id int(11)
username varchar(15)
password varchar(20)
email varchar(45)
create schema db_database01; use db_database01; create table tb_user( id int(11) not null auto_increment primary key, username varchar(15) not null, password varchar(20) not null, email varchar(45) not null ); insert into tb_user values(1,"lixiyu","lixiyu",;
package com.lixiyu.model; public class user { private int id;// 编号 private string username;// 用户名 private string password;// 密码 private string email;// 电子邮箱 public int getid() { return id; } public void setid(int id) { = id; } public string getusername() { return username; } public void setusername(string username) { this.username = username; } public string getpassword() { return password; } public void setpassword(string password) { this.password = password; } public string getemail() { return email; } public void setemail(string email) { = email; } }
package com.lixiyu.util; public interface dbconfig { string databasename = "db_database01";// 数据库名称 string username = "root";// 数据库用户名 string password = "lixiyu";// 数据库密码 }
为简化jdbc开发,dbhelper使用了了commons dbutil组合。
package com.lixiyu.util; import java.sql.connection; import java.sql.sqlexception; import java.util.arrays; import java.util.list; import org.apache.commons.dbutils.dbutils; import org.apache.commons.dbutils.queryrunner; import org.apache.commons.dbutils.resultsethandler; import org.apache.commons.dbutils.handlers.columnlisthandler; import org.apache.commons.dbutils.handlers.scalarhandler; import org.apache.commons.lang.stringescapeutils; import com.lixiyu.model.user; import com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.mysqldatasource; public class dbhelper implements dbconfig { /* * 使用mysql数据源获得数据库连接对象 * * @return:mysql连接对象,如果获得失败返回null */ public static connection getconnection() { mysqldatasource mds = new mysqldatasource();// 创建mysql数据源 mds.setdatabasename(databasename);// 设置数据库名称 mds.setuser(username);// 设置数据库用户名 mds.setpassword(password);// 设置数据库密码 try { return mds.getconnection();// 获得连接 } catch (sqlexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } return null;// 如果获取失败就返回null } /* * 判断指定用户名的用户是否存在 * * @return:如果存在返回true,不存在或者查询失败返回false */ public static boolean exists(string username) { queryrunner runner = new queryrunner();// 创建queryrunner对象 string sql = "select id from tb_user where username = '" + username + "';";// 定义查询语句 connection conn = getconnection();// 获得连接 resultsethandler<list<object>> rsh = new columnlisthandler();// 创建结果集处理类 try { list<object> result = runner.query(conn, sql, rsh);// 获得查询结果 if (result.size() > 0) {// 如果列表中存在数据 return true;// 返回true } else {// 如果列表中没有数据 return false;// 返回false } } catch (sqlexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } finally { dbutils.closequietly(conn);// 关闭连接 } return false;// 如果发生异常返回false } /* * 验证用户名和密码是否正确 使用commons lang组件转义字符串避免sql注入 * * @return:如果正确返回true,错误返回false */ public static boolean check(string username, char[] password) { username = stringescapeutils.escapesql(username);// 将用户输入的用户名转义 queryrunner runner = new queryrunner();// 创建queryrunner对象 string sql = "select password from tb_user where username = '" + username + "';";// 定义查询语句 connection conn = getconnection();// 获得连接 resultsethandler<object> rsh = new scalarhandler();// 创建结果集处理类 try { string result = (string) runner.query(conn, sql, rsh);// 获得查询结果 char[] querypassword = result.tochararray();// 将查询到得密码转换成字符数组 if (arrays.equals(password, querypassword)) {// 如果密码相同则返回true arrays.fill(password, '0');// 清空传入的密码 arrays.fill(querypassword, '0');// 清空查询的密码 return true; } else {// 如果密码不同则返回false