
字符类 说明
. 匹配除 \n 之外的任意字符。
[aeiou] 匹配特定字符集中包含的任意一个字符
[^aeiou] 匹配特定字符集中不包含的任意一个字符
[0-9a-fa-f] 连字符(-)用来指定连续的字符范围
\p{name} 匹配由{name}指定的命名字符类中的任意字符
\p{name} 匹配不包含在{name}指定的组或块范围中的文本
\w 匹配英文数字字母字符,在指定兼容ecmascript的情况下,等价于[a-za-z0-9]
\w 匹配非英文数字字母字符,在指定兼容ecmascript的情况下,等价于[^a-za-z0-9]
\s 匹配任意空白字符,在指定兼容ecmascript的情况下,等价于[\f\n\r\t\v]
\s 匹配任意非空白字符,在指定兼容ecmascript的情况下,等价于[^\f\n\r\t\v]
\d 匹配数字字符,在指定兼容ecmascript的情况下,等价于[0-9]
\d 匹配非数字字符,在指定兼容ecmascript的情况下,等价于[^0-9]


metacharacters defined

mchar definition
^ start of a string.
$ end of a string.
. any character (except \n newline)
| alternation.
{...} explicit quantifier notation.
[...] explicit set of characters to match.
(...) logical grouping of part of an expression.
* 0 or more of previous expression.
+ 1 or more of previous expression.
? 0 or 1 of previous expression; also forces minimal matching when an expression might match several strings within a search string.
\ preceding one of the above, it makes it a literal instead of a special character. preceding a special matching character, see below.

metacharacter examples

pattern sample matches
^abc abc, abcdefg, abc123, ...
abc$ abc, endsinabc, 123abc, ...
a.c abc, aac, acc, adc, aec, ...
bill|ted ted, bill
ab{2}c abbc
a[bb]c abc, abc
(abc){2} abcabc
ab*c ac, abc, abbc, abbbc, ...
ab+c abc, abbc, abbbc, ...
ab?c ac, abc
a\sc a c

character escapes http://tinyurl.com/5wm3wl

escaped char description
ordinary characters characters other than . $ ^ { [ ( | ) ] } * + ? \ match themselves.
\a matches a bell (alarm) \u0007.
\b matches a backspace \u0008 if in a []; otherwise matches a word boundary (between \w and \w characters).
\t matches a tab \u0009.
\r matches a carriage return \u000d.
\v matches a vertical tab \u000b.
\f matches a form feed \u000c.
\n matches a new line \u000a.
\e matches an escape \u001b.
\040 matches an ascii character as octal (up to three digits); numbers with no leading zero are backreferences if they have only one digit or if they correspond to a capturing group number. (for more information, see backreferences.) for example, the character \040 represents a space.
\x20 matches an ascii character using hexadecimal representation (exactly two digits).
\cc matches an ascii control character; for example \cc is control-c.
\u0020 matches a unicode character using a hexadecimal representation (exactly four digits).
\* when followed by a character that is not recognized as an escaped character, matches that character. for example, \* is the same as \x2a.

character classes http://tinyurl.com/5ck4ll

char class description
. matches any character except \n. if modified by the singleline option, a period character matches any character. for more information, see regular expression options.
[aeiou] matches any single character included in the specified set of characters.
[^aeiou] matches any single character not in the specified set of characters.
[0-9a-fa-f] use of a hyphen (–) allows specification of contiguous character ranges.
\p{name} matches any character in the named character class specified by {name}. supported names are unicode groups and block ranges. for example, ll, nd, z, isgreek, isboxdrawing.
\p{name} matches text not included in groups and block ranges specified in {name}.
\w matches any word character. equivalent to the unicode character categories [\p{ll}\p{lu}\p{lt}\p{lo}\p{nd}\p{pc}]. if ecmascript-compliant behavior is specified with the ecmascript option, \w is equivalent to [a-za-z_0-9].
\w matches any nonword character. equivalent to the unicode categories [^\p{ll}\p{lu}\p{lt}\p{lo}\p{nd}\p{pc}]. if ecmascript-compliant behavior is specified with the ecmascript option, \w is equivalent to [^a-za-z_0-9].
\s matches any white-space character. equivalent to the unicode character categories [\f\n\r\t\v\x85\p{z}]. if ecmascript-compliant behavior is specified with the ecmascript option, \s is equivalent to [ \f\n\r\t\v].
\s matches any non-white-space character. equivalent to the unicode character categories [^\f\n\r\t\v\x85\p{z}]. if ecmascript-compliant behavior is specified with the ecmascript option, \s is equivalent to [^ \f\n\r\t\v].
\d matches any decimal digit. equivalent to \p{nd} for unicode and [0-9] for non-unicode, ecmascript behavior.
\d matches any nondigit. equivalent to \p{nd} for unicode and [^0-9] for non-unicode, ecmascript behavior.