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关于DOM element with id in Element cache is not the same as element in the Dom解决方法

程序员文章站 2024-03-02 08:05:52

ExtJS 5.1.1在使用统计图调用时,代码如下:

		var graph0101 = Ext.create('Ext.chart.CartesianChart',{
			id:				'graph_0101',
			insetPadding: 	{top: 60, bottom: 10, left: 40, right: 20},
			store:		loaderObj.chartStore,
			width: 		900,
			height: 	420,
			animate: true,
			shadow: true,
				position:	'bottom'
			axes:	[
					type:		'numeric',
					position:	'left',
					grid:		true,
					fields:		['items'],
		            grid: {
		                odd: {
		                    opacity: 1,
		                    fill: '#ddd',
		                    stroke: '#bbb',
		                    'stroke-width': 1
		            minimum:	0,
		            maximum:	total_xmsl+100,
					title:		{text: '目数(个)', fontSize: 16}
					type:		'category',
					title:		{text: '年份', fontSize: 16},
					position:	'bottom'
			series: [
			    	type: 			'bar',
			    	xField:			'year',
			    	yField:			['items'],
					gutter: 		20,
					groupGutter: 	10,
					axis: 			'left',
					highlight: 		true,
        	    	showInLegend :  true,
        			label : {
        				field :     ['items'],//标签字段名
        				contrast: 	true,  //统计图里的字反亮显示
        				display : 	'outside',//标签显现方式
        				color:		'blue',
	       				font : 		'12px 宋体',//字体
	       				orientation:	'horizontal',
        				renderer : function(v){//自定义标签渲染函数
        					return v+'个' ;
			sprites: {
				type:		'text',
				text:		Ext.getCmp('txt_charttitle').getValue(),
				font:		'25px 宋体',
				width:		300,
				height:		35,
				x:			150,
				y: 			40


关于DOM element with id in Element cache is not the same as element in the Dom解决方法




相关标签: ExtJS dom chart