arrays.fill(password, '0');// 清空传入的密码 arrays.fill(querypassword, '0');// 清空查询的密码 return false; } } catch (sqlexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } finally { dbutils.closequietly(conn);// 关闭连接 } return false;// 如果发生异常返回false } /* * 保存用户输入的注册信息 * * @return:如果保存成功返回true,保存失败返回false */ public static boolean save(user user) { queryrunner runner = new queryrunner();// 创建queryrunner对象 string sql = "insert into tb_user (username, password, email) values (?, ?, ?);";// 定义查询语句 connection conn = getconnection();// 获得连接 object[] params = { user.getusername(), user.getpassword(), user.getemail() };// 获得传递的参数 try { int result = runner.update(conn, sql, params);// 保存用户 if (result > 0) {// 如果保存成功返回true return true; } else {// 如果保存失败返回false return false; } } catch (sqlexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } finally { dbutils.closequietly(conn);// 关闭连接 } return false;// 如果发生异常返回false } }
public class login extends jframe{ private static final long serialversionuid = -4655235896173916415l; private jpanel contentpane; private jtextfield usernametextfield; private jpasswordfield passwordfield; private jtextfield validatetextfield; private string randomtext; public static void main(string args[]){ try { uimanager.setlookandfeel(""); } catch (throwable e) { e.printstacktrace(); } eventqueue.invokelater(new runnable(){ public void run(){ try{ login frame=new login(); frame.setvisible(true); }catch(exception e){ e.printstacktrace(); } } }); } public login(){ settitle("系统登录"); setdefaultcloseoperation(jframe.exit_on_close); contentpane=new jpanel(); setcontentpane(contentpane); contentpane.setlayout(new boxlayout(contentpane,boxlayout.page_axis)); jpanel usernamepanel=new jpanel(); contentpane.add(usernamepanel); jlabel usernamelable=new jlabel("\u7528\u6237\u540d\uff1a"); usernamelable.setfont(new font("微软雅黑", font.plain, 15)); usernamepanel.add(usernamelable); usernametextfield=new jtextfield(); usernametextfield.setfont(new font("微软雅黑", font.plain, 15)); usernamepanel.add(usernametextfield); usernametextfield.setcolumns(10); jpanel passwordpanel = new jpanel(); contentpane.add(passwordpanel); jlabel passwordlabel = new jlabel("\u5bc6 \u7801\uff1a"); passwordlabel.setfont(new font("微软雅黑", font.plain, 15)); passwordpanel.add(passwordlabel); passwordfield = new jpasswordfield(); passwordfield.setcolumns(10); passwordfield.setfont(new font("微软雅黑", font.plain, 15)); passwordpanel.add(passwordfield); jpanel validatepanel = new jpanel(); contentpane.add(validatepanel); jlabel validatelabel = new jlabel("\u9a8c\u8bc1\u7801\uff1a"); validatelabel.setfont(new font("微软雅黑", font.plain, 15)); validatepanel.add(validatelabel); validatetextfield = new jtextfield(); validatetextfield.setfont(new font("微软雅黑", font.plain, 15)); validatepanel.add(validatetextfield); validatetextfield.setcolumns(5); randomtext = randomstringutils.randomalphanumeric(4); captchalabel label = new captchalabel(randomtext);//随机验证码 label.setfont(new font("微软雅黑", font.plain, 15)); validatepanel.add(label); jpanel buttonpanel=new jpanel(); contentpane.add(buttonpanel); jbutton submitbutton=new jbutton("登录"); submitbutton.addactionlistener(new actionlistener() { @override public void actionperformed(actionevent e) { do_submitbutton_actionperformed(e); } }); submitbutton.setfont(new font("微软雅黑", font.plain, 15)); buttonpanel.add(submitbutton); jbutton cancelbutton=new jbutton("退出"); cancelbutton.addactionlistener(new actionlistener(){ public void actionperformed(actionevent e){ do_cancelbutton_actionperformed(e); } }); cancelbutton.setfont(new font("微软雅黑",font.plain,15)); buttonpanel.add(cancelbutton); pack();// 自动调整窗体大小 setlocation(com.lixiyu.util.swingutil.centrecontainer(getsize()));// 让窗体居中显示 }
