测试用例1:100封,总用时约:16min;实收97封,失败3次,3次错误信息均为:javax.mail.messagingexception: could not connect to smtp host
javax.mail.messagingexception: could not connect to smtp host
if(sendhtmlmail_(mail)){ return true; } else{ int i = 0; //包含群组邮件,失败不重发 boolean isneedre = isneedre(mail); while(!sendhtmlmail_(mail) && isneedre && i < 10){ try { i++; thread.sleep(1000*60); } catch (interruptedexception e) { logger.error("resend mail error", e); } } return true; }
5 操作的步骤如下:
发送mail from命令,如果返回250表示正确可以,连接本服务器,否则则表示服务器需要发送人验证。
发送rcpt to命令,如果返回250表示则email存在
import java.io.*; import java.net.*; import java.util.*; import javax.naming.*; import javax.naming.directory.*; public class smtpmxlookup { private static int hear( bufferedreader in ) throws ioexception { string line = null; int res = 0; while ( (line = in.readline()) != null ) { string pfx = line.substring( 0, 3 ); try { res = integer.parseint( pfx ); } catch (exception ex) { res = -1; } if ( line.charat( 3 ) != '-' ) break; } return res; } private static void say( bufferedwriter wr, string text ) throws ioexception { wr.write( text + "\r\n" ); wr.flush(); return; } private static arraylist getmx( string hostname ) throws namingexception { // perform a dns lookup for mx records in the domain hashtable env = new hashtable(); env.put("java.naming.factory.initial", "com.sun.jndi.dns.dnscontextfactory"); dircontext ictx = new initialdircontext( env ); attributes attrs = ictx.getattributes ( hostname, new string[] { "mx" }); attribute attr = attrs.get( "mx" ); // if we don't have an mx record, try the machine itself if (( attr == null ) || ( attr.size() == 0 )) { attrs = ictx.getattributes( hostname, new string[] { "a" }); attr = attrs.get( "a" ); if( attr == null ) throw new namingexception ( "no match for name '" + hostname + "'" ); } // huzzah! we have machines to try. return them as an array list // note: we should take the preference into account to be absolutely // correct. this is left as an exercise for anyone who cares. arraylist res = new arraylist(); namingenumeration en = attr.getall(); while ( en.hasmore() ) { string mailhost; string x = (string) en.next(); string f[] = x.split( " " ); // the fix ************* if (f.length == 1) mailhost = f[0]; else if ( f[1].endswith( "." ) ) mailhost = f[1].substring( 0, (f[1].length() - 1)); else mailhost = f[1]; // the fix ************* res.add( mailhost ); } return res; } public static boolean isaddressvalid( string address ) { // find the separator for the domain name int pos = address.indexof( '@' ); // if the address does not contain an '@', it's not valid if ( pos == -1 ) return false; // isolate the domain/machine name and get a list of mail exchangers string domain = address.substring( ++pos ); arraylist mxlist = null; try { mxlist = getmx( domain ); } catch (namingexception ex) { return false; } // just because we can send mail to the domain, doesn't mean that the // address is valid, but if we can't, it's a sure sign that it isn't if ( mxlist.size() == 0 ) return false; // now, do the smtp validation, try each mail exchanger until we get // a positive acceptance. it *may* be possible for one mx to allow // a message [store and forwarder for example] and another [like // the actual mail server] to reject it. this is why we really ought // to take the preference into account. for ( int mx = 0 ; mx < mxlist.size() ; mx++ ) { boolean valid = false; try { int res; // socket skt = new socket( (string) mxlist.get( mx ), 25 ); bufferedreader rdr = new bufferedreader ( new inputstreamreader( skt.getinputstream() ) ); bufferedwriter wtr = new bufferedwriter ( new outputstreamwriter( skt.getoutputstream() ) ); res = hear( rdr ); if ( res != 220 ) throw new exception( "invalid header" ); say( wtr, "ehlo rgagnon.com" ); res = hear( rdr ); if ( res != 250 ) throw new exception( "not esmtp" ); // validate the sender address say( wtr, "mail from: <tim@orbaker.com>" ); res = hear( rdr ); if ( res != 250 ) throw new exception( "sender rejected" ); say( wtr, "rcpt to: <" + address + ">" ); res = hear( rdr ); // be polite say( wtr, "rset" ); hear( rdr ); say( wtr, "quit" ); hear( rdr ); if ( res != 250 ) throw new exception( "address is not valid!" ); valid = true; rdr.close(); wtr.close(); skt.close(); } catch (exception ex) { // do nothing but try next host ex.printstacktrace(); } finally { if ( valid ) return true; } } return false; } public static void main( string args[] ) { string testdata[] = { "real@rgagnon.com", "you@acquisto.net", "fail.me@nowhere.spam", // invalid domain name "arkham@bigmeanogre.net", // invalid address "nosuchaddress@yahoo.com" // failure of this method }; for ( int ctr = 0 ; ctr < testdata.length ; ctr++ ) { system.out.println( testdata[ ctr ] + " is valid? " + isaddressvalid( testdata[ ctr ] ) ); } return; } }
private static string[] removeinvalidateaddress(string[] addresses, string mailfrom) { arraylist<string> validateaddresses = new arraylist<string>(); string normaladdress = null; int code; smtptransport smpttrans = null; if(stringutils.isempty(mailfrom) || null == addresses) { return new string[0]; } string sendcmd = "mail from:" + normalizeaddress(mailfrom); try { smpttrans = (smtptransport)sendsession.gettransport("smtp"); smpttrans.connect(); code = smpttrans.simplecommand(sendcmd); if(code != 250 && code != 251) { logger.error("send from invalidate" + mailfrom); } else { for(string address : addresses) { normaladdress = normalizeaddress(address); string cmd = "rcpt to:" + normaladdress; code = smpttrans.simplecommand(cmd); if(code == 250 || code == 251) { validateaddresses.add(address); } } } } catch(messagingexception e) { logger.error("validate mail address error. send from " + mailfrom, e); } string[] result = validateaddresses.toarray(new string[validateaddresses.size()]); return result; } private static string normalizeaddress(string addr) { if ((!addr.startswith("<")) && (!addr.endswith(">"))) return "<" + addr + ">"; else return addr; }