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程序员文章站 2024-03-04 08:58:47
本文实例讲述了java使用poi读取properties文件并写到excel的方法。分享给大家供大家参考。具体实现方法如下: package com.hubber...


package com.hubberspot.code;
import java.io.file;
import java.io.fileinputstream;
import java.io.filenotfoundexception;
import java.io.fileoutputstream;
import java.io.ioexception;
import java.util.enumeration;
import java.util.hashmap;
import java.util.iterator;
import java.util.properties;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.hssfcell;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.hssfcellstyle;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.hssfrichtextstring;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.hssfrow;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.hssfsheet;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.hssfworkbook;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.util.hssfcolor;
public class readwritexlsproperties {
  // create a hashmap which will store the properties 
  hashmap< string, string > propmap = new hashmap< string, string >();
  public static void main(string[] args) {
    // create object of readwritexlsproperties
    readwritexlsproperties readwritexlsdemo = new readwritexlsproperties();
    // call method readproperties() it take path to properties file 
    // call method writetoexcel() it will take path to excel file
  private void readproperties(string propertiesfilepath) {
    // create a file object taking in path of properties 
    // file
    file propertiesfile = new file(propertiesfilepath);
    // if properties file is a file do below stuff
        // create a fileinputstream for loading the properties file
        fileinputstream fisprop = new fileinputstream(propertiesfile);
        // create a properties object and load 
        // properties key and value to it through fileinputstream
        properties properties = new properties();
        // create a object of enumeration and call keys()
        // method over properties object created above
        // it will return us back with a enumeration types
        enumeration< object > keysenum = properties.keys();
        // looping over the elements of enumeration
          // extracting the key and respective values from it.
          string propkey = (string)keysenum.nextelement();
          string propvalue = (string)properties.getproperty(propkey);
          // after extracting the key and value from the properties file
          // we will store the values in a hashmap.
          propmap.put( propkey.tolowercase().trim(),propvalue.tolowercase().trim());
        // printing the hashmap and closing the file fileinputstream
        system.out.println("properties map ... \n" + propmap);
      catch(filenotfoundexception e)
      catch(ioexception e)
  private void writetoexcel(string excelpath) {
    // create a workbook using hssfworkbook object
    hssfworkbook workbook = new hssfworkbook();
    // create a sheet with name "properties" by 
    // the createsheet method of the workbook
    hssfsheet worksheet = workbook.createsheet("properties");
    // create a row by calling createrow method of the 
    // worksheet
    hssfrow row = worksheet.createrow((short) 0);
    // create a cell style by calling createcellstyle()
    // from the workbook
    hssfcellstyle cellstyle = workbook.createcellstyle();
    // setting of the foreground and fill pattern by calling methods
    // of hssfcellstyle as setfillforegroundcolor() and setfillpattern()
    // create a hssfcell from the row object created above 
    hssfcell cell1 = row.createcell(0);
    // setting the value of the cell as the keys by calling 
    // setcellvalue() method over the hssfcell
    cell1.setcellvalue(new hssfrichtextstring("keys"));
    // giving it the style created above.
    hssfcell cell2 = row.createcell(1);
    cell2.setcellvalue(new hssfrichtextstring("values"));
    // create a iterator and as propmap is a hashmap 
    // it is converted to a hashset by calling keyset() method 
    // which will return with set.
    // iterator object is pointed to keys of set
    iterator< string > iterator = propmap.keyset().iterator();
    // looping across the elements of iterator
      // creating a new row from the worksheet
      // at the last used row + 1 location
      hssfrow rowone = worksheet.createrow(worksheet.getlastrownum()+1);
      // creating two cells in the row at 0 and 1 position.
      hssfcell cellzero = rowone.createcell(0);
      hssfcell cellone = rowone.createcell(1);
      // extracting key and value from the map and set
      string key = (string) iterator.next();
      string value = (string) propmap.get(key);
      // setting the extracted keys and values in the cells 
      cellzero.setcellvalue(new hssfrichtextstring(key));
      cellone.setcellvalue(new hssfrichtextstring(value));
      fileoutputstream fosexcel =null;     
      // creating a xls file
      file fileexcel = new file(excelpath);        
      // setting the file to fileoutputstream
      fosexcel = new fileoutputstream(fileexcel);
      // writing the contents of workbook to the xls
      // flushing the fileoutputstream
      // closing the fileoutputstream
    }catch(exception e){