public class swingutil { /* * 根据容器的大小,计算居中显示时左上角坐标 * * @return 容器左上角坐标 */ public static point centrecontainer(dimension size) { dimension screensize = toolkit.getdefaulttoolkit().getscreensize();// 获得屏幕大小 int x = (screensize.width - size.width) / 2;// 计算左上角的x坐标 int y = (screensize.height - size.height) / 2;// 计算左上角的y坐标 return new point(x, y);// 返回左上角坐标 } }
public class captchalabel extends jlabel { private static final long serialversionuid = -963570191302793615l; private string text;// 用于保存生成验证图片的字符串 public captchalabel(string text) { this.text = text; setpreferredsize(new dimension(60, 36));// 设置标签的大小 } @override public void paint(graphics g) { super.paint(g);// 调用父类的构造方法 g.setfont(new font("微软雅黑", font.plain, 16));// 设置字体 g.drawstring(text, 5, 25);// 绘制字符串 } }
public class colorfulcaptchalabel extends jlabel { private static final long serialversionuid = -963570191302793615l; private string text;// 用于保存生成验证图片的字符串 private color[] colors = {,, color.cyan, color.dark_gray, color.gray,, color.light_gray, color.magenta,,,, color.white, color.yellow };// 定义画笔颜色数组 public colorfulcaptchalabel(string text) { this.text = text; setpreferredsize(new dimension(60, 36));// 设置标签的大小 } @override public void paint(graphics g) { super.paint(g);// 调用父类的构造方法 g.setfont(new font("微软雅黑", font.plain, 16));// 设置字体 for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) { g.setcolor(colors[randomutils.nextint(colors.length)]); g.drawstring("" + text.charat(i), 5 + i * 13, 25);// 绘制字符串 } } }
if (username.isempty()) {// 判断用户名是否为空 joptionpane.showmessagedialog(this, "用户名不能为空!", "警告信息", joptionpane.warning_message); return; } if (new string(password).isempty()) {// 判断密码是否为空 joptionpane.showmessagedialog(this, "密码不能为空!", "警告信息", joptionpane.warning_message); return; } if (validate.isempty()) {// 判断验证码是否为空 joptionpane.showmessagedialog(this, "验证码不能为空!", "警告信息", joptionpane.warning_message); return; }
if (!dbhelper.exists(username)) {// 如果用户名不存在则进行提示 joptionpane.showmessagedialog(this, "用户名不存在!", "警告信息", joptionpane.warning_message); return; } if (!dbhelper.check(username, password)) {// 如果密码错误则进行提示 joptionpane.showmessagedialog(this, "密码错误!", "警告信息", joptionpane.warning_message); return; } if (!validate.equals(randomtext)) {// 如果校验码不匹配则进行提示 joptionpane.showmessagedialog(this, "验证码错误!", "警告信息", joptionpane.warning_message); return; }
eventqueue.invokelater(new runnable() { @override public void run() { try { mainframe frame = new mainframe();// 创建主窗体 frame.setvisible(true);// 设置主窗体可见 } catch (exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } } }); dispose();// 将登录窗体销毁 }
public mainframe() { setdefaultcloseoperation(jframe.exit_on_close);// 设置单击关闭窗体按钮时执行的操作 setsize(450, 300);// 设置窗体大小 contentpane = new jpanel();// 创建面板 contentpane.setlayout(new borderlayout(0, 0));// 设置面板布局使用边界布局 setcontentpane(contentpane);// 应用面板 jlabel tiplabel = new jlabel("恭喜您成功登录系统!");// 创建标签 tiplabel.setfont(new font("微软雅黑", font.plain, 40));// 设置标签字体 contentpane.add(tiplabel,;// 应用标签 setlocation(swingutil.centrecontainer(getsize()));// 让窗体居中显示 }
