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程序员文章站 2024-03-02 11:13:16



该功能使用类似flowlayout的功能。flowlayout为一个开源软件(https://github.com/apmem/android-flowlayout ),功能为自动换行的布局类型


import android.content.context; 
import android.util.attributeset; 
import android.view.view; 
import android.view.viewgroup; 
* @author raw 
public class flowlayout extends viewgroup { 
private final static int pad_h = 2, pad_v = 2; // space between child views. 
private int mheight; 
public flowlayout(context context) { 
public flowlayout(context context, attributeset attrs) { 
super(context, attrs); 
protected void onmeasure(int widthmeasurespec, int heightmeasurespec) { 
assert (measurespec.getmode(widthmeasurespec) != measurespec.unspecified); 
final int width = measurespec.getsize(widthmeasurespec) - getpaddingleft() - getpaddingright(); 
int height = measurespec.getsize(heightmeasurespec) - getpaddingtop() - getpaddingbottom(); 
final int count = getchildcount(); 
int xpos = getpaddingleft(); 
int ypos = getpaddingtop(); 
int childheightmeasurespec; 
if(measurespec.getmode(heightmeasurespec) == measurespec.at_most) 
childheightmeasurespec = measurespec.makemeasurespec(height, measurespec.at_most); 
childheightmeasurespec = measurespec.makemeasurespec(0, measurespec.unspecified); 
mheight = 0; 
for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) { 
final view child = getchildat(i); 
if(child.getvisibility() != gone) { 
child.measure(measurespec.makemeasurespec(width, measurespec.at_most), childheightmeasurespec); 
final int childw = child.getmeasuredwidth(); 
mheight = math.max(mheight, child.getmeasuredheight() + pad_v); 
if(xpos + childw > width) { 
xpos = getpaddingleft(); 
ypos += mheight; 
xpos += childw + pad_h; 
if(measurespec.getmode(heightmeasurespec) == measurespec.unspecified) { 
height = ypos + mheight; 
} else if(measurespec.getmode(heightmeasurespec) == measurespec.at_most) { 
if(ypos + mheight < height) { 
height = ypos + mheight; 
height += 5; // fudge to avoid clipping bottom of last row. 
setmeasureddimension(width, height); 
} // end onmeasure() 
protected void onlayout(boolean changed, int l, int t, int r, int b) { 
final int width = r - l; 
int xpos = getpaddingleft(); 
int ypos = getpaddingtop(); 
for(int i = 0; i < getchildcount(); i++) { 
final view child = getchildat(i); 
if(child.getvisibility() != gone) { 
final int childw = child.getmeasuredwidth(); 
final int childh = child.getmeasuredheight(); 
if(xpos + childw > width) { 
xpos = getpaddingleft(); 
ypos += mheight; 
child.layout(xpos, ypos, xpos + childw, ypos + childh); 
xpos += childw + pad_h; 
} // end onlayout() 
