/** * scrollbanner 支持滑屏效果的framelayout子类,可设置屏幕数量,尺寸。<br/> * 典型的用法:<br/> * scrollbanner scrollbanner = new scrollbanner(this, mscreenwidth, 100, this);<br/> * linearlayout.addview(scrollbanner);<br/> *注意事项:<br/> *1.如果重新设置scrollbanner的layoutparams,则参数中的宽和高属性将被忽略,仍然采用对象实例化的宽和高<br/> *2.点击事件的回调如果设为null,则采用默认的事件回调<br/> *3.通过setoverscrollmode来设置 banner是否能够滑出屏幕的边界<br/> *4通过xml方式加载banner,需要进行如下调用:<br/> * setresolution(width, height);<br/> setonbannerclicklistener(bannerclicklistener);<br/> showbanner()<br/> * @author singwhatiwanna * @version 2013.3.4 * */ public class scrollbanner extends framelayout implements componentcallback.onbannerclicklistener, responsehandler.bannerinfohandler { private static final string tag = "scrollbanner"; private horizontalscrollviewex mhorizontalscrollviewex; //scrollbanner的子view private linearlayout linearlayoutscrollayout; //linearlayoutscrollayout的子view,用于放置若干个小圆点 private linearlayout linearlayoutfordot; private scroller mscroller; private context mcontext; private onbannerclicklistener mbannerclicklistener; //屏幕及其bitmap private list<view> mlinearlayoutscreens = new arraylist<view>(); private list<bitmap> mbannerbitmaps = new arraylist<bitmap>(); //banner信息 private list<banneritem> mbanneritemslist = new arraylist<banneritem>(); //小圆点 private list<imageview> mimageviewlist = new arraylist<imageview>(); private drawable mpageindicator; private drawable mpageindicatorfocused; //banner默认图片 private bitmap mdefaultbitmap; private int mscreenwidth; private int mscreenheight; private int mscrollx; //current screen index private int mwhich = 0; public static final int message_auto_scroll = 1; public static final int message_fetch_banner_success = 2; public static final int margin_bottom = 2; //480*150 banner的图片尺寸 150.0/480=0.3125f public static final float ratio = 0.3125f; //banner的位置 private int mlocation = -1; //banner分为几屏 private int page_count = 4; //滑动方向 是否向右滑动 private boolean mscrolltoright = true; //是否自动滑屏 private boolean mtimerresume = true; //标志用户是否手动滑动了屏幕 private boolean mbyuseraction = false; //标志banner是否可以滑出边界 private boolean moverscrollmode = false; //标志banner可以滑出边界多少像素 private int moverscrolldistance = 0; //定时器 用于banner的自动播放 final timer timer = new timer(); //定时器的时间间隔 单位:ms public static final int timer_duration = 5000; private timertask mtimertask = new timertask() { @override public void run() { if (mtimerresume && !mbyuseraction) { mhandler.sendemptymessage(message_auto_scroll); } mbyuseraction = false; } }; //scrollbanner私有handler 用于处理内部逻辑 private handler mhandler = new handler() { public void handlemessage(message msg) { //表示已经执行了ondetachedfromwindow,banner已经被销毁了 if( mbannerbitmaps == null || mlinearlayoutscreens == null || mimageviewlist == null || mbanneritemslist == null || mcontext == null ) return; switch (msg.what) { case message_auto_scroll: if (mwhich == page_count - 1) mscrolltoright = false; else if(mwhich == 0) { mscrolltoright = true; } if (mscrolltoright) mwhich++; else { mwhich--; } mhorizontalscrollviewex.switchview(mwhich); break; case message_fetch_banner_success: int more = 0; if(mbanneritemslist != null) more = mbanneritemslist.size() - page_count; if(mbanneritemslist.size() > 0) { //如果有banner 显示它; } //如果后台返回的banneritem的数量大于预设值4 if(more > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < more; i++) addbanneritem(); } fetchbannerimages(); break; default: break; } }; }; //用于获取bitmap private handler mbitmaphandler = new handler() { public void handlemessage(message msg) { //表示已经执行了ondetachedfromwindow,banner已经被销毁了 if( mbannerbitmaps == null || mlinearlayoutscreens == null || mimageviewlist == null || mbanneritemslist == null || mcontext == null ) return; bitmap bitmap = (bitmap)msg.obj; string urlstring = msg.getdata().getstring("url"); logger.d(tag, "url=" + urlstring); if (urlstring == null || bitmap == null || mbanneritemslist == null) { logger.w(tag, "bitmap=null imgurl=" + urlstring); return; } for( int i = 0; i < mbanneritemslist.size(); i++ ) { banneritem item = mbanneritemslist.get(i); if(item != null && urlstring.equals(item.imgurl) ) { logger.d(tag, "find " + i + urlstring); if( mbannerbitmaps != null ) { mbannerbitmaps.set( i, bitmap ); setbannerimages(i); } break; } } }; }; public scrollbanner(context context) { this(context, null); } public scrollbanner(context context, attributeset attrs) { super(context, attrs); mcontext = context; } public scrollbanner(context context, attributeset attrs, int defstyle) { super(context, attrs, defstyle); mcontext = context; } /** * * @param context activity实例 * @param width banner的宽度 单位px * @param height banner的高度 单位dip,-1表示根据图片比例自适应高度 * @param bannerclicklistener 单击banner的回调接口 */ public scrollbanner(context context, final int width, final int height, onbannerclicklistener bannerclicklistener) { this(context, null); int activityid = ( (baseactivity)context ).activityid(); if(activityid == baseactivity.account_id)//位置3 mlocation = 3; else if(activityid == baseactivity.gamezone_id)//位置2 { mlocation = 2; } //初始化时不显示banner; setresolution(width, height); setonbannerclicklistener(bannerclicklistener); setdefaultbannerimages(); fetchbannerinfo(); } /** * 通过xml方式加载banner,必须调用此方法才能显示 */ public void showbanner() { int activityid = ( (baseactivity)mcontext ).activityid(); if(activityid == baseactivity.account_id)//位置3 mlocation = 3; else if(activityid == baseactivity.gamezone_id)//位置2 { mlocation = 2; } setdefaultbannerimages(); fetchbannerinfo(); } /** * 暂停滚动 */ public void pausescroll() { mtimerresume = false; } /** * 恢复滚动 */ public void resumescroll() { mtimerresume = true; } /** * 设置回调接口 * @param callback 单击banner的回调接口 */ public void setonbannerclicklistener(onbannerclicklistener bannerclicklistener) { mbannerclicklistener = (bannerclicklistener != null ? bannerclicklistener : scrollbanner.this); } /** * 设置banner的解析度 * @param width banner的宽度 * @param height banner的高度 */ public void setresolution(final int width, final int height) { int heightinpx = height; if(height == -1) heightinpx = (int)(ratio * width) ; else { resources resources = getresources(); heightinpx = math.round( typedvalue.applydimension( typedvalue.complex_unit_dip, height, resources.getdisplaymetrics()) ); } mscreenwidth = width; mscreenheight = heightinpx; setlayoutparams(new layoutparams(width, heightinpx)); initscrollview(); } /** * 获取banner的高度 * @return banner的高度 单位:px */ public int getheightpixels() { return mscreenheight; } /** * 设置banner是否可以弹性滑出边界 * @param canoverscroll true表示可以滑出边界,false不能 */ public void setoverscrollmode(boolean canoverscroll) { moverscrollmode = canoverscroll; if(canoverscroll == false) moverscrolldistance = 0; } /** * 向后台获取banner的各种信息 */ private void fetchbannerinfo() { networkmanager netmanager = (networkmanager) appengine.getinstance().getmanager( imanager.network_id); netmanager.getbannerinfo( string.valueof(mlocation), scrollbanner.this ); } /** * 获取banner的滑屏图像 */ private void setdefaultbannerimages() { //为banner设置默认bitmap bitmapfactory.options bitmapfactoryoptions = new bitmapfactory.options(); bitmapfactoryoptions.injustdecodebounds = false; bitmapfactoryoptions.insamplesize = 2; resources res=mcontext.getresources(); mdefaultbitmap = bitmapfactory.decoderesource(res, r.drawable.banner_image_default, bitmapfactoryoptions); for(int i = 0; i < page_count; i++) mbannerbitmaps.add(i, mdefaultbitmap); //初始化banneritem对象 for (int i = 0; i < page_count; i++) mbanneritemslist.add(i, null); setbannerimages(-1); } private void fetchbannerimages() { //表示已经执行了ondetachedfromwindow,banner已经被销毁了 if( mbanneritemslist == null ) return; //imagemanager 根据url向其获取bitmap imagemanager imagemanager = (imagemanager)appengine.getinstance(). getmanager(imanager.image_id); banneritem item = null; for(int i = 0; i < page_count; i++) { try { item = mbanneritemslist.get(i); } catch (indexoutofboundsexception e) { logger.e(tag, "fetchbannerimages error: " + e); } catch (exception e) { logger.e(tag, "fetchbannerimages error: " + e); } //imagemanager为多线程,采用常见的三级cache策略(内存、文件、网络) if( item != null && item.imgurl != null ) imagemanager.loadbitmap( item.imgurl, mbitmaphandler ); } } /** * 设置banner的滑屏图像 * @param position 如果position=-1,则表示设置全部bitmap */ private void setbannerimages(final int position) { int size = mbannerbitmaps.size(); if (size < page_count || mlinearlayoutscreens == null) { return; } if(position >=0 && position < page_count ) { drawable drawable = mlinearlayoutscreens.get(position).getbackground(); mlinearlayoutscreens.get(position).setbackgrounddrawable (new bitmapdrawable( mbannerbitmaps.get(position) ) ); drawable.setcallback(null); drawable = null; return; } for(int i = 0; i < page_count; i++) { mlinearlayoutscreens.get(i).setbackgrounddrawable(new bitmapdrawable(mbannerbitmaps.get(i))); } } /** * 是否显示banner * @param isshow true显示 false不显示 */ public void show(boolean isshow) { if(isshow) { this.setvisibility(view.visible); mtimerresume = true; } else { this.setvisibility(view.gone); mtimerresume = false; } } /** * 切换到指定屏幕 * @param which 屏幕索引 */ public void switchtoscreen(final int which) { mhorizontalscrollviewex.switchview(which); } /** * 设置屏幕的数量 (此函数暂不开放) * @param count 屏幕数量 */ protected void setscreencount(final int count) { page_count = count; } /** * 设置偏移的距离 如果moverscrollmode为false,则此设置无效 (此函数暂不开放) * @param distance */ protected void setoverscrolldistance(int distance) { if(distance < 0) distance = 0; moverscrolldistance = moverscrollmode ? distance : 0; } /** * 切换小圆点 * @param position current screen index */ private void switchscreenposition(final int position) { if( mpageindicator == null || mpageindicatorfocused == null ) return; int length = 0; if(mimageviewlist != null) length = mimageviewlist.size(); if (position >= length || position < 0 || length <= 0) { return; } for(int i = 0; i < length; i++) { mimageviewlist.get(i).setimagedrawable(mpageindicator); } mimageviewlist.get(position).setimagedrawable(mpageindicatorfocused); } /** * 初始化整个framelayout视图组 */ private void initscrollview() { setlayoutparams(new layoutparams(mscreenwidth, mscreenheight )); linearlayoutscrollayout = new linearlayout(mcontext); linearlayoutscrollayout.setbackgroundcolor(color.white); linearlayoutscrollayout.setorientation(linearlayout.horizontal); int mversioncode = 8; try { mversioncode = integer.valueof(; logger.d(tag, "sdk version=" + mversioncode); } catch (exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } //针对android1.6及以下的特殊处理 此为android的低版本bug if(mversioncode <= 5) { linearlayoutscrollayout.setbaselinealigned(false); } //初始化四个滑动view for(int i = 0; i < page_count; i++) { linearlayout linearlayoutscreen = new linearlayout(mcontext); linearlayoutscreen.setorientation(linearlayout.vertical); linearlayoutscrollayout.addview(linearlayoutscreen, new layoutparams( mscreenwidth, layoutparams.fill_parent)); mlinearlayoutscreens.add(i, linearlayoutscreen); } //初始化小圆点视图 