public class register extends jframe { /** * */ private static final long serialversionuid = 2491294229716316338l; private jpanel contentpane; private jtextfield usernametextfield; private jpasswordfield passwordfield1; private jpasswordfield passwordfield2; private jtextfield emailtextfield; private jlabel tiplabel = new jlabel();// 显示提示信息 /** * launch the application. */ public static void main(string[] args) { try { uimanager.setlookandfeel(""); } catch (throwable e) { e.printstacktrace(); } eventqueue.invokelater(new runnable() { @override public void run() { try { register frame = new register(); frame.setvisible(true); } catch (exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } } }); } /** * create the frame. */ public register() { settitle("\u7528\u6237\u6ce8\u518c"); setdefaultcloseoperation(jframe.exit_on_close); contentpane = new jpanel(); setcontentpane(contentpane); contentpane.setlayout(new boxlayout(contentpane, boxlayout.page_axis)); jpanel usernamepanel = new jpanel(); contentpane.add(usernamepanel); jlabel usernamelabel = new jlabel("\u7528 \u6237 \u540d\uff1a"); usernamelabel.setfont(new font("微软雅黑", font.plain, 15)); usernamepanel.add(usernamelabel); usernametextfield = new jtextfield(); usernametextfield.settooltiptext("\u8bf7\u8f93\u51655~15\u4e2a\u7531\u5b57\u6bcd\u6570\u5b57\u4e0b\u5212\u7ebf\u7ec4\u6210\u7684\u5b57\u7b26\u4e32"); abstractdocument doc = (abstractdocument) usernametextfield.getdocument(); doc.setdocumentfilter(new documentsizefilter(15));// 限制文本域内可以输入字符长度为15 doc.adddocumentlistener(new documentsizelistener(tiplabel, 15)); usernametextfield.setfont(new font("微软雅黑", font.plain, 15)); usernamepanel.add(usernametextfield); usernametextfield.setcolumns(10); jpanel passwordpanel1 = new jpanel(); contentpane.add(passwordpanel1); jlabel passwordlabel1 = new jlabel("\u8f93\u5165\u5bc6\u7801\uff1a"); passwordlabel1.setfont(new font("微软雅黑", font.plain, 15)); passwordpanel1.add(passwordlabel1); passwordfield1 = new jpasswordfield(); doc = (abstractdocument) passwordfield1.getdocument(); doc.setdocumentfilter(new documentsizefilter(20));// 限制密码域内可以输入字符长度为20 doc.adddocumentlistener(new documentsizelistener(tiplabel, 20)); passwordfield1.setfont(new font("微软雅黑", font.plain, 15)); passwordfield1.setcolumns(10); passwordpanel1.add(passwordfield1); jpanel passwordpanel2 = new jpanel(); contentpane.add(passwordpanel2); jlabel passwordlabel2 = new jlabel("\u786e\u8ba4\u5bc6\u7801\uff1a"); passwordlabel2.setfont(new font("微软雅黑", font.plain, 15)); passwordpanel2.add(passwordlabel2); passwordfield2 = new jpasswordfield(); doc = (abstractdocument) passwordfield2.getdocument(); doc.setdocumentfilter(new documentsizefilter(20));// 限制密码域内可以输入字符长度为20 doc.adddocumentlistener(new documentsizelistener(tiplabel, 20)); passwordfield2.setfont(new font("微软雅黑", font.plain, 15)); passwordfield2.setcolumns(10); passwordpanel2.add(passwordfield2); jpanel emailpanel = new jpanel(); contentpane.add(emailpanel); jlabel emaillabel = new jlabel("\u7535\u5b50\u90ae\u7bb1\uff1a"); emaillabel.setfont(new font("微软雅黑", font.plain, 15)); emailpanel.add(emaillabel); emailtextfield = new jtextfield(); doc = (abstractdocument) emailtextfield.getdocument(); doc.setdocumentfilter(new documentsizefilter(45));// 限制文本域内可以输入字符长度为45 doc.adddocumentlistener(new documentsizelistener(tiplabel, 45)); emailtextfield.setfont(new font("微软雅黑", font.plain, 15)); emailpanel.add(emailtextfield); emailtextfield.setcolumns(10); jpanel buttonpanel = new jpanel(); contentpane.add(buttonpanel); jbutton submitbutton = new jbutton("\u63d0\u4ea4"); submitbutton.addactionlistener(new actionlistener() { @override public void actionperformed(actionevent e) { do_submitbutton_actionperformed(e); } }); buttonpanel.setlayout(new boxlayout(buttonpanel, boxlayout.line_axis)); tiplabel.setfont(new font("微软雅黑", font.plain, 15)); buttonpanel.add(tiplabel); component glue = box.createglue(); buttonpanel.add(glue); submitbutton.setfont(new font("微软雅黑", font.plain, 15)); buttonpanel.add(submitbutton); jbutton cancelbutton = new jbutton("\u53d6\u6d88"); cancelbutton.addactionlistener(new actionlistener() { @override public void actionperformed(actionevent e) { do_cancelbutton_actionperformed(e); } }); cancelbutton.setfont(new font("微软雅黑", font.plain, 15)); buttonpanel.add(cancelbutton); pack();// 自动调整窗体大小 setlocation(swingutil.centrecontainer(getsize()));// 让窗体居中显示 }
