season 1 博客分类: english Go
2024-03-04 13:53:23
- esteem [i'sti:m]: after that, we could go for esteem and respact.
- evaporate[i'væpəreit]: if the economy deteriorates again, investors' appetite for buying shares will evaprotate.
- ward [wɔ:d]: a maternity ward with 30 beds.
- weird [wiəd]: possibly i am a weird person.
- psychiatrist [sai'kaiətrist]: i was analyzed in Vienna by a famouse psychiatrist.
- marshal ['mɑ:ʃəl]: marshal your arguments before debating.
- shackle ['ʃækl]: the icy shackle starts to thaw
- filth [filθ] : Turning beauty into filth and greed
- submerge [səb'mə:dʒ] : i use my tears to submerge my all sadness.
- violent ['vaiələnt] : South Africa is one of the world's most criminally violent countries
season 1 博客分类: english Go
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