relativelayout relativelayout = new relativelayout(mcontext); relativelayout.setlayoutparams(new layoutparams( layoutparams.fill_parent, layoutparams.wrap_content)); //linearlayoutfordot为小圆点视图 linearlayoutfordot =new linearlayout(mcontext); android.widget.relativelayout.layoutparams layoutparams = new android.widget.relativelayout.layoutparams(layoutparams.wrap_content, layoutparams.wrap_content); //小圆点距底部的距离 单位:px layoutparams.bottommargin = margin_bottom; layoutparams.rightmargin = margin_bottom; layoutparams.addrule(android.widget.relativelayout.align_parent_bottom); layoutparams.addrule(android.widget.relativelayout.center_horizontal); linearlayoutfordot.setlayoutparams(layoutparams); linearlayoutfordot.setorientation(linearlayout.horizontal); linearlayoutfordot.sethorizontalgravity(; linearlayoutfordot.setverticalgravity(; //下面两句实现圆角半透明效果 不采用 // linearlayoutfordot.setbackgroundresource(r.drawable.round_corner_bg); // linearlayoutfordot.getbackground().setalpha(100); //初始化4个小圆点 mpageindicator = getresources().getdrawable(r.drawable.page_indicator); mpageindicatorfocused = getresources().getdrawable(r.drawable.page_indicator_focused); for(int i = 0; i < page_count; i++) { imageview imageview = new imageview(mcontext); imageview.setimagedrawable(mpageindicator); mimageviewlist.add(i, imageview); linearlayout.layoutparams layoutparamsfordot = new linearlayout.layoutparams(layoutparams.wrap_content, layoutparams.wrap_content); layoutparamsfordot.rightmargin = 5; linearlayoutfordot.addview(imageview, layoutparamsfordot); } mimageviewlist.get(0).setimagedrawable(mpageindicatorfocused); relativelayout.addview(linearlayoutfordot); mhorizontalscrollviewex = new horizontalscrollviewex(mcontext, null, mbannerclicklistener); mhorizontalscrollviewex.setlayoutparams(new layoutparams( mscreenwidth * page_count, layoutparams.fill_parent)); mhorizontalscrollviewex.addview(linearlayoutscrollayout, new layoutparams( layoutparams.fill_parent, layoutparams.fill_parent)); mhorizontalscrollviewex.sethorizontalscrollbarenabled(false); mhorizontalscrollviewex.sethorizontalfadingedgeenabled(false); addview(mhorizontalscrollviewex); addview(relativelayout); //自动滑屏 5秒一次 timer.schedule(mtimertask, 5000, timer_duration); } /** * 加一个banner页面 todo此函数写的不好 */ private void addbanneritem() { //表示已经执行了ondetachedfromwindow,banner已经被销毁了 if( mbannerbitmaps == null || mlinearlayoutscreens == null || mimageviewlist == null || mcontext == null ) return; //调整屏幕数量和总宽度 page_count += 1; mhorizontalscrollviewex.getlayoutparams().width = mscreenwidth * page_count; //加载默认图片资源 if(mdefaultbitmap == null) { bitmapfactory.options bitmapfactoryoptions = new bitmapfactory.options(); bitmapfactoryoptions.injustdecodebounds = false; bitmapfactoryoptions.insamplesize = 2; resources res=mcontext.getresources(); mdefaultbitmap = bitmapfactory.decoderesource(res, r.drawable.banner_image_default, bitmapfactoryoptions); } mbannerbitmaps.add(mdefaultbitmap); mbanneritemslist.add(null); //加一个屏幕 linearlayout linearlayoutscreen = new linearlayout(mcontext); linearlayoutscreen.setorientation(linearlayout.vertical); linearlayoutscreen.setbackgrounddrawable(new bitmapdrawable( mbannerbitmaps.get(page_count - 1) )); linearlayoutscrollayout.addview(linearlayoutscreen, new layoutparams( mscreenwidth, layoutparams.fill_parent)); mlinearlayoutscreens.add(linearlayoutscreen); //加一个小圆点 imageview imageview = new imageview(mcontext); imageview.setimagedrawable(mpageindicator); mimageviewlist.add(imageview); linearlayout.layoutparams layoutparamsfordot = new