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.net 获取浏览器Cookie(包括HttpOnly)实例分享

程序员文章站 2024-02-29 20:59:52
一、接口文件 复制代码 代码如下:using system; using system.componentmodel; using system.net; using s...


复制代码 代码如下:

using system;
using system.componentmodel;
using system.net;
using system.runtime.interopservices;
using system.security;
using system.security.permissions;
using system.text;

namespace cookiehandler
    internal sealed class inativemethods
        #region enums

        public enum errorflags
            error_insufficient_buffer = 122,
            error_invalid_parameter = 87,
            error_no_more_items = 259

        public enum internetflags
            internet_cookie_httponly = 8192, //requires ie 8 or higher     
            internet_cookie_third_party = 131072,
            internet_flag_restricted_zone = 16


        #region dll imports

        [suppressunmanagedcodesecurity, securitycritical, dllimport("wininet.dll", entrypoint = "internetgetcookieexw", charset = charset.unicode, setlasterror = true, exactspelling = true)]
        internal static extern bool internetgetcookieex([in] string url, [in] string cookiename, [out] stringbuilder cookiedata, [in, out] ref uint pchcookiedata, uint flags, intptr reserved);



复制代码 代码如下:

using system;
using system.collections.generic;
using system.componentmodel;
using system.net;
using system.runtime.interopservices;
using system.security;
using system.security.permissions;
using system.text;

namespace cookiehandler
    /// <summary></summary>
    /// 取得webbrowser的完整cookie。
    /// 因为默认的webbrowser1.document.cookie取不到httponly的cookie
    /// ie7不兼容,ie8可以,其它未知
    public class fullwebbrowsercookie
        public static dictionary<string, string> getcookielist(uri uri, bool throwifnocookie)
            dictionary<string, string> dict = new dictionary<string, string>();
            string cookie = getcookieinternal(uri, throwifnocookie);
            console.writeline("fullwebbrowsercookie - 所有cookie:" + cookie);
            string[] arrcookie = cookie.split(';');
            foreach (var item in arrcookie)
                string[] arr = item.split('=');
                string key = arr[0].trim();
                string val = "";
                if (arr.length >= 2)
                    val = arr[1].trim();

                if (!dict.containskey(key))
                    dict.add(key, val);
            console.writeline("fullwebbrowsercookie - cookie已载入dict,共" + dict.count.tostring() + "项");

            return dict;

        public static string getcookievalue(string key, uri uri, bool throwifnocookie)
            dictionary<string, string> dict = getcookielist(uri, throwifnocookie);

            if (dict.containskey(key))
                return dict[key];
            return "";

        public static string getcookieinternal(uri uri, bool throwifnocookie)

            uint pchcookiedata = 0;
            string url = uritostring(uri);
            uint flag = (uint)inativemethods.internetflags.internet_cookie_httponly;

            //gets the size of the string builder     
            if (inativemethods.internetgetcookieex(url, null, null, ref pchcookiedata, flag, intptr.zero))
                stringbuilder cookiedata = new stringbuilder((int)pchcookiedata);

                //read the cookie     
                if (inativemethods.internetgetcookieex(url, null, cookiedata, ref pchcookiedata, flag, intptr.zero))
                    return cookiedata.tostring();

            int lasterrorcode = marshal.getlastwin32error();

            if (throwifnocookie || (lasterrorcode != (int)inativemethods.errorflags.error_no_more_items))
                throw new win32exception(lasterrorcode);

            return null;

        private static void demandwebpermission(uri uri)
            string uristring = uritostring(uri);

            if (uri.isfile)
                string localpath = uri.localpath;
                new fileiopermission(fileiopermissionaccess.read, localpath).demand();
                new webpermission(networkaccess.connect, uristring).demand();

        private static string uritostring(uri uri)
            if (uri == null)
                throw new argumentnullexception("uri");

            uricomponents components = (uri.isabsoluteuri ? uricomponents.absoluteuri : uricomponents.serializationinfostring);
            return new stringbuilder(uri.getcomponents(components, uriformat.safeunescaped), 2083).tostring();