2024-03-06 08:57:13
<relativelayout xmlns:android="" xmlns:tools="" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" tools:context=".aty.mainactivity"> < android:id="@+id/ngimg_main" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent"/> <imageview android:id="@+id/img_main_sun" android:layout_width="50dp" android:layout_height="50dp" android:layout_centerhorizontal="true" android:layout_margintop="5dp" android:src="@drawable/ic_sun1"/> <linearlayout android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:background="#00123456" android:orientation="vertical"> <relativelayout android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="55dp" android:background="#ff4081"> </relativelayout> <view android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="0.5dp" android:background="@android:color/darker_gray"></view> < android:id="@+id/lv_main" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="0dp" android:layout_weight="1" android:cachecolorhint="#00000000" /> </linearlayout> </relativelayout>
package; import android.content.context; import android.util.attributeset; import android.view.layoutinflater; import android.view.motionevent; import android.view.view; import android.view.viewgroup; import android.widget.abslistview; import android.widget.abslistview.onscrolllistener; import android.widget.listview; import; public class ngreflashlistview extends listview implements onscrolllistener { private view header; private int headerheight; private int firstvisibleitem; private int scrollstate; private final int none = 0; private final int pull = 1; private final int relese = 2; private final int reflashing = 3; public ngreflashlistview(context context) { super(context); initview(context); } public ngreflashlistview(context context, attributeset attrs) { super(context, attrs); initview(context); } public ngreflashlistview(context context, attributeset attrs, int defstyle) { super(context, attrs, defstyle); initview(context); } /** * @param context */ private void initview(context context) { layoutinflater inflater = layoutinflater.from(context); header = inflater.inflate(r.layout.layout_heard, null); measureview(header); headerheight = header.getmeasuredheight(); toppadding(-headerheight); this.addheaderview(header); this.setonscrolllistener(this); } /** * @param view */ private void measureview(view view) { viewgroup.layoutparams p = view.getlayoutparams(); if (p == null) { p = new viewgroup.layoutparams(viewgroup.layoutparams.match_parent, viewgroup.layoutparams.wrap_content); } int width = viewgroup.getchildmeasurespec(0, 0, p.width); int height; int tempheight = p.height; if (tempheight > 0) { height = measurespec.makemeasurespec(tempheight, measurespec.exactly); } else { height = measurespec.makemeasurespec(0, measurespec.unspecified); } view.measure(width, height); } /** * @param toppadding */ private void toppadding(int toppadding) { header.setpadding(header.getpaddingleft(), toppadding, header.getpaddingright(), header.getpaddingbottom()); header.invalidate(); } @override public void onscroll(abslistview view, int firstvisibleitem, int visibleitemcount, int totalitemcount) { this.firstvisibleitem = firstvisibleitem; } @override public void onscrollstatechanged(abslistview view, int scrollstate) { this.scrollstate = scrollstate; } boolean isremark;//初始化标识 int starty; int state; @override public boolean ontouchevent(motionevent ev) { switch (ev.getaction()) { case motionevent.action_down: if (firstvisibleitem == 0) { onrlvscrolllistener.onscrollychangged(0, 0); isremark = true; starty = (int) ev.gety(); } break; case motionevent.action_move: onmove(ev); break; case motionevent.action_up: if (state == relese) { onrlvscrolllistener.onscrollychangged(0, 3); state = reflashing; reflashviewbystate(); //ireflashlistener.onreflash(); } else if (state == pull) { state = none; onrlvscrolllistener.onscrollychangged(0, 0); isremark = false; reflashviewbystate(); } break; } return super.ontouchevent(ev); } int space; //间距 int toppadding; //headview距离顶端的距离,初始-200 /** * @param ev */ private void onmove(motionevent ev) { if (!isremark) { return; } int tempy = (int) ev.gety(); space = tempy - starty; if (space >= 230) { space = 