linearlayout.layoutparams(layoutparams.wrap_content, layoutparams.wrap_content); layoutparamsfordot.rightmargin = 5; linearlayoutfordot.addview(imageview, layoutparamsfordot); } private class horizontalscrollviewex extends viewgroup implements ongesturelistener { private gesturedetector mgesturedetector; private int mwhichscreen; public horizontalscrollviewex(context context, attributeset attrs, onbannerclicklistener bannerclicklistener) { super(context, attrs); mgesturedetector = new gesturedetector(this); //解决长按屏幕后无法拖动的现象 mgesturedetector.setislongpressenabled(false); //构造弹性滑动对象 mscroller = new scroller(context); } /** * 切换到指定屏幕 * @param whichscreen 屏幕index */ public void switchview(int whichscreen) { if(mlinearlayoutscreens == null) return; // 防止非法参数 if (whichscreen < 0) whichscreen = 0; else if(whichscreen >= page_count) whichscreen = page_count - 1; logger.i(tag, "switch view to " + whichscreen); int delta = whichscreen * mscreenwidth - horizontalscrollviewex.this.getscrollx(); //缓慢滚动到指定位置 mscroller.startscroll(getscrollx(), 0, delta, 0, math.abs(delta) * 3); // refresh invalidate(); //delta>0 stands for user scroll view to right if (delta > 0) mscrolltoright = true; else { mscrolltoright = false; } mwhichscreen = whichscreen; mwhich = whichscreen; //切换小圆点 switchscreenposition(mwhichscreen); } /** * 用户轻触触摸屏,由1个motionevent action_down触发 */ @override public boolean ondown(motionevent e) { logger.i("mygesture", "ondown"); mscrollx = horizontalscrollviewex.this.getscrollx(); return true; } /** * 用户轻触触摸屏,尚未松开或拖动,由一个1个motionevent action_down触发 * 注意和ondown()的区别,强调的是没有松开或者拖动的状态 */ public void onshowpress(motionevent e) { logger.i("mygesture", "onshowpress"); } /** * 用户(轻触触摸屏后)松开,由一个1个motionevent action_up触发 */ public boolean onsingletapup(motionevent e) { logger.i("mygesture", "onsingletapup"); if(mbanneritemslist == null || mbanneritemslist.size() <= mwhichscreen) return false; banneritem banneritem = mbanneritemslist.get(mwhichscreen); if(banneritem != null) { bannermotionevent bannermotionevent = new bannermotionevent(mwhichscreen, banneritem.action, banneritem.url, banneritem.gameid, banneritem.gametype, banneritem.title); mbannerclicklistener.onbannerclick(bannermotionevent); } return false; } /** 用户按下触摸屏、快速移动后松开,由1个motionevent action_down, 多个action_move, * 1个action_up触发 */ public boolean onfling(motionevent e1, motionevent e2, float velocityx, float velocityy) { logger.i("mygesture", "onfling velocityx=" + velocityx); mwhichscreen = velocityx > 0 ? mwhichscreen - 1 : mwhichscreen + 1; switchview(mwhichscreen); return true; } /** * 用户按下触摸屏,并拖动,由1个motionevent action_down, 多个action_move触发 */ public boolean onscroll(motionevent e1, motionevent e2, float distancex, float distancey) { logger.i("mygesture", "onscroll"); //禁止弹性滚动 if (moverscrollmode == false) { float x1 = e1.getx(); float x2 = e2.getx(); if(mwhichscreen == 0 && x1 < x2) return false; else if(mwhichscreen == page_count - 1 && x1 > x2) return false; } // int distance = math.abs(getscrollx() - mwhichscreen * mscreenwidth); // if ((mwhichscreen ==0 || mwhichscreen == page_count -1) && distance > moverscrolldistance) // return false; this.scrollby((int)distancex, 0); return true; } /** * 用户长按触摸屏,由多个motionevent action_down触发 */ public void onlongpress(motionevent e) { logger.i("mygesture", "onlongpress"); } @override public boolean ontouchevent(motionevent event) { if(event.getaction() == motionevent.action_down) { mtimerresume = false; if ( !mscroller.isfinished() ) mscroller.abortanimation(); } else if(event.getaction() == motionevent.action_up) { //开始自动滑屏 mtimerresume = true; mbyuseraction = true; } boolean consume = mgesturedetector.ontouchevent(event); if (consume == false && event.getaction() == motionevent.action_up) { int curscrollx = horizontalscrollviewex.this.getscrollx(); int mwhichscreen = (curscrollx + mscreenwidth / 2) /mscreenwidth; switchview(mwhichscreen); } return consume; } @override public void computescroll() { if (mscroller.computescrolloffset()) { scrollto(mscroller.getcurrx(), mscroller.getcurry()); postinvalidate(); } } @override protected void onlayout(boolean changed, int l, int t, int r, int b) { if (changed) { int childleft = 0; final int childcount = getchildcount(); for (int i=0; i<childcount; i++) { final view childview = getchildat(i); if (childview.getvisibility() != view.gone) { final int childwidth = childview.getmeasuredwidth(); childview.layout(childleft, 0, childleft+childwidth, childview.getmeasuredheight()); childleft += childwidth; } } } } @override protected void onmeasure(int widthmeasurespec, int heightmeasurespec) { super.onmeasure(widthmeasurespec, heightmeasurespec); final int width = measurespec.getsize(widthmeasurespec); final int count = getchildcount(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { getchildat(i).measure(widthmeasurespec, heightmeasurespec); } scrollto(mwhich * mscreenwidth, 0); } } /** * override此函数,防止其修改构造方法所定义的宽和高<br/> * 注意:在这里,设置宽和高将不起作用 */ @override public void setlayoutparams(android.view.viewgroup.layoutparams params) { params.width = mscreenwidth; params.height = mscreenheight; super.setlayoutparams(params); } //标志view attachedtowindow @override protected void onattachedtowindow() { super.onattachedtowindow(); mtimerresume = true; } //标志view已经脱离window,典型的情形是view被销毁了,此时取消timer @override protected void ondetachedfromwindow() { super.ondetachedfromwindow(); logger.d(tag, "ondetachedfromwindow"); mtimerresume = false; int activityid = ( (baseactivity)mcontext ).activityid(); //如果是账号管理页面 则释放内存 if(activityid == baseactivity.account_id) { destroy(); } } /** * 销毁banner */ public void destroy() { mtimertask.cancel(); timer.cancel(); //去除各种bitmap对activity的引用关系 destorybitmaps(); system.gc(); } /** * 去除各种bitmap对activity的引用关系 */ private void destorybitmaps() { for (view view : mlinearlayoutscreens) { drawable drawable = view.getbackground(); bitmapdrawable bitmapdrawable = null; if(drawable instanceof bitmapdrawable) bitmapdrawable = (bitmapdrawable)drawable; if(bitmapdrawable != null) { //解除drawable对view的引用 bitmapdrawable.setcallback(null); bitmapdrawable = null; } } for (imageview imageview : mimageviewlist) { drawable drawable = imageview.getdrawable(); if(drawable != null) { drawable.setcallback(null); drawable = null; } } mpageindicator.setcallback(null); mpageindicator = null; mpageindicatorfocused.setcallback(null); mpageindicatorfocused = null; mlinearlayoutscreens.clear(); mlinearlayoutscreens = null; mbannerbitmaps.clear(); mbannerbitmaps = null; mimageviewlist.clear(); mimageviewlist = null; mbanneritemslist.clear(); mbanneritemslist = null; } //单击事件 @override public void onbannerclick( bannermotionevent bannermotionevent ) { final int position = bannermotionevent.index; if(mcontext == null) return; notificationinfo notificationinfo = new notificationinfo(); notificationinfo.msgtype = bannermotionevent.getaction(); int action = bannermotionevent.getaction(); if(action == notificationinfo.notification_singlegame_msg) //单个游戏消息,直接启动该游戏 { try { notificationinfo.gameid = integer.parseint( bannermotionevent.getgameid() ); notificationinfo.gametype = integer.parseint( bannermotionevent.getgametype() ); } catch (numberformatexception