左右移动的js分割面板 博客分类: JavaScript IEXHTMLBlog
2024-03-07 09:45:32
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>无标题文档-SH!</title> <style> /* 左右分割条样式 */ .lrSeparator { background-color:#549FE3; cursor:e-resize; font-size : 1px; } /* 上下分割条样式 */ .udSeparator { background-color:#549FE3; cursor:s-resize; font-size : 1px; } td { border:1px solid #549FE3; } </style> <script> /** * 类 名 称: Separator|SP * 功能说明: 分割条类 * 版权信息: CopyRight 2005-2006 JoeCom * 参数说明: o1,o2 : 两个对象 spTpe: 方向,是左右,还是上下 w:宽度;wx:left的差值;wy:top的差值 wh:左右拖动时,是宽度的差值,上下则是高度的差值 wl:上下拉动时时的一个差值 差值的存在是因为控件可能存在border,padding,top等一些情况, 还有就是控件的position不是为absolute * 创 建 人: JoeCom | MSN:ju*@hotmail.com | blog:http://hi.baidu.com/joecom * 创建日期: 2006-07-27 * 修改记录: * 备 注 : IE下效果最好,FF下TD标签不支持onresize事件? */ //以下定义拖拉方向的常量 SP_LEFTRIGHT = 1; //左右拖拉 SP_UPDOWN = 2; //上下拖拉 function Separator(o1,o2,spType,w,wx,wy,wh,wl){ var me = this; this.o1 = (typeof o1=="string")?document.getElementById(o1):o1; this.o2 = (typeof o2=="string")?document.getElementById(o2):o2; this.w = w||3; //Width or Height this.wx = wx||0; //parentOffsetLeft this.wy = wy||0; //parentOffsetTop this.wh = wh||0; //parentOffsetHeight this.wl = wl||0; //parentOffsetWidth //this.wr = wr||0; //parentOffsetRight this.autoresize = true; this.spType = (spType==SP_UPDOWN)?SP_UPDOWN:SP_LEFTRIGHT; this.allWidth = this.o1.clientWidth + this.o2.clientWidth + this.w ; this.allHeight = this.o1.clientHeight + this.o2.clientHeight + this.w ; this.isIE = false; this.addEvent = function(el, evname, func) { if (el.attachEvent) { // IE el.attachEvent("on" + evname, func); this.isIE = true; } else if (el.addEventListener) { // Gecko / W3C el.addEventListener(evname, func, true); } else { el["on" + evname] = func; } }; this.sp = document.createElement("div"); document.body.appendChild(this.sp); this.init = function(){ if (this.spType==SP_LEFTRIGHT) { with (this.sp){ style.position = "absolute"; style.left = this.o1.offsetLeft + this.o1.clientWidth + this.wx + "px"; style.top = this.o1.offsetTop + this.wy + "px" ; style.width = this.w; style.height = this.o1.clientHeight + this.wh + "px"; className = "lrSeparator"; style.zIndex = "200"; } }else { with (this.sp){ style.position = "absolute"; style.left = this.o1.offsetLeft + this.wx + "px"; style.top = this.o1.offsetTop + this.o1.clientHeight + this.wy + "px" ; style.width = this.o1.clientWidth + this.wh + "px"; style.height = this.w; className = "udSeparator"; style.zIndex = "200"; } } } this.init(); this.dd = new ObjectDragDrop(this.sp); this.dd.moveStyle = (this.spType==SP_LEFTRIGHT)?DD_HMOVE:DD_VMOVE; this.resize = function(){ this.init(); } this.addEvent(window,"resize",function(){me.resize();}); this.addEvent(this.o1,"resize",function(){me.resize();}); this.dd.isMoved = function(newPosX,newPosY){ if (me.spType==SP_LEFTRIGHT) { var mw1 = me.o1.getAttribute("minWidth"); var mw2 = me.o2.getAttribute("minWidth"); if (mw1==null){mw1 = 0;} if (mw2==null){mw2 = 0;} return {x:((newPosX - me.o1.offsetLeft)>=mw1&&(newPosX - me.o1.offsetLeft)<=(me.allWidth - mw2)),y:false}; }else { var mh1 = me.o1.getAttribute("minHeight"); var mh2 = me.o2.getAttribute("minHeight"); if (mh1==null){mh1 = 0;} if (mh2==null){mh2 = 0;} return {x:false,y:((newPosY - me.o1.offsetTop - me.wy)>=mh1&&(newPosY - me.o1.offsetTop - me.wy)<=( me.allHeight - mh2))}; } } this.dd.onDrop = function(){ if (me.spType==SP_LEFTRIGHT) { me.o1.style.width = me.sp.offsetLeft - me.o1.offsetLeft - me.wx - me.wl; if (!me.autoresize){ me.o2.style.width = me.allWidth - me.o1.clientWidth - me.w; if (me.o2.tagName!="TD") { me.o2.style.left = me.sp.offsetLeft; } } }else { me.o1.style.height = me.sp.offsetTop - me.o1.offsetTop - me.wy; if (!me.autoresize){ me.o2.style.height = me.allHeight - me.o1.clientHeight ; if (me.o2.tagName!="TR") { me.o2.style.top = me.sp.offsetTop; } } } if (!me.isIE){ me.init(); } } } /** * 类 名 称: DragDrop|DD * 功能说明: 可拖动类 * 版权信息: CopyRight 2005-2006 JoeCom * 创 建 人: JoeCom | MSN:ju*@hotmail.com | blog:http://hi.baidu.com/joecom * 创建日期: 2006-07-19 * 修改记录: 1. 2006-07-21 加上scrollTop 和 scrollLeft的相对移动 ł. 2006-07-25 加入moveStyle属性,增加水平移动和垂直移动的功能 Ń. 2006-07-25 加入isMoved函数,增加范围移动功能 */ //以下定义移动方向的常量 DD_FREEMOVE = 0; //*移动,没有限制 DD_HMOVE = 1; //水平移动,也就是左右移动 DD_VMOVE = 2; //垂直移动,也就是上下移动 function ObjectDragDrop(obj){ var me = this; this.moveStyle = DD_FREEMOVE ; this.foo = (typeof obj=="string")?document.getElementById(obj):obj; this.onDrop = function(){}; this.onDrag = function(){}; this.isMoved = function(newPosX,newPosY){return {x:true,y:true}};//offsetX:x的移动距离;offsetY:y的移动距离 this.foo.onmousedown = function(e){ var foo = me.foo; e = e||event; if( e.layerX ){ foo.oOffset = {x:e.layerX, y:e.layerY }; } else { foo.oOffset = {x:e.offsetX, y:e.offsetY }; } document.onmousemove = me.drag; document.onmouseup = me.drop; document.onselectstart = function(){ return false; }; } this.drag = function(e){ var foo = me.foo; e=e||event; var mv = me.isMoved(e.clientX - foo.oOffset.x + document.body.scrollLeft, e.clientY - foo.oOffset.y + document.body.scrollTop); if (mv.x&&me.moveStyle!=DD_VMOVE) { foo.style.left = e.clientX - foo.oOffset.x + document.body.scrollLeft + "px"; } if (mv.y&&me.moveStyle!=DD_HMOVE) { foo.style.top = e.clientY - foo.oOffset.y + document.body.scrollTop + "px"; } me.onDrag(); } this.drop = function(e){ e=e||event; document.onmousemove = document.onmouseup = document.onselectstart = null; me.onDrop(); } } </script> <script> window.onload=function(){ //div左右拉动 var divsp = new Separator(divl,divr,SP_LEFTRIGHT,2); divsp.autoresize = false; } </script> </head> <body> <div id=divl minWidth="30" style="position:absolute;top:350px;width:100px;left:0px;height:100px;background-color:#CCCCCC">div1</div> <div id=divr minWidth="30" style="position:absolute;top:350px;width:100px;left:102px;height:100px;background-color:#FF0000">div2</div> </body> </html>
上一篇: 初步理解Java的泛型特性