230; } toppadding = space - headerheight; onrlvscrolllistener.onscrollychangged(space, state); switch (state) { case none: if (space > 0) { state = pull; reflashviewbystate(); } break; case pull: toppadding(toppadding); if (space == headerheight + 30 && scrollstate == scroll_state_touch_scroll) { state = relese; reflashviewbystate(); } break; case relese: if (space < headerheight + 30) { state = pull; reflashviewbystate(); } else if (space <= 0) { state = none; isremark = false; reflashviewbystate(); } break; } } /** * 控制下拉刷新的图像文字显示 */ private void reflashviewbystate() { switch (state) { case none: //缓慢滑上去 toppadding(-headerheight); break; case pull: break; case relese: break; case reflashing: break; } } /** * 刷新完成 */ public void reflashcomplete() { state = none; onrlvscrolllistener.onscrollychangged(0, state); isremark = false; reflashviewbystate(); } //绘制背景的接口 public interface onrlvscrolllistener { void onscrollychangged(int y, int state); } private onrlvscrolllistener onrlvscrolllistener; public void setonrlvscrolllistener(onrlvscrolllistener onrlvscrolllistener) { this.onrlvscrolllistener = onrlvscrolllistener; } }
package; import android.content.context; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.util.attributeset; import android.util.log; import android.widget.imageview; import; /** * created by nangua on 2016/8/28. */ public class ngimgview extends imageview implements ngreflashlistview.onrlvscrolllistener { private float scale; private final int none = 0; private final int pull = 1; private final int relese = 2; private final int reflashing = 3; public int state = 0; private float with; //屏幕总宽 private float scrolly; private bitmap sun0; public float time = 0; public ngimgview(context context, attributeset attrs) { super(context, attrs); initview(); } private void initview() { sun0 = ((bitmapdrawable) getresources().getdrawable(r.drawable.ic_sun0)).getbitmap(); scale = this.getresources().getdisplaymetrics().density; } @override protected void ondraw(canvas canvas) { paint paint = new paint(); paint.setantialias(true);//抗锯齿 paint.setcolor(color.parsecolor("#c4885a")); log.d("xiaojingyu","state:" + state); if (state!=3) { time = 0; //重置时间 //画两只球球手 canvas.drawcircle(with / 2 - 40 * scale, 55 * scale, 5 * scale, paint); canvas.drawcircle(with / 2 + 40 * scale, 55 * scale, 5 * scale, paint); //画笑脸 canvas.drawbitmap(sun0, null, new rectf(with / 2 - 50, 55 * scale + scrolly - (scrolly / 230) * 50, with / 2 + 50, 55 * scale + scrolly - (scrolly / 230) * 50 + 100), null ); //画手臂 paint.setstrokewidth(1); canvas.drawline(with / 2 - 40 * scale, 55 * scale, with / 2 - 50, 55 * scale + scrolly, paint ); canvas.drawline(with / 2 + 40 * scale, 55 * scale, with / 2 + 50, 55 * scale + scrolly, paint ); } else if (state == 3) { //1秒钟拉上去,2秒钟旋转 //第一秒 if (time < 30) { time += 1; //画两只球球手 canvas.drawcircle(with / 2 - 40 * scale, 55 * scale, 5 * scale, paint); canvas.drawcircle(with / 2 + 40 * scale, 55 * scale, 5 * scale, paint); //画笑脸 canvas.drawbitmap(sun0, null, new rectf(with / 2 - 50, 55 * scale + 180 - (time / 30) * 230, with / 2 + 50, 55 * scale + 280 - (time / 30) * 230), null ); //画手臂 paint.setstrokewidth(1); canvas.drawline(with / 2 - 40 * scale, 55 * scale, with / 2 - 50, 55 * scale + 230 - (time / 30) * 230, paint ); canvas.drawline(with / 2 + 40 * scale, 55 * scale, with / 2 + 50, 55 * scale + 230 - (time / 30) * 230, paint ); postinvalidatedelayed(1); } else { if (!isbeginmainanimation) { isbeginmainanimation = true; ireflashlistener.onreflash(); } } } super.ondraw(canvas); } public static boolean isbeginmainanimation = false; @override protected void onlayout(boolean changed, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { super.onlayout(changed, left, top, right, bottom); with = this.getwidth(); } @override public void onscrollychangged(int y, int state) { this.state = state; switch (state) { case none: break; case pull: //下拉 scrolly = y; break; case relese: break; case reflashing: break; } } private ireflashlistener ireflashlistener; //回调接口 public void setinterface(ireflashlistener ireflashlistener) { this.ireflashlistener = ireflashlistener; } /** * @author administrator */ public interface ireflashlistener { void onreflash(); } }