e) { logger.e(tag, e.tostring()); return; } } else if(action == notificationinfo.notification_gamepage_msg) //游戏主页消息,通过客户端展示游戏主页 { try { notificationinfo.gameid = integer.parseint( bannermotionevent.getgameid() ); } catch (numberformatexception e) { logger.e(tag, e.tostring()); return; } notificationinfo.issuetitle = bannermotionevent.gettitle(); } else if(action == notificationinfo.notification_show_webview_msg) //交叉推广消息,通过一个webview展示 { notificationinfo.issuetitle = bannermotionevent.gettitle(); notificationinfo.openurl = bannermotionevent.getresponseurl(); } else //reserved { return; } intent intent = notificationinfo.generateintent(mcontext); if(intent != null) mcontext.startactivity(intent); } /** * scrollbanner所关联的banner项 可以为多个 一个为一屏 */ public static class banneritem extends object { public static final string action = "action"; public static final string url = "url"; public static final string imgurl = "imgurl"; public static final string gameid = "gameid"; public static final string gametype = "gametype"; public static final string title = "title"; public int index = -1; public int action = -1; public string url = ""; public string imgurl = ""; public string gameid = ""; public string gametype = ""; public string title = ""; public banneritem(){} } /** * bannermotionevent:单击banner所产生的事件对象<br/> *getaction()来获取动作类别<br/> *getresponseurl()来获取响应url<br/> *... */ public static class bannermotionevent extends object { /** * action_play_flash: 播放游戏 */ public static final int action_play = 2; /** * action_homepage:打开官网 */ public static final int action_homepage = 3; /** * action_open_url:打开指定url */ public static final int action_open_url = 4; //banner中屏幕的index private int index = -1; //响应url private string responseurl = ""; //动作种类 private int action = -1; //gameid private string gameid = ""; //gametype flash游戏(0) or h5游戏(1) private string gametype = ""; //webview的标题 private string title = ""; public bannermotionevent(int index, int action, string responseurl, string gameid, string gametype, string title) { bannermotionevent.this.index = index; bannermotionevent.this.action = action; bannermotionevent.this.responseurl = responseurl; bannermotionevent.this.gameid = gameid; bannermotionevent.this.gametype = gametype; bannermotionevent.this.title = title; } /** * 获取当前bannermotionevent事件对象的动作种类 * @return 动作种类:action_play等 */ public int getaction() { return action; } /** * 获取当前bannermotionevent事件对象的title * @return title webview的标题 */ public string gettitle() { return title; } /** * 获取当前bannermotionevent事件对象的gameid * @return gameid */ public string getgameid() { return gameid; } /** * 获取当前bannermotionevent事件对象的gametype * @return gametype 0 or 1 */ public string getgametype() { return gametype; } /** * 获取当前bannermotionevent事件对象的响应url * @return 响应url */ public string getresponseurl() { return responseurl; } @suppresslint("defaultlocale") @override public string tostring() { return string.format("bannermotionevent { index=%d, action=%d, responseurl=%s, gameid=%s, gametype=%s, title=%s }", index, action, responseurl, gameid, gametype, title); } } @override public void onbannerinfosuccess(list<banneritem> items) { logger.d(tag, "onbannerinfosuccess"); mbanneritemslist = items; mhandler.sendemptymessage(message_fetch_banner_success); } @override public void onbannerinfofailed() { logger.e(tag, "onbannerinfofailed"); } }
public interface componentcallback { public static interface onbannerclicklistener { /** * banner单击事件 * @param bannermotionevent 单击事件对象,包含所需的响应信息 * 参见 {@link bannermotionevent} */ public abstract void onbannerclick( bannermotionevent bannermotionevent ); } }