public class documentsizefilter extends documentfilter { private int maxsize;// 获得文本的最大长度 public documentsizefilter(int maxsize) { this.maxsize = maxsize;// 获得用户输入的最大长度 } @override public void insertstring(filterbypass fb, int offset, string string, attributeset attr) throws badlocationexception { if ((fb.getdocument().getlength() + string.length()) <= maxsize) {// 如果插入操作完成后小于最大长度 super.insertstring(fb, offset, string, attr);// 调用父类中的方法 } else { toolkit.getdefaulttoolkit().beep();// 发出提示声音 } } @override public void replace(filterbypass fb, int offset, int length, string text, attributeset attrs) throws badlocationexception { if ((fb.getdocument().getlength() + text.length() - length) <= maxsize) {// 如果替换操作完成后小于最大长度 super.replace(fb, offset, length, text, attrs);// 调用父类中的方法 } else { toolkit.getdefaulttoolkit().beep();// 发出提示声音 } } }
public class documentsizelistener implements documentlistener { private jlabel tiplabel; private int maxsize; public documentsizelistener(jlabel tiplabel, int maxsize) { this.tiplabel = tiplabel; this.maxsize = maxsize; } @override public void insertupdate(documentevent e) { settiptext(e); } @override public void removeupdate(documentevent e) { settiptext(e); } @override public void changedupdate(documentevent e) { settiptext(e); } private void settiptext(documentevent e) { document doc = e.getdocument();// 获得文档对象 tiplabel.setforeground(;// 设置字体颜色 if (doc.getlength() > (maxsize * 4 / 5)) {// 如果已输入字符长度大于最大长度的80% tiplabel.setforeground(;// 使用红色显示提示信息 } else { tiplabel.setforeground(;// 使用黑色显示提示信息 } tiplabel.settext("提示信息:" + doc.getlength() + "/" + maxsize); } }
if (username.isempty()) {// 判断用户名是否为空 joptionpane.showmessagedialog(this, "用户名不能为空!", "警告信息", joptionpane.warning_message); return; } if (new string(password1).isempty()) {// 判断密码是否为空 joptionpane.showmessagedialog(this, "密码不能为空!", "警告信息", joptionpane.warning_message); return; } if (new string(password2).isempty()) {// 判断确认密码是否为空 joptionpane.showmessagedialog(this, "确认密码不能为空!", "警告信息", joptionpane.warning_message); return; } if (email.isempty()) {// 判断电子邮箱是否为空 joptionpane.showmessagedialog(this, "电子邮箱不能为空!", "警告信息", joptionpane.warning_message); return; }
// 校验用户名是否合法 if (!pattern.matches("\\w{5,15}", username)) { joptionpane.showmessagedialog(this, "请输入合法的用户名!", "警告信息", joptionpane.warning_message); return; } // 校验两次输入的密码是否相同 if (!arrays.equals(password1, password2)) { joptionpane.showmessagedialog(this, "两次输入的密码不同!", "警告信息", joptionpane.warning_message); return; } // 校验电子邮箱是否合法 if (!pattern.matches("\\w+@\\w+\\.\\w+", email)) { joptionpane.showmessagedialog(this, "请输入合法的电子邮箱!", "警告信息", joptionpane.warning_message); return; } // 校验用户名是否存在 if (dbhelper.exists(username)) { joptionpane.showmessagedialog(this, "用户名已经存在", "警告信息", joptionpane.warning_message); return; }
user user = new user(); user.setusername(username); user.setpassword(new string(password1)); user.setemail(email); arrays.fill(password1, '0');// 清空保存密码的字符数组 arrays.fill(password2, '0');// 清空保存密码的字符数组 if ( { joptionpane.showmessagedialog(this, "用户注册成功!", "提示信息", joptionpane.information_message); return; } else { joptionpane.showmessagedialog(this, "用户注册失败!", "警告信息", joptionpane.warning_message); return; } }