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程序员文章站 2024-03-03 17:53:52
很多人在用 mybatis 或者 通用 mapper 时,经常会问有没有批量插入和批量更新的方法。 实际上许多时候没必要用 去实现特别复杂的...

很多人在用 mybatis 或者 通用 mapper 时,经常会问有没有批量插入和批量更新的方法。

实际上许多时候没必要用<foreach> 去实现特别复杂的批量操作。直接通过 mybatis 的 batch 方式执行增删改方法即可。


private sqlsessionfactory sqlsessionfactory;
@transactional(rollbackfor = exception.class)
public void batchtest() {
  sqlsession sqlsession = sqlsessionfactory.opensession(executortype.batch);
  countrymapper mapper = sqlsession.getmapper(countrymapper.class);
  list<country> countries = mapper.selectall();
  for (int i = 0; i < countries.size(); i++) {
    country country = countries.get(i);
    country.setcountryname(country.getcountryname() + "test");
    //每 50 条提交一次
    if((i + 1) % 50 == 0){


sqlsession sqlsession = sqlsessionfactory.opensession(executortype.batch);



debug - creating new transaction with name [com.isea533.mybatis.service.impl.countryserviceimpl.batchtest]: propagation_required,isolation_default
debug - acquired connection [com.alibaba.druid.proxy.jdbc.connectionproxyimpl@752c11a2] for jdbc transaction
debug - switching jdbc connection [com.alibaba.druid.proxy.jdbc.connectionproxyimpl@752c11a2] to manual commit
debug - jdbc connection [com.alibaba.druid.proxy.jdbc.connectionproxyimpl@752c11a2] will be managed by spring
debug - ==>  preparing: select id,countryname,countrycode from country
debug - ==> parameters:
debug - <==      total: 183
debug - ==>  preparing: update country set id = id,countryname = ?,countrycode = ? where id = ?
debug - ==> parameters: angolatest(string), ao(string), 1(integer)
debug - ==> parameters: afghanistantest(string), af(string), 2(integer)
debug - ==> parameters: albaniatest(string), al(string), 3(integer)
debug - ==> parameters: ethiopiatest(string), et(string), 50(integer)
debug - ==>  preparing: update country set id = id,countryname = ?,countrycode = ? where id = ?
debug - ==> parameters: fijitest(string), fj(string), 51(integer)
debug - ==> parameters: finlandtest(string), fi(string), 52(integer)
debug - ==> parameters: madagascartest(string), mg(string), 98(integer)
debug - ==> parameters: malawitest(string), mw(string), 99(integer)
debug - ==> parameters: malaysiatest(string), my(string), 100(integer)
debug - ==>  preparing: update country set id = id,countryname = ?,countrycode = ? where id = ?
debug - ==> parameters: maldivestest(string), mv(string), 101(integer)
debug - ==> parameters: malitest(string), ml(string), 102(integer)
debug - ==> parameters: south africatest(string), za(string), 149(integer)
debug - ==> parameters: spaintest(string), es(string), 150(integer)
debug - ==>  preparing: update country set id = id,countryname = ?,countrycode = ? where id = ?
debug - ==> parameters: sri lankatest(string), lk(string), 151(integer)
debug - ==> parameters: st.luciatest(string), lc(string), 152(integer)
debug - ==> parameters: zairetest(string), zr(string), 182(integer)
debug - ==> parameters: zambiatest(string), zm(string), 183(integer)
debug - initiating transaction commit
debug - committing jdbc transaction on connection [com.alibaba.druid.proxy.jdbc.connectionproxyimpl@752c11a2]
debug - releasing jdbc connection [com.alibaba.druid.proxy.jdbc.connectionproxyimpl@752c11a2] after transaction
debug - returning jdbc connection to datasource


1. 事务

由于在 spring 集成的情况下,事务连接由 spring 管理(springmanagedtransaction),所以这里不需要手动关闭 sqlsession,在这里手动提交(commit)或者回滚(rollback)也是无效的。

2. 批量提交

批量提交只能应用于 insert, update, delete。

并且在批量提交使用时,如果在操作同一sql时中间插入了其他数据库操作,就会让批量提交方式变成普通的执行方式,所以在使用批量提交时,要控制好 sql 执行顺序。

