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C 语言中的constructor与destructor c编译器GCCconstructordestructor

程序员文章站 2024-03-06 18:53:56

constructor (priority)
destructor (priority)
The constructor attribute causes the function to be called automatically before execution enters main (). Similarly, the destructor attribute causes the function to be called automatically after main () has completed or exit () has been called. Functions with these attributes are useful for initializing data that will be used implicitly during the execution of the program.
You may provide an optional integer priority to control the order in which constructor and destructor functions are run. A constructor with a smaller priority number runs before a constructor with a larger priority number; the opposite relationship holds for destructors. So, if you have a constructor that allocates a resource and a destructor that deallocates the same resource, both functions typically have the same priority. The priorities for constructor and destructor functions are the same as those specified for namespace-scope C++ objects (see C++ Attributes).

These attributes are not currently implemented for Objective-C.

#include <stdio.h>

__attribute__((constructor(101))) void foo()
    printf("in constructor of foo\n");
__attribute__((constructor(102))) void foo1()
    printf("in constructor of foo1\n");
__attribute__((destructor)) void bar()
    printf("in constructor of bar\n");

int main()
        printf("in main\n");
        return 0;


in constructor of foo
in constructor of foo1
in main
in constructor of bar