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7.Practical Java_实践 1-7:一般技术

程序员文章站 2024-03-04 10:42:23

实践 1:参数以by value方式而非by reference方式传递

7.Practical Java_实践 1-7:一般技术

7.Practical Java_实践 1-7:一般技术

import java.awt.*;

public class PassByValue {
    public static void ModifyPoint(Point pt, int j) {
        j = 15;
        System.out.println("During modifyPoint " + "pt = " + pt + " and j = " + j);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Point p = new Point(0, 0);
        int i = 10;
        System.out.println("before modifyPoint " + "pt = " + p + " and i = " + i);
        ModifyPoint(p, i);
        System.out.println("after modifyPoint " + "pt = " + p + " and i = " + i);

before modifyPoint pt = java.awt.Point[x=0,y=0] and i = 10
During modifyPoint pt = java.awt.Point[x=5,y=5] and j = 15
after modifyPoint pt = java.awt.Point[x=5,y=5] and i = 10




class Circle {
    private double rad;
    public Circle(double r) {
        rad = r;
    public void setRad(double r) {
        rad = r;
    public double getRad(){
        return rad;
public class FinalTest {
    private static final Circle wheel = new Circle(5.0);
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Radius of wheel is " + wheel.getRad());
        System.out.println("Radius of wheel now " + wheel.getRad());
//        wheel = new Circle(8.0);
Radius of wheel is 5.0
Radius of wheel now 7.5

7.Practical Java_实践 1-7:一般技术


实践 3:缺省情况下所有non-static函数都可被覆写


class Base {
    public void foo() {

    public final void bar() {


public class Derived extends Base{
    public void foo() {
        //Overriding base.foo()

    public void bar() {
        //attempt to overriding base.bar()

7.Practical Java_实践 1-7:一般技术

7.Practical Java_实践 1-7:一般技术


实践 4:在 arrays和 Vectors之间慎重选择

相比于 array,当更多元素被加入 Vector以至于超出其容量时,其体积会动
态增长,这和 array有着显著的不同。此外, Vector在删除一些元素之后,

实践 5:多态( polymorphism)优于 instanceof


interface Employee {
    public int salary();
class Manager implements Employee {
    private static final int mgrSal = 40000;
    public int salary() {
        return mgrSal;
class Programmer implements Employee {
    private static final int proSal = 50000;
    private static final int proBonus = 10000;
    public int salary() {
        return proSal;
    public int bonus() {
        return proBonus;
public class Payroll {
    public int calcPayroll(Employee emp) {
        int money = emp.salary();
        if(emp instanceof Programmer) {
            money += ((Programmer)emp).bonus();
        return money;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Payroll pr = new Payroll();
        Programmer prg = new Programmer();
        Manager mgr = new Manager();

        System.out.println("Payroll for Programmer is " + pr.calcPayroll(prg));
        System.out.println("Payroll for Manager is " + pr.calcPayroll(mgr));


interface Employee {
    public int salary();
    public int bonus();
class Manager implements Employee {
    private static final int mgrSal = 40000;
    private static final int mgrBonus = 0;
    public int salary() {
        return mgrSal;
    public int bonus() {
        return mgrBonus;
class Programmer implements Employee {
    private static final int proSal = 50000;
    private static final int proBonus = 10000;
    public int salary() {
        return proSal;
    public int bonus() {
        return proBonus;
public class Payroll {
    public int calcPayroll(Employee emp) {
        return emp.salary() + emp.bonus();

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Payroll pr = new Payroll();
        Programmer prg = new Programmer();
        Manager mgr = new Manager();

        System.out.println("Payroll for Programmer is " + pr.calcPayroll(prg));
        System.out.println("Payroll for Manager is " + pr.calcPayroll(mgr));

实践 6:必要时才使用instanceof

ScottMeyers在其著作《 EffectiveC++》条款39中表示,任何时候当你发现
自己写出如此形式的码: [如果对象的型别是T1,就做某件事,如果对象

无法将 referenceto Shape转型为 referenceto Integer,因为两个对象之
间没有任何关连。 Java编译器将检测出这一点,并发出编译错误消息。如
果你将referencetoShape转型为referencetoTriangle, 那么至少是在同一个

class Shape1 {

class Circle1 extends Shape1 {

class Triangle1 extends Shape1 {

public class Shapes1 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Shape1 shape1 = new Circle1();
        Object shape2 = new Triangle1();

//        Integer polynomial = new Integer(shape1); //Compile error
        Triangle1 tr1 = (Triangle1)shape1; //Runtime error
        Triangle1 tr2 = (Triangle1)shape2; //OK

这种场合下 instanceof操作符是必需的:

import java.util.Vector;

class Shape2 {

class Circle2 extends Shape2 {
    public double radius() {
        return 5.7;
class Triangle2 extends Shape2 {
    public boolean isRightTriangle() {
        return true;
public class StoreShapes {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Vector shapeVector = new Vector(3);
        shapeVector.add(new Triangle2());
        shapeVector.add(new Triangle2());
        shapeVector.add(new Circle2());

        int size = shapeVector.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            Object o = shapeVector.get(i);
            if(o instanceof Triangle2) {
                if(((Triangle2)o).isRightTriangle()) {
                    System.out.println("index " + i + " isRightTriangle is true");
            else if (o instanceof Circle2) {
                System.out.println("index " + i + "radius is " + ((Circle2)o).radius());

实践 7:一旦不再需要object references,就将它设为null

对象所拥有的内存。 当不再需要某对象时, 你可以将其references设为null,

即使垃圾回收器执行起来, 也并非所有[不再被引用](unreferenced)的内存都
可被回收。回收性能取决于你的代码所处之JVM( Java虚拟机)所采用的